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Posts posted by estella1007

  1. As some of you may know, we had to cancel our Bermuda wedding due to wedding planner drama. We are now having our wedding here at home, and have booked an amazing venue for the ceremony and reception. Our reception will be held in the cocktail room of the venue, which seats about 100-125 guests. We are only having 80 people total. We couldn't use the ballroom because it seats 250 and we would look lost in there. So, because we are in the cocktail room (which is still huge) the tables are smaller and seat anywhere from 2-6 people at each. Because there are so many tables, we aren't doing table numbers and place cards. Does that seem weird? Also, we are doing our group pics before the ceremony,and just the 2 of us after. We were going to be announced in halfway through the cocktail hour so we don't miss it (its my favorite part of a wedding!) We are not having the bridal party announced since they will already be in the room. We are also not doing a "first dance" because we are awful dancers, and don't like the idea of everyone watching us looking silly. We are not doing any toasts or speeches or the garter and bouquet toss. Are people going to think my wedding sucks? We basically want a big fun party, minus any traditional wedding stuff. If you went to a wedding like this, would you be disappointed?

  2. Thanks guys! It was really much easier than I had anticipated. I just bought cardboard hat boxes from Michaels, ivory silk fabric and the ribbon and buttons from Joann's, and glued it all together with a hot glue gun. When you stack the first box (smallest one) you don't need to cut a hole. But when you glue the second one on the lid of the bottom big one, you have to cut a big hole in the lid so the cards can drop down into the bottom. The whole thing cost about $50, but thats only because I bought silk to cover the box with ($20 a yard) and bought way too much of it. I probably only needed 3/4 of a yard and I bought a yard and a half. You could always get the cheapy satin and do the whole thing for $25.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
    I don't care either way on the subject :)

    but as a Mod I just wanted to jump in and thank everyone for letting everyone else voice their opinions and not make anyone feel bad or attacked. you gals are right, this can be a touchy subject, so thanks for keeping it kind :)
    I realized after I posted, that this subject could get a little heated, and hoped for it not to. I really am one of those "I see both sides" kinda people and I really wanted to hear what the general population has to say about this topic. I was discussing it with my fiance, and HE doesn't even agree with me. I guess you had to be there when this went down, but it was one of those moments where you look around for the hidden camera because you don't believe that its really happening. I was seriously RIGHT next to the lady and theres the boob, like in yer face! Again, I support BF, but I really think that as comfortable as the person may be doing it out in the open, they need to respect others and be conscious of the fact that it may be offensive to others.
  4. I know! They put all those "mom rooms" in the restrooms for that purpose. I can see if they are very discreet and completely cover up, but this was all National Geographic. I tried to BF for the first few weeks, and if someone was at my house I would go in a room by myself. And thats in the privacy of my own home, and I still had a sense of modesty. I guess I am just trying to understand why these women feel its acceptable behavior.

  5. So, I'm at the mall today with my son. I brought him into the little play area to crawl around and play with all the other kids. Meanwhile I begin chatting with all the other moms. One mom in particular sits right next to me and starts chatting about the random mom stuff. Out of nowhere she whips out her boob to breast feed. Like wham, theres her whole jug, just blasting out to the entire mall population. Sher didn't even bother to cover it up at all. I am a mom, I get why people breastfeed, and totally support the decision. But I can't seem to get past when people do it in public. I was discussing this with my friends, and a very select few thought that there was absolutely nothing wrong with this. I love this forum because you can get feedback from so many people with so many different opinions. So, am I the only one who feels like this is completely inappropriate?

  6. Thats tough. My best friend and I are getting married a week apart (we planned for this,) and are having similar issues. We actually laugh it off at this point. The reason is because we aren't intentionally "stealing" each others ideas. We just have very similar taste. After all, we are best friends for a reason. I'm sure its the same with your friend too. And when you really break it down, weddings all basically have the same elements. There is practically never anything that is completely original and never seen before. Trends in weddings go in and out, as do fashion and other things, so you tend to see a lot of the same ideas happening within a certain age group of brides. Because my friend and I are the same age, we ultimately chose a lot of similar things because of this too. Even the songs. She wanted to be announced to Stevie Wonder, For Once in my Life. I did too. I chose a different song so we don't have identical weddings! But I didn't chose it to "steal" her song. I just truly love it. Another example was that she wanted to make Bermuda "Dark N Stormy" drinks as her signature drink. I am doing Bermuda rum and personalized shot glasses as my favors, and was going to print out recipes for the Dark N Stormy on the favor tags. We never discussed either thing with each other, and somehow it came up last week. Its just funny how many things we are choosing that are the same, and REALLY, none of it is intentional.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by melette View Post
    WOW Christina!! i didn't know you made the feather flower?!! It'll even be more sentimental when i wear it on my wedding day!!
    Aww thats so sweet! I really wanted a feather flower, and they are all so expensive. Like $65 and up is what I was finding. So I went and bought a ton of stuff and made one! I love how it came out, but my fiance liked the real touch orchid one that I bought better, so I'm gonna use that one instead. By the way, I dropped your stuff at the post office today. Let me know when you get it!
  8. I just came from Target, and they had ton of travel size items on clearance. I bought Herbal Essence shampoos and conditioners for .28 each! They also had the mini packs of band aids, tiny deodorants, hairspray, hand cream, foot cream, and allergy medicine. Probably even more stuff but I didn't have time to dig through. I also bought cologne that was originally $50 on sale for $11. it was the CK Be. They had a good 20-30 different brands on clearance for $11. Polo, Burberry, Givenchy, etc. It was the good name brand stuff, not the cheapy celebrity perfumes or anything. They even had makeup bags 75% off and other cute OOT items.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
    estella, be careful about posting anything about the current show until after all time zones have viewed it! we don't want to spoil anything for the west-coasters!
    Oops, sorry! I'm a dumb @ss and didn't think of that!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KarenM View Post
    I love that pic too, Christina, and the ones you just posted! What a gorgeous little man! (love his hair too)

    Anyway, I LOVE TIM too!!! This & Top Chef are my 2 fav shows! I missed it tonight; will watch the re-run. It sucks for Bravo that they went to Lifetime, but I'm so glad to get to watch TC on Wed & PR on Thurs. Oh, & the making fun of Stella was priceless! good stuff
    Thank you! And WTF? with this guy and his "egg" design?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
    haha yeah that was classic! i can't wait to see who the really funny characters will be this season ....there's always at least one! the malvin guy seems full of himself enough that it could be funny later. time will tell.

    i caught kane's show with the pageant gowns and thought it pretty much sucked. oh and are you watching the show afterward about the models? i don't think i will be able to get into that. granted i haven't given it a chance.

    p.s. your siggy is the cutest pic ever.
    Aww thanks! My little man just turned 1. We brought him in to Picture People and stripped him down to a diaper, and let him go to town on a cupcake. It was so cute! I'm a proud mama so I have to share...
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mummergirl View Post
    oh yeah i agree jessica, it could have been interesting to see what she would make ... kinda like stella after the trashbag dress. i enjoyed all her "leatha"
    Hahaha...I LOVED Blaine when he was making fun of her..."my husband...leatha, my kids...leatha" He was another space cadet, but so friggin funny. I also really loved that Kane guy that was all glitter and crazyness. Did you catch his new show? Something about designing pageant gowns. It was pretty decent, but no project runway.
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