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Posts posted by lil_reeves

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sjmacphe View Post
    hey ladies, I was just browsing VS, there are some very cute ones - could either of you tell me how to get the 40% off? I am not on their email list (yet), hope I didn't miss it! Thanks
    When you go to your shopping bag there is an option you need to click off to add a code during checkout.

    The code is SWIMCLEAR and it's only good for clearance suits.

    It expires Aug 23rd (today) so hopefully it still works. The site is down for maintenance right now so you might need to wait a bit and then try again.
  2. Hi All,


    So I went into Ricki's today to look for shorts and I stumbled across these gorgeous dresses regular $80 on sale for $39.99. We were having some trouble finding dresses so late in the summer so I thought what the heck i'll try one on and if I like it i'm buying them.


    It looked great on and then the sales lady told me they were actually on sale for $29.99 and that it was also a buy one get one free deal! Holy jackpot!!! Last day of the sale and everything so it was totally meant to be. I love, love, love the purple. My BM's haven't seen these yet so I hope they love them as much as I do.


    Oh and if they hate them the lady told me I could return them, can you believe it? Not even a final sale smile29.gif


    (BTW the one I tried on to show below is way too big on me but i'm sure you get the idea)


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.

  3. I agree totally go for P90X. Time permitted or not...just do what you can and if it's only half a workout so be it! There's a 10 minutes AB RIPPER on P90x and trust me if that's all the time you've got on a busy day then that workout will get you results in your midsection quick!


    On days when you have more time do the full workout. I train bootcamp style and this workout is the only thing that has even come remotely close in a DVD set.

  4. I found this company to provide quality workmanship and excellent customer service. I for one did not find anything fraudulent about this transaction.


    They provide constant updates on your orders progress from beginning to end. They confirm once it's in production all the way to when it's complete and shipped. They also provide a tracking number for all shipments so you can check it online.


    Creditcard companies have to have high security especially when dealing with overseas and online shipments as there is a risk you every time you make an online purchase with your creditcard. We received our order exactly as specified and in only a few short weeks once it went into production. Paypal is definitely safer so if you are concerned about security that may be a better option for you. We went through Paypal and didn't have any issues here!

  5. Okay so we just got ours and my FI tried it on and it's not too bad. We are obviously measuring tape impaired and weren't too accurate on the pants. I think we measured the bum/crotch area wrong. The jacket is a near perfect fit! Just needs to come up about 1.5" in the length, again a measuring issue on our end. We kind of started guessing and adding .5" here and there.


    My tip...measure accurately the first time, LOL. Or have professional measurements done and save yourself the trouble.


    We bought the pure Irish linen and overall my FI loves how light-weight it is and how the jacket fits. Sorry no pics just yet, he said I can take them once we alter the pants! I think it will look great once we fix our little mistakes smile29.gif

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ View Post
    I was happy to see her pick Ed. I like geeky and weird so that's probably why :)!

    Me too!!! You can never go wrong with geeky and weird wink.gif

    By the way ladies...Kipton is so the next Bachelor!!! He will totally be good for ratings. Did you count the number of shots last night with his shirt off? LOL

    Good Luck Ed and Jillian!!!!...I really hope it works out for them and I also hope Jillian buys him some new shorts smile120.gif
  7. My father actually just talked to me today about giving a charity donation in our guests name to a local school/community program at our wedding destination (Puerto Vallarta) and I absolutely love the idea!!! It would be really great if this idea catches on and more people decide to do things like this.


    I think it's amazing that you're also organizing a cruise. You and your guests are going to have a wonderful time!!!

  8. I'm a huge promoter of bootcamp style training programs and training with a good friend. It is sometimes hard to be motivated on your own and a more assertive training style is usually the kick in the butt some people need.


    I agree diet is absolutely important but PLEASE before you go starving yourself please look into a more rigorous exercise program. If you aren't getting enough calories you are going to feel drained and tired and you won't have enough energy to work out.


    I think with your body type doing more core building exercises would be very benefitial in toning up your midsection. While I wouldn't call your goal unrealistic I think breaking your goal up into stages would be more rewarding. Another thing to consider is changing your goal to lose inches, it might be easier than looking at pounds and you'll also get a better idea of how your body shape is changing.


    Good luck and congrats on losing 60 lbs so far!!! Amazing!

  9. Okay ladies...don't hate me too much but I can't stand Jake after the last episode!!! He makes me feel sick. It's all an act with him and personally I think he's a better actor than Wes could ever be.


    He has every women swooning over him and it looks like that was his plan, for America to fall in love with him. He never really cared about Jillian, it's total BS, he totally said he was going to fall in love with her before he even met her or could even truly know her. Notice how irritated Jillian was with him on Monday, she clearly can't stand the guy and I don't blame her.


    When the woman in the audience suggested he be the next bachelor he was giddy like a school girl and gave an answer like a politician and we know how trust worthy they are! Fake Jake, that's what I call him and the producers aren't stupid, clearly by the way they have scripted the whole season, he won't be the next bachelor.


    Wow it felt good to get that off my chest. Anyhow that being said next episode will be interesting i'm sure. I'm interested to see how the whole Reid thing pans out!

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