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Posts posted by 82turtles

  1. OMG, I feel the same way!! I'm still stuck on this whole resort decision because of it! Everytime I think I have it figured out and know what the total costs are and feel good picking a resort, I find out about a lot more fees and their random rules. Then back to square one. sad.gif


    I agree -- it would be so much easier to just post all the info out there, then people wouldn't have to contact the wedding coordinators. And then have to wait *weeks* to hear back with specifics and answers to questions (most of which go un-answered anyways..) Ugh..It's just frustrating!

  2. Just wanted to pass this along..

    Not sure if others were concerned about this or not, but when I asked for initial info about getting married there, I asked if the tent was the only option. I just heard back from Elena a couple days ago and she said that you could "buy a bamboo wooden structure where you can add flower arrangements instead of the tent". Surely she means 'rent' not buy, but either way that's great news for me! So there is another option. I plan on asking her if she could send me a picture of what that might look like and what it might cost to rent and decorate it.


    Also, is it odd to not have to put a deposit down to secure the date? I mean it's nice not to have to come up with the money, but I would worry about it being actually secured for my wedding or not. Anyone else worry about that, or is that really not an issue? Guess I just assumed everywhere would require a deposit.. Thanks ladies!


  3. That's horrible that your family is putting you in such a difficult decision. I've had the same conversation with several of my family members, but after informing them about where the violence is compared to where we're thinking of having the wedding and explaining the actual travel warnings, as well as just having common sense about safety in any unfamiliar place, I think they are all at ease with the decision. Can't believe they would really think you, me, or any bride would put their "lives in danger" just for a wedding!! Seriously?!?! Like we aren't aware of it or doing the research on that.. Sorry, just had to vent a little :)


    Anyways, I agree with another poster -- it's unfortunate the position your family is putting you in, but sounds like they aren't budging and won't be convinced to come to Mexico. So you have to decide whether their presence is important enough to you to cancel and move it or not. Would you be happy going ahead with it, given who is and is not coming?

    Being just two months out to your wedding date, I would wonder if you kept the date but moved the wedding to another country if people would be willing and able to book on short notice. I would hate for you to go through all the stress of moving it, and then still have half the people not come!!!


    Good luck!

  4. Those turned out great!! Thanks for all the details about what you spent and how you made it. I had thought about having someone make it, and she quoted about $4 per boarding pass. Less than $1 each sounds much better to me :)

    Any way you could send me the template you used? [email protected] Or PM me the link to where you got it? I'm almost to 150 posts.. Can't wait til I can download things!! lol


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