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Posts posted by JoZee84

  1. For the reception in NY I think I'm getting one made, depends on how much they want for it.  and I know if I go like REALLY traditional, I won't even be able to sit down in the thing! haha. I'll have my Inya (grandmother) come with me and do all the negotiating. What about you?

    Originally Posted by JHarris View Post

    I just went online! This is even better than alux. Thank you!! Going to email them for a quote. =)


    Thanks for the suggestions!! I am doing the tea ceremony during rehearsal dinner. I agree - I don't want to hear anything not appropriate. lol...


    JoZee - are you getting a traditional dress made or buying one already made?

  2. You should def. do the tea ceremony!  I'm not doing any heritage stuff in Mexico but when we get back I'm having like a tradtional chinese reception, lots and lots of food haha.  tea ceremony sounds cool.  I would be mad if the tea ceremony was interupted with country music though. .....

    Originally Posted by JHarris View Post

    thanks for that info!! I'm looking for a great rehearsal place. Do you know if there are any restaurants at the Resort that does a great job as well? So far I'm estimating around 40 peeps.


    Any brides doing any cultural stuff from their heritage? I'm half taiwanese and want to incorporate the traditional tea ceremony. I can't decide if I should do it during rehearsal dinner or have it on wedding day. With the concert going on next door, it's going to really make me upset if I hear their music during this quiet moment.


    Any suggestions? I'm leaning towards rehearsal dinner day.

  3. Hey RunningBride24, I know your leaving really soon.  I have to try and figure out how to get the picture on here.  I got a brochure from my WC with all the info.  and that was on the back.   I'm going to try and scan it and everything and see if it works.  hopefully it does!

    Originally Posted by RunningBride24 View Post

    Wow, lots to get caught up on!!! So glad you ladies are here! I got a part-time modeling gig so I've been working some nights. Hey it pays the bills!


    Jo, do you think you could PM me the map that you have? I would love one of the rooms. Have any of you done the online check-in and picked your room? How does that work?


    YAY!! So exciting!! I finally ordered his band 2 weeks ago and got it last week. Talk about last minute, yikes.


    Jess you're such a stud! You're so on top of things! LOVE IT! Good luck w/ the BM dresses, hopefully you have better luck than I did! My correct BM dresses are being shipped today, will be in the store on Wednesday and one has to be shipped to my BM in New York. Poor girls have NO time!


    Cancun Transfers I have heard nothing but great things about and some of my guests are using them.


    Jess do you have a template for door hangers?


    Ugh I hope it all works out! I'm so worried about being on on my wedding day. I just skipped the placebo pills and took my packs straight through to avoid. Last month I missed though, pry b/c I'm stressing myself out. I know I'm not preggo since we took a 3-month break before the wedding and it is KILLING ME!. Blah.


    Oh, Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. For past brides, or people who went on their site tours.  I booked a royal master one bedroom ocean view room and was wondering if anyone has stayed in one of those before and what the best view would be.  I have a map of the rooms already but some are in the new chichen wing and some are on the uxmal side.  I don't know which rooms to choose?  I feel like the chichen ones are so far away from everything and the front view is of an open lot.  Any one else booking one of those rooms?



    Originally Posted by JHarris View Post





    JoZee - WOW!! That sounds really beautiful. Let me know how they turn out. I'll try and post some pics of what he put together for me. I think you're getting married the week of June 12-18 2011? My WC just told me there was a concert on the 15th - Thursday night. So if your guests are being wishy washy about booking early you might want to let them know. I believe there's a couple of more weddings besides ours as well. Unfortunately I'll be sharing part of the ballrooms with this concert. I'm hoping she'll let me know what kind of concert and when it starts. sad.gif



    Yes, our wedding date is June 15th. Good to know about the concert.  I didn't send out invitations yet but i'll let my bridal party and immediate family members know about the rooms.  Hmmm, I wonder what kind of concert it will be? I hope their music doesn't interfere with yours  sad.gif

    Here is a picture of what I think we're doing for center pieces.  I know their tall and the people at the tables won't really be able to see across to the person sitting opposite them but what ever they looks cool! haha.  9505 $50 Center.jpg My girls are 9348 $45 Bridesmaids.jpg  and mine is 9256 $40 Bride.jpg

    Marvin said they won't have to be put together so I can jsut have a brides maid put them on the tables for me.  YES! save $350 thank you!  Still worried about make up and hair though, I actually went with my sister for her wedding trial and again hated it! Maybe I'm just too picky. 


    Originally Posted by JHarris View Post

    You are so lucky!!! Congrats on that!! My WC is a plays it by the book type person. I wish they all did the same instead of all of us getting different answers. I'm definitely jealous!! I can't stand that $350 vendor fee. arrrggghhh....


    On a side note - Marvin (mayadisenoflorals) finally responded to me and sent me pics of what I wanted. He is a genius!! Exactly what I wanted and the best price ever.


    Now if only Fernando can respond - that would be great!! huh.gif


    Is anyone having Marvin do centerpieces for them? I was just thinking 3 hurricane vases with votive candles surrounding them. Marvin quoted $80.

    hey, I'm using him also and for center pieces we're doing these tall orchid bamboo things, it looks really cool.  Once I have him price everything out i'll let you know.  I know he's doing lots of Royal weddings right now but he does get back to you really fast. 




    Originally Posted by Jennie0521 View Post


    Wondering how long WC's are taking getting back to you on basecamp. My WC is Elsa and it has been weeks. It even says on the side where the recent activity is that she hasn't logged in, in like 22 days. My wedding is not till April but it just seems like a long time to wait to get a response. Soon going to call....seems that will be the only way to get quick responses. What have your guys experiences been like with your WC's?



    Hi Jennie, I also have Elsa as my WC and was wondering the same thing.  We set up a basecamp and I was sending questions there and no response, but don't worry.  She emailed me just the other day saying she hadn't heard from me in a while since we sent our deposit and she was making sure everything was ok.  Then she said she checked our basecamp and saw my messages and questions.  She said she never got notification that my questions had been sent there.  And even though I did click new message and clicked on her name at the bottom, she wasn't notified.  Trust me she's not ignoring you.    I would just email her directly from your email address and I'm sure she'll get back to you soon.  I thought that because my wedding isn't until June that she was just busy with brides with closer dates but it wasn't the case and yours is even sooner than mine.  If you can't get her on email then I would call. Hope everything works out! Jo



    Originally Posted by JYD1 View Post






    LOL... I completely understand about being picky. It's your day and you want it to be perfect. I also contacted Norma from mac in cancun. She doesn't cost as much but I thought she did a great job on lady di and her wedding party. I'm considering buying some of their makeup and having them do a chart for where colors belong. I'm not into sharing makeup even if they clean their brushes.


    So for the flowers - as long as the resort doesn't set it up, then no vendor fee? Just want to make sure I understand it. That would be awesome.


    For hair I'm doing a trial run at their spa salon next spring to see if I like it. Trying to use as much as I can in my package since I've already paid for it. huh.gif


    True, I hear you about using everything offered with your package.  The more I looked into my package I decided to go Ala Carte and do the "free" wedding package cause we booked a master suite for more than 5 nights.  I asked her about the florist and this is what she said:

    1.-Can I use an outside Florist with out the vendor fee?  If I have one of my guest go and pick up the flowers and bring them to the resort will I be charged?    If the Flower Shop is external and comes to decorate your event, there will be a charge of an outside vendor fee of $ 350 dollars. But if one of your guests will go for the flowers, and you or your guest, decorate the Gazebo  there is no problem, there will be no charge .   I can't wait to see pics of your trail hair do's!





    Originally Posted by JYD1 View Post





    Tell me about it. I am really not a fan of that vendor fee!!! So glad Marvin is responsive. I need to email him myself. Who are you using for makeup? I'm having a hard time getting a response from Fernando with makeup pros.


    I'm not sure about make up and hair yet.  I am a hairdresser and am VERY picky about things like that.  I think I'm going to get a trial done on my hair as soon as I get down there before the wedding.  As for make up I think I'm just doing it myself.  I had it dont "professionally" done twice and hated it.  I know I'll be stressed as it is that day and if something isn't looking right I don't want to take it out on the make up girl,  haha. I  know people said Fernando is awesome but I think thats a LOT of money! plus the vendor fee.  Oh about florist, my WC said that as long as they don't have to set up any of the flowers you avoid the fee.  So they won't set up center pieces or flowers on the gazebo or huppas or anything like that.  I told her that was fine I'd have a guest do it for me.  Saves me some $$




    Originally Posted by Bride2B22 View Post


    Hi Jozee....I am getting married next June and I've been in constant communication with my WC! I actually just spoke to her yesterday. I usually call her and then she'll send me things via basecamp. I think it's important to establish a phone relationship with her so she knows that you want to be attended to. If I send her a message via basecamp and she doesn't reply within two days, depending on how urgent is my questions, I'll call her......my WC is Katia....I am getting married at the royal in cancun but I love this thread and all the info these ladies share! Who's your WC?



    My WC is Elsa, she did get back to me today.  She sent me an email saying she hadn't heard from me since we spoke over the phone, then she said she checked out basecamp and saw I had written her 4 times.  I clicked new message and clicked her name but she said she never recieved the notifications.  Oh well, no worries.  I know I love this thread also, everyone seems to be ontop of things!

  11. For brides getting married in June or later, is your WC answering your questions? I am sending my questions through my basecamp but I haven't recieved any answers! I just send the questions because I don't want to forget them when I finally do talk to them.  Am I being too impatient? The first day I spoke with them over the phone and everything was great! Now its like they don't want to be bothered this early.



    Originally Posted by JYD1 View Post





    Hi JoZee84! You should be able to view their website as long as you have Flash. I looked today and was able to see great pieces. Click on Disenos (designs) and you will see a menu in english. Definitely beautiful work.  cheesy.gif



    Thanks, I decided just to email him ( Thanks for the email address Jesmcan! ) and tell him what I was interested in and he sent pictures and prices. His work is amazing! I'm trying to avoid the vendor fee though.  Trying to figure out how to bypass it. haha




    Originally Posted by Jenny310 View Post


    That's who I'm using!! I think LadyDi used them. His prices are really reasonable. As of now I getting 6 bm bouquets, 5 bountineres and 3 wrist coursages for $300!! Marvin is very responsive.



    Hi Jenny310, I am also thinking of using Marvin, he emailed me some sample work and I LOVED it! I also have Elsa as my WC, but have not heard from her since my deposit.  I set up a basecamp but she hasn't responded to my questions yet, but I guess its because my wedding isn't until June.  Have you asked about the vendor fee for using the outside florist? Are you getting your flowers delivered? I was thinking of having them picked up to avoid the fee but wasn't sure how that would work either. 



    Originally Posted by Lisa DSO View Post





    I was wondering the same. I hear this florist is good: http://www.mayadisenofloral.com.mx/ . Who are you using/thinking of using, Jenny?


    I had the same question I think Lady Di used them, but you can't view anything on their website. I wanted to use an outside vendor and have someone pick them up too but my WC isn't getting back to me :'(  




    Originally Posted by SarahE786 View Post


    So sorry for everyone having all of these bad experiences! Hopefully it will all work out in the end!


    Can anyone recommend a GOOD TA? We are not planning on doing a group room block, but just want to have an option for a few of our guests who prefer not to book things online and want to deal with a real person.


    It really stinks everyone is going through rough times with their TA.  I decided to go to a regular TA around my house and its been great so far.  I put her business card in the invitation so people can call her directly to book their trips.  My WC at the royal will be contacted with everyone's information so it should work out fine, thats my advice. Good Luck!


  16. My WC said I can have him as a guest and he'll be able to come 3 hours before the wedding.  He is not staying over night at either hotel.  I'll have to pay for him and the other photographer as a non guest (non real resort guest)  at the wedding for our private reception.  Thats how I was told to do it with out getting hit with the $350 fee.  Hope this helps.

    Originally Posted by risa1818 View Post

    Hmm, I definitely to sit down and calculate all this and see if I should change my package or not!


    Is anyone making their photographer a guest for the wedding? I am thinking about doing this, but I am nervous that I could still get hit with the $350 fee. Not sure how they would handle that if I just listed him as a guest. I just think it is unfair to have to pay such a high fee when their photographer is not good. I don't mind making him a guest, just not sure if I will get caught for it...haha.


  17. P.S. we booked Bluelens photography.  The pictures are awesome! one of the owners (Mirko) does the shooting if you request him, and they have the pictures ready for you to review with in 36 hours of your wedding. Oh and the TTD pictures in the cenote look like their going to be a lot of fun!  You can't beat their prices either.  They worked with us and customized a package that fit our budget.  message me if you want more info.  elefant.gif  So excited the elephant shows my happy dance hehe !

  18. So glad to hear you had a good trip.  and SO happy the Blue Parrot was a lot of fun! We were thinking of doing a post reception party there also. Let me know if you find anything out about booking something there after.  HAHA and glad to hear all you have to do is tell them your going to spend a lot of money on drinks and let the cover slide !





    Originally Posted by jenniferkuhr View Post



    I was very happy with my SpaAzul makeup.  I have to be honest, though, I put on make up like a 4-year-old with a crayon, so anyone doing makeup on me is going to show some great results!  I will post my engagement photos when they get back.  Ivan is so sweet, he's going to rush a few in the next week so we can get our Save-The-Dates out soooooon!


    Our photo session was awesome, Ivan and his wife were a ton of fun to work with and he has a great eye for color and beauty, as well as a great sense of humor.  We definitely took some funny photos along the way.  


    Also, the Blue Parrot is AWESOME!!!  Ryan and I scouted it out last night as a possible "post reception" venue and we had a BLAST.  Forget what I said about "low key beach town feel."  It was definitely a club hopping party along Calle 12, which is just a few blocks from the resort and perpendicular to Avenida 5.  There were many clubs blasting music and competing for our business, and lots of people out and about.  Also, the Blue Parrot hosts daily fire shows M-W at 12:00 midnight and 11 and 1 Th-Fri, which will definitely appeal to the old folks.  SO fun.  The music was hoppin, top 40 danceable stuff.  Everyone was having a great time.  We promised the waiter outside we'd buy a ton of drinks and didn't have to pay the $10 cover.  CocoBongo's is nearby too, and they advertise bottle service, for folks looking to reserve something in advance online.  I might see if Blue Parrot can do something similar and get back to you all!


    Also, ladies...trendy flat sandals are all the rage here, paired with cute, clubby cotton dresses or miniskirts.  I am barely seeing anyone in heels.  I think between the sand and the brick streets, its just not what anyone wants to deal with.  Now if I could only get my 6'8" fiance and his very large family to shrink a bit...


  19. Thanks for the advise! Glad to hear your having a good time! Is your make up trial with SpaAzul? I was thinking of using them also, would love to see pics !



    Originally Posted by jenniferkuhr View Post

    Greeting Royal PDC Brides!!!


    It's been FOREVER since I posted, but I'm writing this FROM Playa Del Carmen!  Ryan and I are here on our site visit and OMG, it is so gorgeous here.  By sheer beauty alone, your wedding is going to be amazing.  


    To answer some questions:


    5th Avenue is pretty happening, plenty of people everywhere, but its more of a low-key beach town feel than the crazy Cancun or Puerto Vallarta party feel.  The clubs are all a few blocks away from 5th, I think on purpose.


    Decorations on 5th avenue:  I haven't seen any flower shops.  Not sure about vases.  There are some more inexpensive things like maracas for about $1.00 each that would be nice on top of tables...I just don't know how much time anyone is going to want to spend on a scavenger hunt for decorations while you're here.  To be honest, the reason we chose a Destination Wedding is to just mark off a checklist and call it a day.  Weddings are way too much work otherwise!  Keep it simple...


    Also, we've only been here one night so far, but the food is FANTASTIC!  The restaurant Maria's has a great menu and the Mexican Coffee is DEFINITELY worth asking for, an experience in and of itself.


    I am so, so, so happy to be here.  It is all so exciting seeing the real deal!  Your weddings are going to be an experience of a lifetime.  


    Tomorrow I do my trial makeup and engagement photos with Ivan Luckie!!!




    JYD1- We were thinking of going to the blue Parrot after our reception dinner, casue everything at the hotel closes at 11. But if anyone who's been down there has any other suggestion on where to go we're all ears! I would say Coco Bongo but I think that too loud and Cluby for the old folks.

     We're not having a DJ in Mexico cause we're having a reception when we get back to the states.

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