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Posts posted by miss_delerium



    Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post


    I found this thread in a search and thought it would be fun to start it up again! Anyone have recipes they would like to share? A favorite meal you make? I love to cook and am always looking for new things to try! Here's our favorite crock pot recipe:


    Angel Chicken


    1 lb. skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

    1/4 cup butter

    1 (.7 ounce) package dry Italian-style salad dressing mix

    1/2 cup white wine

    1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed golden mushroom soup

    4 ounces cream cheese with chives or veggies

    1 pound angel hair pasta

    Fresh chives


    Melt the butter over medium heat. Add the packet of dry Italian style salad dressing mix and cook for a minute. Add in the white wine, golden mushroom soup, cream cheese and cook until melted and combined. Place chicken breasts in the crock pot and cover with sauce. Cook on low 4-5 hours. Serve with angel hair pasta and fresh chives.


    **Sometimes I add olives, mushrooms, onions, or whatever we're feeling like that particular day. The sauce is soooooo yummy! Make sure to have lots of bread with your meal to soak it up!


    I made this on the weekend and it was delicious!! Thanks for the recipe!!


  2. Ugggh. This season is totally boring compared to previous seasons. I can't believe that after their "twist" fell through that CBS didn't have some sort of back-up plan to make this season interesting. This cast is way too BB savvy, and all they care about is how they are being portrayed to America and how famous they're going to be when the show is over.


    I think we all want to see more fights and conflicts; not a bunch of couples making out all the time. CBS is clearly running out of ideas to make the show interesting, but they need to do something quick, because this cast is unable to carry this show without some sort of "twist".

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boo View Post
    Confession 2: I am 28, he is soon to be 33, and we only have sex 2, maybe 3 times a MONTH, with my ex. who is my age (granted we broke up 3 years ago after being together for 8 years) it was sex non-stop
    When I read this, I was like..."Is this me? Do I have an alternate personality on here are wrote this without knowing??

    I'm 29 and FI will be 34 this year (same age difference) and we are the same - sex 2 MAAAAYBE 3 times a month!! And I usually have to beg him for it, like some meth-addicted hooker. LOL.
    smile120.gif <-- yup laughing at my own joke

    My ex and I (who was closer to my age) had sex way more often too (but we broke up 5 years ago after being together for 6). Boo...are you sure you're not me from another "time line" LOL.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lisa203 View Post
    Came back to tell you that you've inspired me to get to work on our invites. Let's see how long this motivation lasts... lol
    Ha ha. It was hard for me to get started too! My motivation was basically the time factor. People only have until Aug 31 to take advantage of our group rate, so I HAD to get them out asap!

    Don't worry...you can do it!

    And thanks once again for all the lovely comments! It makes me feel that all our hard work was worth it!
  5. A while ago, in my city, they had this fund raising thing (I can't remember what it was raising money for), but basically you wore your old wedding dress, prom dress, grad dress.. whatever and get pictures taken by local photographers. Kinda like a "retro" photo shoot. I thought it was a neat idea. All women have those kind of dresses sitting in their closets, and this gave them a chance to pull them out and wear them again - for a good cause.


    I could NEVER squeeze back into my grad dress!!

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