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Posts posted by lmg970

  1. My sis and SIL are putting on a shower for me.

    The old standard was if you had a shower then you didn't do a Jack & Jill event, but I think that has changed.

    We are doing a reception upon return as we didn't have many guests going with us.

    The jack and jills I have helped with, we usually sold tickets, so anyone could go, not just people that are invited the wedding. I had some of my friends buy tickets and go, just to go to a party and have a night out. We made a good amount of money that way.


  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kerryjbrown View Post
    Here are my Louboutins...so excited my first pair! They are my something blue. I loved them as they are my Peacock blue which is my wedding color (nothing comes in this...it is all baby blue, Turquoise or royal blue). It must have been meant to be (and they have a little wedding button on the top.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    and I got these to wear in the sand after the ceremony for photos so i don't ruin my
    pretty ones prior to the reception.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    where did you get the flip flops, those are great.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kristy621 View Post
    DragonFly, I lost my mother 3 yrs ago she is my best friend in the world and I was thinking that I would dance with my stepfather to honor her in someway... at the same time I know that I will break my heart to do it. I not sure what to do, I already know that I am going to be upset, I am just not sure I want to make it worse. I don't know what to do...
    My brother and SIL did this with a family dance for both sides, they used Angels Among Us, wow what a tear jerker, but it was so worth it as my mom and her dad couldn't be there with us.
  4. As a nurse, I have to ask, how later are you for your monthly? if not then you really have to wait to confirm a true pregnancy. you see you could have conceived but the egg/sperm may not have implanted. the hormones start when conception happens not when implantation happens so if you are not yet late you may not yet be truly pregnant. so I go to you doctors appointment and get a blood test, make sure it is the one that gives you a number so you can tell how far along you are. At least it will tell you how fare for the first couple of weeks after that the numbers are too far off for that.

    Good luck


  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by samanthag View Post
    Well with Chris H saying (about the AFRC show):
    "what you are about to witness, is potentially so dramatic so emotionally difficult, we decided out of respect for the parties involved, to keep the taping of tonight's show as intimate as possible".

    That sounds like it's something serious!
    The final episodes are going to be interesting!! popcorn.gif
    I thought this was the following scenes of him and molly in the hottub and the tub was making noises.
    but they showed us clips of deana in the beginning and have been teasing us with this footage since. so I think she is just going to talk to him an tell him what happened to her and Jesse and to tell him not to make that same mistake.
    and as for the emotional bit, he did get pretty emotional on last nights show after Gillian left. I don't think she will be making any other appearances like what his face did in bermuda after he was let go, I forgot his name.
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