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Posts posted by michelle6114

  1. I jut got a box of crest whitening advance seal. Holy cow I had to yank those things off my teeth after the 30 min. were up. I always foam at the mouth when I wear these so I don't know who the commercials are trying to fool but you cant do anything but lie in bed. Today was my first box in a few years. Lets hope they work, I will know soon!

  2. Or maybe you can ask the WC or the hotel itself if they know of any local babysitters with great reputations, and offer to pay for the cost of the child care? Seriously, your cousin sound like she's had a rough year and may appreciate the time away from them to do "grown up" stuff. That way she wont have to worry about overstaying a time limit or feel she is being judged by the other (no-kids families). Suggest this alternative and she may appreciate it more than you think.

    I have had to miss a few weddings due to some of them requesting no kids. If the bride had called me ahead of time and offered to pay for the babysitter, I would have been eternially grateful and took her up on it! Plus, I am sure there are some off-resort activites you can all do together right?

  3. I am sorry you are going through this. I also think that these resorts seem very accomodating and generous, until you book then after that is NO NO NO NO we don't do that.

    Is there any way your cousin could find a family member to watch the kids at home for a few days? Maybe she could come alone? (and sounds like she can probably use a vacation). Or if they all come, maybe find a reputable babysitter who will watch the kids in the villa during the wedding? Sorry this is probably not what you want to hear, just throwing out some suggestions.

    Hope it all works out.

  4. These rules are absolutely ridiculous. I think they are saying all these things just so you do not even ATTEMPT to sneak someone in! Who are they at these resorts to determine if a piece of equipment is "too professional"?? Do they have a camera expert on grounds to determine which piece is not allowed? What if I happen to have a guest who has an awesome camera but is not actually a professional? I am convinced there is a way to get around all these (non rules).

    I did actually look into what a 3 night stay would cost for one photographer. Such a short stay is not subject to any discounts so 3 nights at Beaches is a lovely $775. The Sandals & Co want you to believe they are trying to help you out but that is crazy!!!

    I am interested to know if anyone on here has ever had an outside photog escorted off property? There are too many hollow rules and loop holes.

  5. O gals here is a hint with the whitestrips. I used them a few years ago and couldn't stand my mouth filling up with saliva. So I would put them on and lie in bed with my head on the pillow. That way the saliva goes backward, you are able to swallow without it interferring with the terrible taste of the strips. Give it a try...I used to read a book or watch tv while lying there.

  6. Christie I know exactly what you are saying. My mom waitressed for 30+ years and told us horror stories every night. Kids running up and down the aisles, running into the kitchen, and how degraded she felt every time she had to stoop down and clean up some kids mess off the floor after the family had left. This is one of the reasons I wanted her b-day to be extra-special.

    My own cousin takes her 4yr old to eat out all the time and this kid will not stay seated. She needs to parade around the place and come back to the table for an occasional bite. They see nothing wrong with this. One waitress very nicely asked them to keep her seated so she wouldn't get hurt, and my cousin had the nerve to complain to the manager.

    This isn't the kids fault, its the parents. The "oh he's so cute, he can do no wrong so just grin and bear it" attitude. Personally, it makes me sick.

  7. There is a thread about this somewhere...but on the post there was a photo of the ocean and sky (nice and blue) about 10am and another around 4pm (gray and dreary). that photo alone makes me wish I had picked an earlier time for my wedding. But I was also concerned about being hot and sweaty. If this is imortant to you then you maybe can reconsider your time? I knew nothing about this subject either, till I found this message board.

  8. Oh dear. Dollar dances? Personally, If I am a guest at a wedding, up until then I've usually bought the couple an engagement gift, bridal shower gift, and money in the wedding card. If I felt like I was still being asked to contribute anything else, I think I would be offended.

    I was at a wedding in Montana where the groomsmen kidnapped the bride for ransom and wouldn't let her back until the amount was collected from these poor guests (all who I may add were standing in a church basement drinking punch and eating paper cupfuls of peanuts). The grooms mother just about died from embarrasment.

    Obviously it is up to the couple but I think it is tacky.

  9. Haha no I am not doing an entrance, I will be too busy greeting everyone at the door and bitching them out if they didn't rsvp first. We are still expecting about 25 responses in the mail and they only have a week left. Seriously how can people be so inconsiderate? It's a sit down dinner at a restaurant, not a picnic. We need numbers!!

    (sorry to be off topic)

  10. Hey my AHR is the day after Halloween night! I hope everyone will be ok to come, and probably quite a few kids will still be burning off a sugar high!

    For our favors I got wedding bubbles from AC Moore and affixed a sticker with our name and date on front (shaped like a starfish) and tied a raffetta bow around the top. They are cute and not too cheesy, we are having over 100 guests so I didn't want to spend a lot on favors.

    I also got cute little favor boxes with a beach theme, that we are going to put a few chocolate seashells in for each person.

    Oh and matchbooks and mini maracas for the kids.

    Did I say I didn't want to spend a lot? Oh well. It's already done.

  11. Hi, I am hoping someone can answer this...

    I want to pay for 2 day passes for guests of my wedding. Do they have to show ID or documentation? Do they search the bags or pocketbooks or anything? I don't want anyone to feel unwelcome or violated so I want to tell the guests what to expect. Also, can I pre-pay the guest passes at the front desk?

    19 more days and still tons of things to figure out!!



    I am not talking about romper room or Mcdonalds. I most defintely have every right to eat a nice meal in peace withou "moving tables" to get away from some crying kid. Do you expect everyone to have to tolerate your childs noise without showing considerationhuh.gif

    I think parents like that are the reason "adults only" resorts were invented. There is a time and place for everything. 9:00 pm on a weeknight is not the time to listen to a screaming infant in a place like this, Denny's, maybe, but not here.

  13. Hi Carly,

    I know what you mean that Hibachi places can be loud. This one is different though....it's perched on top of a mountain, has valet parking, gorgeous decor, ect. They also hold very fancy weddings and is quite expensive. So most people just go there for a special occasion (or unless they're rich lol). I very rarely see kids in there and the few that I've seen, they behave or parents take them out immedietley. It's not really family themed.

    What I am trying to say is, why take the chance of ruining someone elses special day? If you know a kid is cranky, tired ect or your baby is teething, colicky whatever then why not just hire a babysitter for a few hours? Most parents have to save to splurge there and want to get away from every-day stresses while they are splurging. While it can be endearing to listen to your own child have a tantrum, it is not for total strangers who are spending hard earned $$$ to have a nice meal.

  14. So I know this is totally off topic but still, have to bring it up.

    Last night was my mom's b-day. FI and I saved up to bring her to a pretty upscale hibachi restaurant last night that she has never been to before. FI and I had our first date there, got engaged there a year later, and go back every anniversary. So we were excited to show her the place and also my 11yr old daughter.

    We are there for 2 hours and the family at the table next to ours has an infant about 3 months old. This poor thing is wailing at the top of her lungs the entire time. Idiots at table alternate between passing her around the hot table like a football and ignoring her while she's perched in her infant seat (also close to this hot surface).

    Baby's family continue to eat and order drinks as if this is no big deal. Meanwhile, every person in the place is shooting them dirty looks. I have come across this blatant disrespect from other parents before but never at a place like this. Isn't there a time and place for everything? We all left with headaches and couldn't wait to get home to some peace and quite.

    Don't get me wrong, I adore babies but sometimes I wish places like this would post a sign saying "no infants please". Sometimes these parents just don't know when enough is enough.

  15. So I know this is totally off topic but still, have to bring it up.

    Last night was my mom's b-day. FI and I saved up to bring her to a pretty upscale hibachi restaurant last night that she has never been to before. FI and I had our first date there, got engaged there a year later, and go back every anniversary. So we were excited to show her the place and also my 11yr old daughter.

    We are there for 2 hours and the family at the table next to ours has an infant about 3 months old. This poor thing is wailing at the top of her lungs the entire time. Idiots at table alternate between passing her around the hot table like a football and ignoring her while she's perched in her infant seat (also close to this hot surface).

    Baby's family continue to eat and order drinks as if this is no big deal. Meanwhile, every person in the place is shooting them dirty looks. I have come across this blatant disrespect from other parents before but never at a place like this. Isn't there a time and place for everything? We all left with headaches and couldn't wait to get home to some peace and quite.

    Don't get me wrong, I adore babies but sometimes I wish places like this would post a sign saying "no infants please". Sometimes these parents just don't know when enough is enough.

  16. This is the invite wording for the AHR. We sent them out about 5 weeks ago to give everyone plenty of notice.


    (our full names on top)


    On October 10th, 2009 we will be married in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.

    We invite you to join us upon return for a celebratory luncheon.


    (date, time, rsvp, ect)


    I made up this simple verse to convey the fact that it is in no way a fancy blown out reception, and that we will already be married by then.

    Not that this is important but I got the invites made up by Paperstyle.com, they have quite a few beach designs to pick from. I accidently had made a typo on the restaurant address and they reprinted my entire order, free of charge and rushed shipped it. I cannot say enough good things about this company.

    Someone should start a thread where we post pictures of the AHR invites.

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