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Posts posted by vdaybride

  1. We gave our rings to our BM and Maid of honor. Funny thing is I kept saying in my head put your ering on your right ring finger.. but so much going on I still had my ering on my finger when he tried to put the band onblush2.gif so I quickly slipped it off and acted like nothing happened lol. I would say put it on the right finger at some point in the day preferably before your FI tries to put your band on :)foshizzle.bmp

  2. bump.gifItems left for sale:::bump.gif


    14 raffia fans

    10 beach themed "thank you" coasters

    2 flower girl baskets

    2 flower girl head pieces

    2 flower girl tee shirts

    1 flower girl headband

    1 Flower girl dress

    1pair flower girl shoes

    1 crystal and pearl hair comb

    1 crystal hair pin

    2 matching crystal and pearl hair pins

    1 cake cutting set


    Thanks so much ladies for your purchases, been a pleasure doing business with you!!! You should be receiving your packages soon.

  3. Of course I am not familiar with Jamaica, but I was scheduled to arrive at my resort in Mexico on a Thursday for a Sunday wedding. Due to freakish weather all flights for me to get out of NY were canceled. I ended up arriving at the resort on Saturday!!!!!!!!!! I was sooo freaked out because I didn't know if the wedding would even happen!


    Let me tell you, in my crazy, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy situation.. organization and communication with the WC before hand was sooo important. I literally had about an hour with my WC before I was off to tend to arriving guests. Before hand we emailed for several months on every single detail of the day. I then emailed a powerpoint presentation with table seating, menu choices for each guests, pictures of items from my planning thread with diretions on how things should be placed together. All of what I thought was micromanaging really paid off! Even my WC was impressed with all of my planning lol. I made her job easier and I also ensured that the day would go off without a hitch. I must say even though I arrived the day before! My wedding was absolutely beautiful and perfect!! I wish the same for you.


    If you are worried about not having enough time.. plan ahead and take care of all that you can before you arrive so that you can enjoy yourself a bit before your big day. Good luck with future planning and micromanaging wink.gif

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
    Chris-- Yea for upgrades!!! So happy to hear that everything went so well-- I am so happy for you and can't wait to see the photos!

    Susie-- Only 1 break down in the diet coke area-- Justin was having a chew so I said.. Fine then I get a diet coke... talk about cheating! I have since replaced my diet coke obession with chocolate... ummm wait I Think thats even worse!

    Timberly- Did that proposal ever happen that you were worried about or were they one of the ones who didn't make it? My little sis has been telling people that she was suppose to be getting engaged in Cancun... My mom and dad put a QUICK and brutal stop to that today! We all hate her BF and my mom said "This is Brooke's wedding.. don't you even DARE think about trying to take it away" to her boyfriend-- he responded I won't don't mention it anymore and then my dad called and yelled at him. Don't get me wrong I am hoping that maybe 1 or 2 of the couples down there gets engaged.. just no that one!!

    So ladies it is 1:30 and again I am up and working on wedding stuff. How crazy was customs for those brides who have brought stuff and are now married? (I am currently stuffing suitcase #7) between me and Justin! I think I have all of my recipts in order and I am breaking them down to everything I bought. Do I need to be this paranoid? Did you do a sand ceremony? Did it get messed up on the plane home?
    THanks for all of the answers-- Love you ladies and I mean it! I would have been terrible wrecks without you!
    I completely understand how you feel. Being stranded in NY showed me just how much i STILL needed to do before the wedding day! Breathe deep, you will get everything done and what you don't get done, fake it. Your big day will be absolutely perfect!

    I packed 3 huge suitcases and each suitcase was overweight. By the grace of God we got down with all our stuff. You are right to be little paranoid, but you will be fine, just have your receipts to show IF they ask. You don't need every single one, but have several for them to go through if they choose to. The proposal happened before they left the states. The ring was gorgeous and she was super sweet! He made a great choice. I loved her. That's funny that your dad shut down that proposal.

    Just a few more sleeps beautiful..then your turn smile159.gif
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cindy* View Post
    Vdaybride, can you please provide me with the info on your cigar roller. We would like to do this also and are getting married at the same resort as you. Thanks!
    Hi Cindy,

    My WC Yorai contacted the roller and set everything up. We just had to pay him in cash on the evening of the reception. Check with your coordinator, she should be able to set this up for you. Hopefully the rate will be the same.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 View Post
    Don't forget the place card holders are sold too :)
    :) Thanks beautiful...

    Placecard holders are sold-Thank you Bahiabride, I will ship these to you on Monday
    Parasol is sold-Thank you Cheri I will ship your order on Monday as well
    15 mesh bags with votive candles inside-sold, Thank you Luciel
    Raffia fans are in the process of being sold
    Flower girl baskets are in the process of being sold
    Pashminas are in the process of being sold
    Crystal hairpin is in the process of being sold
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 View Post
    Great thread....our wedding is at 2pm and with myself, 5 BM's, my FMIL and my mom getting our hair done I'd say I should book hair appointments for between 9 and 10ish!
    That's a lot of women, you might want to find out before hand how many people would be working on your group, just to be on the safe side. You don't want to be rushed or feel like they didn't do the best job because you ran out of time.
  8. My ceremony started at 4, the team showed up around 11:30. 1 person for hair and 1 person for makeup. I had hair and makeup done, my mom had just make up done and my MOH had just makeup done.


    They finished my hair around 1 and the two ladies makeup around the same time. I wanted my make up done later so she finished my makeup around 2:15. Problem is the photog got there at 2:30 and I wasn't ready for her to begin taking pics of me so she got a lot of "details" shots and went to my husbands room to deliver his gift and take shots of his "details" when she got back, I STILL wasn't ready for her to take shots of me. So I felt rushed and in hindsight, I should have had my timing better on the day of. She still got some preceremony shots in the room, but not around the resort like I imagined. So I would say 4 hrs before as long as it is not super hot, you don't want your face melting and your hair going limp. Fortunately it wasn't super hot and things worked out fine.


    The reason I wasn't ready is because our 5yr old was in the wedding and she has a Lot of hair and I waited last minute to do her hair so that she wouldn't look crazy walking down the aisle lol. So if you don't have small details to take care of yourself 4 hrs. should be more than enough time. Just have the air on high so you don't melt. :)


    Only snafu I had was that because I was rushing to get down the aisle (20 minutes late I might add) They forgot to attach my veil sad.gif. I didn't have it until later for professional pics. The hairstylist asked if I wanted her to attach it when she was done and I had the "brilliant" idea to wait. So I guess it was my fault, but my MOH was not on her toes, she should have noticed!

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