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Everything posted by ~*~Margie~*~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Hey Ladies! The new Sookie book is out! Amazon.com: A Touch of Dead (Sookie Stackhouse: The Complete Stories) (9780441017836): Charlaine Harris: Books Before you get too excited, it is just a compilation of 5 short stories that have been published previously, in various anthologies. But it does, from my understanding, give the reader more background information and further character development. I'm definitely going to check it out! I just got this yesterday as a present and I read it all today, not very long and very easy reads. The introduction of the book explains where each short story falls in the time line of the series, but none of the stories really drive any of the plots, they are just cute little stories. One complaint, not enough Eric, he only appears in one of the stories, but, it helped with the withdraw a little, atleast for the day it took me to read it.
  2. Congrats Kat!!! Ashlyn is adorable. I hope your labor went smoothly. Andrea - from the looks of your siggy a baby girl arrived How did the labor go?
  3. Kat, I hope you go soon! My first was 13 days late! It was so uncomfortable, I wouldn't wish that on anyone : ) Hope everyone else is doing well. I am enjoying all the movement I am starting to feel, well mostly enjoying, the midnight kicking that lasts an hour and keeps me awake, not so fun. But he is really low and sometimes it feels like he is tap dancing on my bladder.
  4. Congrats on your little boy Jenn!!! Well, we started with a list of 12 possible names and I thought it would take forever to narrow it down but it only took the weekend. We decided we really wanted to stick to Irish names (our 4 yr old is Aidan), so we decided on Shayne. I love it! It will be Shayne Charles J-----------.
  5. Well, we got cooperation yesterday at the ultrasound. In fact, instead of not moving, all the baby did was move, ALL over the place. So, the final verdict is: ITS A BOY! He was swimming around like he was in his own personal pool. One minute he was breech, the next minute he wasn't, literally all over. So now we are at square one to pick a name. We had agreed on a girls name and I was SO sure it was a girl that we hardly thought of boy names.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Someone shared this link with me and I thought I would do the same... AskDrSears - The Vaccine Book This provided some good info, but I think it put me even more up in the air. I agree with Amy's point about being around to raise a baby that may suffer a side effect as opposed to leaving my son motherless if something were to happen to me, and it is a good and valid point. But then I think of the fact that we are told to avoid SO many things, fish, deli meat, Class C or higher prescription meds, etc. But yet, we are being told to get this vaccine that has NO testing on pregnant women, not even animal testing either. I am just so confused. Thanks to everyone for the insight. I am glad some ladies were able to make firm decisions, I feel so silly waffling about it.
  7. Just wanted to update this thread and note that Our Lucaya is now a Radisson Resort and no longer a Sheraton/Westin. Additionally, when I had my wedding there, the Sheraton/Westin offered an all-inclusive option, however, it appears Radisson has done away with that option. They offer a breakfast and dinner package add on, but all meals and drinks are not offered. Just something to keep in mind if you really want an alinclusive, but if your open to anything, this really is a BEAUTIFUL resort.
  8. Andrea and Danielle - thank you, I am glad to know I am not the only one up in the air on this. I was resigned to getting it and not even questioning and now my aunt's warning gave me pause. I've never been the type to just follow doctor's orders anyway, I always investigate on my own to aid in my decisions, so I appreciate the feedback, and Danielle, if you wouldn't mind letting me know what your doctor says, its helpful to here other's opinions. And Andrea, that sounds like it was a beautiful dream, I am sure you are looking so forward to meeting your baby. Amy - OMG, what a stressful way to start a pregnancy! I can't believe your doctor would even suggest proceding with a D&C without an ultrasound. Thank goodness for the guidance of your midwife and your husband's persistence in getting the ultrasound. I am glad things are working out for you and so excited to have another mommy to be join us!
  9. Just wondering if any mommies to be here are getting the H1N1 vaccine. I am so up in the air over this. I NEVER get the flu shot, I just don't feel the need. Now my OB wants me to get both. However, my aunt (in law?) recommends me not gettting the H1N1, she is a nurse and works with pharma companies doing clinical trials and she is VERY opposed to me getting this. I don't know what to do. Obviously, as a new vaccine no one knows what effect it could have on a baby, and I am sure there are no pregnant women jumping at the chance to be guinea pigs and test the vaccine, but on the other hand, we do know that something like 23 out of 100 pregnant women (and their babies) who contract H1N1 have died. Just wondering what everyone else is thinking?!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek She's absolutely gorgeous Jenn. Congratulations. I had to laugh about the floating around Sesame Street. lol so i had the big u/s yesterday and its a BOY!!! Congratulations!!!!! Boy's are so much fun, and little boys LOVE their mommies to pieces. Congrats again!
  11. Congrats to the new mommies and mommies to be!!! I am officially at the half way mark today, 20 WEEKS!!!!! In some ways it feels like it went fast and in other ways it feels like I should be giving birth any day now. I have started to feel the first flutters of movement in the last week or so. I can't wait till its full on kicks so DH and my son can feel too. I hope the next 20 weeks goes quickly, I am so anxious to meet my baby. With 5 years between kids, I feel like I have waited forever to have this one. Danielle - are you getting excited?? Only 2 more days till U/S!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Congratulations Marie! Hi Margie!!! So glad i know your name now. We go Oct 1st to find out the sex. Hopefully my baby cooperates. I think i'm having a boy. I hope you have a cooperative baby Danielle, can't wait to here what you are having! I unexpectedly got to see baby again today. I took a little "blow" to the stomach on Sunday while DH and my son were wrestling on our bed and I have been feeling mild contraction like pains in my stomach and back on and off since then. I didn't think too much of it till I got a really intense pain mostly concentrated in my back while at work today so I called my OB and they sent me to Labor and Delivery for evaluation. Everything seemed okay on the monitors, so they did a quick ultrasound just to take a peek and make me feel better. So, baby had the hiccups which was cute and the legs were wide open!!!! The nurse asked if I knew what I was having and I said no, that they couldn't see clearly at my U/S. She says "Well, this is a clear shot for them, but I don't do these often enough to really tell, so I'm not even gonna guess"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I STILL don't know. But, everything is okay. Turns out it is a bladder and kidney infection causing all this pain.
  13. Danielle, I am crossing my fingers we get cooperation at the next one, I hope the baby gives us a nice clear view of whatever its got : ) I had contemplated the 3D ultrasound if the next one isn't clear but now I think I will just do it the old fashion way and wait till I have the baby to know for sure. (Oh and my name is Margie )
  14. Well, it looks like I ended up in the same frustrating situation as Amy. The baby did not cooperate and we couldn't get a 100% definite answer on sex. The tech said she THINKS she saw a penis and pointed to something and said that "could be" it, but she was not convinced, didn't sound confident and wouldn't provide me with a percentage on how sure she was or wasn't. Since the baby didn't cooperate in other ways, they didn't get all the pictures they needed so I will get another U/S for that reason. I have to go back in 3 weeks, at which time I will be 21 weeks along. With my first baby, it was just so clearly and definitely a boy, you could see it ALL. Everything in my gut for weeks now has said girl so I am having a hard time accepting that it could be wrong. Obviously I am happy to be having a healthy baby which is what matters. I just kinda have my heart set on a girl. I have been reading about how other things can cause the tech to think they see male parts, the umbilical cord, a swallon clitoris or labia, etc. My aunt was told my cousin was a boy at her first scan and at her second they said girl and it was a girl, so I am in wait and see mode right along with Amy. I am considering the 3-D ultrasound if the next scan is inconclusive too.
  15. The auditions last night were pretty good, I still haven't seen anyone yet though that has completely blown me away with their audition. On another note, the show announced yesterday that they have decided to add a third permanent judge and its Adam Shankman!!!!!! So happy, I love Adam. I am not sure if they plan on having a 3 person panel with just these three or if they are going to bump to 4 person with the 3 permanent and 1 guest judge. I'd love to see it stay 3. If Lil C never judges again I will be sooooo happy!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB One of the fan sites has a thread about who should play which characters. Of course it is all speculation and most of the people that have been voted for are all failry big names so who knows if they would ever agree to the role: Debbie Pelt - Christina Ricci Quinn - Jason Statham (Crank, Transporter) Amelia - Liv Tyler Who do you think would be a good Alcide? Hmmm..I'm not sure I'd be crazy about any of that casting. I LOVE Jason Statham (especially in The Italian Job) but I don't see him as Quinn. I picture Quinn a little more exotic looking, tan skin, etc. I don't like Christina Ricci at all. For Alcide, maybe the guy that plays Desmonde on LOST, just cause he has that wild hair look that they mention in the books for Alcide. But he's all I can come up with, and honestly, I don't think he's hot and couldn't see him and Anna Paquin having chemistry. It will be interesting to see who they cast.
  17. I meant to post last week after I watched but...I forgot. So, I like watching the auditions because of the interviews that they do with some of the people. I think it gives you a chance to get to know people that may make it to the top 20 and start making the connection with people early so you can pick favs. I thought there were ALOT of contemporary dancers and not many other genres represented on the first show. I loved seeing the tappers, but Cat saying a tapper has never been Top 20 was pissing me off cause Sandra Coulton from season 1 (when they only did top 16) was a tapper and was in the "Top" group, even if it wasn't called the Top 20, I mean obviously if she was top 16, she would have been Top 20 if they had picked 20 so it still counts. Just irritated me.
  18. As for Quinn...I think he will definitely show up at some point. And stangely enough, I wonder if they already have someone in mind to play him. I had googled the book "All Together Dead" a while back for some reason and found this pic of what I think is supposed to be Sookie and Quinn http://images2.fanpop.com/images/pho...13-818-714.jpg Could easily be a photoshop job by a fan, which it most likely is, but still made me wonder.
  19. About Eric and Sookie he said: “I can’t tell you if they’re going to get together, because that’s going to ruin the anticipation. But, if you’ve been following season two, he’s definitely been doing things to make her more vulnerable and more susceptible to him. And he does want her, he’s just not sure why. I think it’s deeper than just, “I want her because Bill Compton has her.†Although that’s part of it, because Eric is a total alpha-dog." Here is a link to another site about what he said about the show vs. books and Season 3: True Blood Season 3 Spoilers from Alan Ball | True Blood News
  20. My theories on the kidnapping run a little parallel with Book 3. I think the Queen has Lorena take him because he knows about Eric selling V. Based on things Alan Ball has said about Season 3, I think he ends up in Mississippi like in "Club Dead" so we'll get to meet Alcide and I think something will happen to "reverse" the engagement so that the Eric/Sookie door remains open. His hesitation in last nights show when the Queen makes a comment about him loving Sookie shows there are definite feelings there, even if he denies them. I found these Alan Ball/Season 3 comments on Facebook: The third season is loosely based on Charlaine Harris' third novel from the "Sookie Stackhouse" series, "Club Dead". Ball spilled, "...I'm not giving anything away when I say that we'll meet the Vampire King of Mississippi, Russell Edgington. And we'll encounter werewolves for the first time in the flesh; we've heard about them, but we'll meet them. I'm very excited about the character of Debbie Pelt. She's bad news." Ball went further in revealing what season 3 would be like, saying "Everybody is struggling with identity in season three - What am I? Who am I? What is my life? ...And some people are like, 'Am I human? I always thought I was, but maybe I was wrong'. In one particular case, its like, 'Yes, honey, you were wrong'." Pressed further by TV Squad, Ball admitted that Sookie is not 100 percent human and that she is aware of it. Those who will not be back for the third season next summer would be Godric, who is "really dead", and second season's villain, Maryann.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by *Rachel* I totally forgot this part- what did you guys think of that odd exchange between Jessica and Bill at the end? It seemed to be hinting at some chemistry but I wasn't really sure. Even Steve picked up on it and said "Ohhhhhhhhhh!" He always likes it when dudes hook up with new chicks on shows. hahah Anyways, did anyone else notice? His whole tone with her was different and the little pause/stare in the convo confused me. I don't know I didn't really get a sense chemistry but that's just me...seemed more like an affectionate father/daughter type moment, maybe?
  22. One of my favs came from Jason.... "I love the smell of nail polish in the morning", he's so dumb but adorable : )
  23. The Maryanne storyline was not as detailed in the books, she didn't even have a name, it was just "a maenad" and in the book she and Sam had a fling, she was not looking to kill him. The whole storyline was something specifically for the show, it didn't really come from the books. The story of Eric selling V for the Queen is not in the books either, so I have no idea where that is going. My only thought was since the Queen knows that Bill knows, it may have something to do with his abduction, I guess we'll find out next season. I agree, definitely not enough Eric, but I also laughed out loud at seeing him play Yahtzee.
  24. Amy, I can imagine that would be frustrating. Maybe they'd give you another one if you asked?? The practice I go to only does one U/S at 18-20 weeks, unless as others have said there is a complication or reason that another may be needed. I have mine scheduled for this Wednesday at 3:30 and I am so excited. Last night I told DH "Only 66.5 hours till our U/S" He looked at me like I was crazy : ) Guess counting hours is a little silly but I just can't wait to know. I have such STRONG intuitions that it is a girl and I want to see if I'm right, I just hope the baby cooperates. I read somewhere that 70% of pregnant women in a study with no prior knowledge of the sex of their child were able to correctly guess based on intuition alone. I had the same gut feelings the first time that it was a boy and it was so maybe there is something to that. I took Intelligender too, I had posted on here before about it, and that said girl so just two more days and I will know, hopefully for sure : )
  25. I'm not sure how I feel about this finale either, it lacked a little something, just can't put my finger on it. I'm not sure if everyone has watched yet so I don't want to ruin anything either. Charlaine Harris was at the bar being served by Sam after everything "returned to normal" from the Maryanne drama. She had one line, something "Hard to believe what's happened around here" or something to that effect, it was a very quick thing, blink and you'd miss her. The ending was a little anti-climactic for me but for those who know the books, it seems to set up moving into the plot of Book 3 with a few differences.
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