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Everything posted by juliaks

  1. This is probably going to get me banned, but I just wanted to say how offended and disappointed I am in regards to this forum. I've posted maybe three or four threads, at which point I was sternly told by two mods to stop wasting everyone's time. I was really excited to tell my story as to how I finally found my dress, and my thread was 'closed'. I'm older, and everyone I know is married already, so I guess I was using this forum as a surrogate 'girlfriend'. I'm pretty hurt by what transpired. If you guys don't want people to post threads about things that have been discussed previously, and want people JUST to search topics, then maybe you should just close the forum entirely. Maybe this will cause me to be banned, or maybe it will just be taken as feedback, but I feel like I was treated as a second class citizen while I learned how this whole system worked. I found my dress, not that anyone even cares.
  2. I have a question. I'm not sure if someone has already asked it - I have a newborn at home and don't have a ton of time to search the forums. Does taking your wedding dress into the ocean, or water, etc for a TTD shoot, really destroy the dress? I have no idea if it does or not - can it not be cleaned and restored after? Sorry if this is a dumb question - maybe TTD is just what it's called, or maybe the idea is to actually destroy the dress... Thanks for humouring me! Oh, and good news! I bought my dress last night! Wohoo! It was on sale as it was, and I got the lady to drop the price by another 10%! Being cheap pays off sometimes! J
  3. Echo - do you have/still have swatches? I'm in cowtown too, I wouldn't mind having a look if you have 'em still...
  4. Hi Everybody, I know there are a few threads in here about knock of dresses, but I wanted to ask a couple of specific questions. Of all of you that have bought a dress from Landy Bridal, how did you fare? Good service? Was the dress what you expected? Did you have to have a lot of alterations done? Did anyone order their sizes custom? Overall experience? I'm also looking for some opinions on liteinthebox.com. They don't have as many dresses, but I have found a couple that I liked. How's the quality of these ones? Service? I found a dress a couple of months ago that I loved in a little Asian run dress shop. I don't know a ton about wedding dresses, but these didn't seem like brand name dresses to me. Now I am pretty sure that the dresses at this store are the same ones that can be bought at these online retailers. The dress I liked was $1000, and a bit too much for me to spend. I'm pretty sure that I found it at Landy Bridal (how I found it is beyond me, there are a ton to look through), and it is $170 Euros! I have to go back to the store just to make sure, but if it's the same one... I am so excited!!!!!
  5. juliaks

    Hello hello!

    Thanks everybody!!!!
  6. Hey Kerri. It looks like we'll be getting married there as well. I'm just waiting to hear back from the wedding planner, to find out if March 14th is available. I'm from Calgary too. Small world.
  7. juliaks

    Hello hello!

    Hi Everyone, Julia here, gettting married at the Gran Bahia Principe in Jamaica - March 14, 2010. That's the plan anyway, will know for sure in the next couple of days if the dates are confirmed
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