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Posts posted by cjb0arder13

  1. I saw someone post a thread in the Riviera Maya section, so I did a search and wasn't able to find any threads in this section yet about 2011 brides...


    Any of you out there?


    I'm getting married January 31st 2011, somewhere in PV. Right now it's a choice between Dreams PV and Vallarta Palace...I have a feeling I won't really know until prices come out for 2011 (I'm hoping to hear from my travel agent next week).


    So, all you 2011 brides...where are you getting married? Are you EXCITED?? I know I am. I can't wait to actually BOOK everything, and know that it's really coming! As soon as prices come out, I'm going to send my save-the-dates :)


    Happy planning everyone!

  2. Hey another 2011 bride here!! We're getting married January 31st 2011, but we're going to get married in Puerto Vallarta. We're honeymooning in Riviera Maya, though.


    We, too, are waiting for prices for 2011 to come out...I'm on pins and needles! My travel agent said she hopes to have some prices for me by next week, so we'll see.


    I haven't decided on a venue yet...it's probably between Dreams PV and Vallarta Palace. I think the deciding factor will be the prices :)


    Best of luck to you in your planning!! This is all very exciting, isn't ithuh.gif

  3. Hi everyone! I noticed that the most common resort picked by all the brides-to-be on this site is Dreams (VillaMagna or Puerto Vallarta).


    Can you tell me why you picked this resort over others? It's definitely on my list of potentials, but I'm still waiting for the prices for 2011 to come out so I can compare with other places (I'm getting married in January 2011)


    Thanks in advance everyone. Happy planning!

  4. HI everyone! Newbie from Washington here.


    I'm getting married in January 2011. I've been researching Puerto Vallarta resorts for about 3 months now, and think that I like Vallarta Palace the best.


    I've noticed that I can't find a lot of brides on here that have been or are getting married there. Is there something I should know? Is it a cost issue? The resort has really good reviews, and the wedding package seems to be comprehensive. I'd love to find out your reasons for choosing the resort that you chose.


    And if there are any Vallarta Palace brides out there, please give me your thoughts!


    Thanks everyone. Have a great Wednesday!

  5. Hello everyone! I am a newbster from Washington State. I've been engaged since June of this year, and a couple of months ago decided that a destination wedding was my cup of tea.


    We had originally chosen Puerto Vallarta because my uncle has a condo there, and we thought we may be able to stay there for our honeymoon after the wedding.


    We've since found out that my butt-head uncle has decided he'd rather have paying tenants there during that week; however, I'd already fallen in love with Puerto Vallarta and decided that we'd keep the wedding there. Our approximate wedding date is the last week of January, 2011, and apparently that's high season for them, so he wants to make as much money as possible while he can.


    I've been researching venues for the past few months, and I am *pretty sure* I've narrowed it down to Vallarta Palace. From what I've seen, it's absolutely GORGEOUS, and offers a pretty comprehensive list of wedding packages.


    I'd love any input anyone has on this venue, if possible. We're anxiously awaiting prices to come out for 2011, as I'm ready to send out the save-the-dates and give people as much time as possible to save $$ to come to the wedding!


    Hi everyone! :)

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