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Posts posted by cjb0arder13

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    Thanks CJ and Nic..............

    We are actually thinking about changing our wedding venue/location because of the private vendor charge. I am disgusted that this was not disclosed to us until after we signed and paid our deposit. I don't like feeling hardballed and pressured into padding their pockets by using their "friends." Photography is something that is HIGH on my list, almost as high as the venue. I'm headed over to the TA threads to see if I can find us a TA who will provide a nice query of potential venues as opposed as someone who is just looking to book brides where their company will get a hefty kickback. I don't mean to sound like Debbie Downer, I just don't want to be forced to select vendors I don't like. End rant......back to happy place. :-)
    I totally, completely, 100% understand your frustration, as I myself had a huge temper tantrum when I found out about it. In fact, my contract specifically says that I will pay a $500 fee for an outside vendor, but that they must be preapproved by the resort. There is NOTHING said about a minimum stay. Apparently, the resort doesn't approve anyone other than the two photogs they work with (who, let's be honest, take barely better-than-average photos).

    I would say find the section of your contract the points this out, and see if you have better luck. Who is your WC at Azul Beach? You may have better luck with some than with others.

    I will say that Azul Beach, from what I heard, is an amazing top-of-the line resort, and that the brides who have been married there don't regret the decision at all. I stuck with AB because of that.

    Also want to point out that bringing someone from the states and paying for 3 nights stay may very well come out costing less than Elizabeth Medina would be charging...just something to think about. But I also understand that it's the principle of the matter, and super disgusting that they have that kind of policy in the first place.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach View Post
    I don't yet, but as soon as I do I will totally share with you. I am in love with Elizabeth Medina but I am displeased with the restrictions our resort is placing on outside vendors as far as fees and such. I don't know if I could justify her costs. Anywho, I will let you know as soon as I come across some goods........
    Hi Bigbop! I'm an Azul Beach bride as well (I've seen you on the Sensatori thread). Just wanted to let you know that Azul Beach doesn't allow any photographers from Mexico other than the ones they've contracted with (Caribe and the other dude). So...they won't even let you pay a $500 fee to have a photog from the Riviera Maya. Your only option is to bring someone from the US and have them stay a minimum of 3 nights.

    I think this is the LAMEST policy ever, but I wanted you to be aware so you're not surprised like I was.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post

    I haven't contributed much since joining but I just wanted to let you girls know that I have officially booked Azul Beach for March 26th 2011. Its going to be a big wedding and we got clearance prior to booking but the fiance and I just fell in love with the intimatness (I think I made that word up) during our site visit.

    So far we have 34 rooms booked in about 3 weeks! I think I put the fear of god into my guests that the hotel was going to sell out if they didn't.

    But I must say that reading through everyone's planning journals, reviews, etc has been amazing! Really helpful!

    I am trying to get on the planning wagon now since we are 10 months our and i still don't have a dress but I am so excited!
    Woo hoo another AB bride!! I'm so excited for you. And WTG getting 34 rooms booked! I tried to put the fear into my guests, but still only have 5 rooms booked (FI's parents still haven't even booked!)
  4. All right girls, I'm checking in after week one! I weighed in yesterday, and had lost 2 pounds. Not a lot, but definitely much appreciated (especially after being stuck in plateau for a MONTH!). I'm sticking with it this week, but will be adding in cardio as well, so we'll see if that helps.


    Still feeling really great! I'm taking a few liberties with the diet...like I'll be having strawberries for snack today instead of celery/tomatoes (I hate tomatoes and am really tired of celery, to be honest) but mostly I'm sticking straight to it.


    I'm officially 18 pounds away from my goal weight, so even if I only lose another 4 or 5 pounds on this I will be SOOO much closer!


    Did anyone else start this last week?

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by roxmysockz View Post
    Although the last 5 months have flown by, it still feels like forever and a day until next April!

    Anyone else wishing the time away sad.gif x
    GOSH yes!! Next month I'll be engaged a year, and it totally feels like it has zoomed on by...but then I think about how much longer I have until January and I just want it to hurry up and get here! I need a vacation, BAAAD cheesy.gif
  6. I'm actually doing this to get me out of a plateau. I've lost 20 pounds since December, but the last month or so have been stuck...haven't lost any more. So I'm hoping this will kick my body back into gear as far as upping my metabolism, and then after the 3 weeks are up continue to eat healthy (with maybe one cheat day per week).


    I haven't weighed myself yet, since it's only been 4 days...I will be weighing in on Sunday morning so I'll let you know how that goes. I can tell you that I FEEL thinner. I'm wearing my normal jeans today and I keep having to pull them up....they're falling off! So that's a good sign! Most importantly though...I just feel really good. I'm not falling asleep at my desk after lunch, and I wake up feeling really rested every morning. It's worth it just for that!


    I still have 25 pounds to go before I get to my goal, so if this works I may do it for the 3 weeks, then take a month off (still eating healthy of course) then do it another 3 weeks..until I get to my goal!


    Good luck to everyone else!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
    Oh, and your dogs are so precious! I'll bet they're a handful......wink.gif
    Aw thank you! Yes I love them to absolute pieces, but they ARE a handful!! FI and I always joke that we're more than prepared for kids, since we've raised two lab puppies wink.gif
  8. All right so I'm on day three...and I seriously feel amazing! Day one was the hardest. I couldn't stop craving carbs...and then I got home and FI was drinking a beer. I swear I thought about tackling him for having the audacity to drink that in front of me (I heart beer). But yesterday and today so far have been really good. Not hungry at all. I have lots of energy (and no caffeine!) and I feel way less bloated than normal.


    Definitely gonna stick this out for the whole 21 days!

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
    Arrrr, i remember now!!!! yes what a flippin' joke that is..... Funny situation that, i just dont understand why they have that pathetic rule? Have you asked WC to clarify this for you? As i remember in an earlier comment on the situation, you'd think they would want to keep the business inside Mexico!!!

    I had a look at Ivan's website today and see what you mean, he is fantastic.... :-) I hope they re-think this rule very soon......

    I agree, Ivan takes some amazing photos, and he has been nothing short of wonderful to try to work with. Unfortunately, it isn't to be for me...but I hope other brides are able to use him! His prices (and everything included) are really great, and he takes fantastic photos!

    Yep, super lame-o. Their reasoning is that they have negotiated these contracts with the Mexican photographers they use, and that to allow other Mexican photographers in the resort would be a breach of that contract.

    I've made arrangements for another photographer they work with, so I've got it all sorted out, and deposit paid :)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
    Hmmm, Have i missed something :-) x Whats going on? x sorry im just nosey x

    This was about the photographer situation...how my resort won't allow outside photographers from Mexico. We either have to use the resort photogs, or bring one from the States who must stay a minimum of 3 nights. Ivan was my preferred photographer, but they won't allow me to use him (even though he is GREAT, and I highly recommend him for any of you other brides!!!)
  11. I paid $450 CND for a package of 4 (french) bikini treatments so far. the laser hair clinic i go gives 25% off when you purchase 4 treatments at once, which is like getting 1 free, otherwise its $150 each session. i'm doing underarms next and that will be $225 for 4 or $75 each. Can mix and match if need more treatments to get desired results.


    these clinics are getting quite competitive in town here but i don't know if you'd be interested in driving across the border into Vancouver every month to get it done though (noticed you live in Marysville, WA).


    find a place you like a check it out


    Thanks Rosieposie! Actually, my parents live up in Blaine, so I could always go stay with them and make a day trip out of it. I may make an appointment for a consultation near my house, though...I'll have to see how much they charge.


    Thanks for all the info ladies!

  12. All right ladies I started this diet today...I'll check back in in 3 weeks and let you know how it went!


    So far so good...not really hungry because I'm eating every two hours or so. I've been to the bathroom at least 5 times already this morning (sorry if that's TMI) because of all the water I'm drinking.


    Hoping this works...I have 20-25 pounds more to go before I get to my goal!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
    Ladies, I am seriously balling my eyes out right now everything seems to be working out so perfectly. My coworker thought something was wrong but they are tears of joy. My step mom speaks Spanish so she called the hotel about babysitters, etc. She said she spoke to each one individually and was very impressed by all of them. They said the hotel was not filled with kids the week of our wedding (next week) so everyone will get the cribs and strollers they need and they can get babysitters or play time any time they want during the week. She also said they knew about our group and are all expecting our arrival!!!

    Then she also called a restaurant the hotel recommended in Cancun and made the reservation for 28 of us for the Thursday clubbing tour we are doing. They are going to put us in the best spot by the band and dancers and will have pitchers of margaritas and munchies for us when we arrive. She said they were pleased our hotel recommended them and they will do everything they can to accommodate us and make sure we have a great time.

    SERIOUSLY - how can i NOT cry with all of this? I am crying just typing it! Who knew weddings were so emotional??!!

    All right, missy....reading this made ME cry!!! I am so so happy for you...less than two weeks until you're in paradise. You are going to have the best wedding ever!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
    Amanda, both Tiffany and Fabio confirmed with me that you DO NOT need to be legally married before you go if you're just doing the symbolic ceremony.



    That's so funny since Tiffany told me I had to. Ha. Sounds about right.


    Thanks for letting me know how it worked out for you, it certainly makes me feel better. Plus we don't have any family here with us (besides our 9 month old) and so no one (excpet for a witness) will be there. Our parents will know but keeping it at that. I can just imagine some of my family members complainng now that they were flying all the way to Mexico to be there for a "fake wedding" Got tolove family sometimes.

    Um..hello...they get to go to Mexico! Beautiful sunshine, sandy beaches, endless cocktails...you couldn't get me to complain about that fake wedding or not!!! But you're right...I expect to hear it from certain family members. But hey, they don't have to come if they don't want to!
  15. My FI and I are getting legally hitched in July. His grandparents, whom he is VERY close to and who are not going to be able to make it to Mexico, will be our witnesses. They will be the only other people there. It was really important to both of us that they be included somehow in our wedding, so they don't feel left out.


    We're going to keep it on the DL...I don't really plan on telling anyone, although we won't lie if we're asked. I'll still call him my fiance until we have our ceremony in Mexico, because that's when I'm considering it "for real". We already feel married...we own a house and have two dogs...he tells everyone I'm his "better half" (he's right...hehe) What's going to make it real for me is walking down the aisle in my white dress...I cannot wait!!!

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
    Okay AB brides, my review is up!


    Meredith, I also wrote a review on Andrew:

    Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU for that! I feel bad for my work, as I didn't do anything but stare at the review for the last 10 minutes, ignoring everyone around me.

    It was SO good to see how the resort went above and beyond to make your day as special as possible (besides the minor mishaps). It makes me feel 100% better about choosing Azul Beach, even with the (minor) dramas I've had so far. I can't wait to get there!!!!!

    Wendy, you ROCK!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lgorm11 View Post
    Getting married June 2011. We def want a destination wedding, but it's so difficult to decide on a place. I love the look of the beaches and resorts in Mexico, but have never been there, and am a little scared, to be honest. Ive heard the stories of the "drinking water"...so Im a little nervous. I don't want anyone to get sick. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
    LOL...anyone see the Sex and the City movie? Poor Charlotte...

    I went to Mexico years ago (I was 12). We stayed in Cancun. Unfortunately, everyone in my family other than me got the Montezuma's Revenge...but honestly, I think it had more to do with handling the money than drinking the water.

    To be safe...just drink alcohol instead!! elefant.gif
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