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Posts posted by Sloan

  1. I think most of us have gone through the same thing. I didn't receive ANY congratulations from ANY of my friends. None of them could attend our wedding in Jamaica and we were fine with that, but an F'ing card, email or simple phone call would have sufficed. Considering I've bent head over heels for all of their wedding/baby shit. DH's family didn't send any congrats either (his Mom and Dad are still PISSED). It was as though because we had our wedding and reception in Jamaica that it didn't "count" in people's eyes. I've since not talked to any of my friends since last February. No skin off my teeth -- I've got other friends from work that I have more in common with now anyway. I think most of us are feeling your pain! People can be dicks, especially those whom you thought were your closest friends.

  2. I agree with your FI. We had no clue what we were doing every day at 5pm when we went for our wedding. Who cares? Be flexible, its your vacation too. Do what you wish and if guests want to hang out with each other they'll find each other. Our guests knew basically where we were at the resort if they needed to find us or wanted to hang out. We did a couple of excursions together, but we didn't decide on them until we got down there. Planning every minute of a vacation is no fun for people, including yourself!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by *Tucks* View Post
    Hi girls! This is my first time posting on this thread.

    Congrats to all the mommies and mommies to be! and all the girls who are TTC'ing.

    Im ready for babies now.. I have been ready for yrs, I wanted to be married and now I am! So Im hoping to TTC this summer or fall.
    Woo! Welcome aboard and good luck to ya!
  4. We only had 9 guests come to our wedding. We had champagne toast on the beach with pictures after the ceremony, then headed up to the lobby bar for drinks while we waited for the reception. Our reception was just a semi-private dinner at one of the al a cartes. Nothing fancy, but we plugged in our docking station and had a good time. After dinner a few of us went swimming in the ocean with our wedding gear on -- good times and continued to drink at the bar and then back at my BIL's room.

  5. These are a few of my faves:


    "Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess". - Oscar Wilde.


    "Go big or go home".


    "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar". - Drew Carey


    And my personal favourite:

    “I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” - Chandler Bing

  6. Oooo that sucks Carly.


    I've been using Bare Minerals + Prime Time primer for about a month now. LOVE IT. Great coverage and doesn't feel like I need to chisel it off at the end of the day. I have a bad habit of not washing my makeup off at night, with this stuff I don't feel so guilty!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin View Post
    Kayte- OMG, twins!! Congrats!!! That's so exciting! Start taking belly pics right away because you're going to start growing so quickly!!

    Well, it's still very early but I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was positive!!
    Thank you! I haven't started showing yet and my clothes still fit, although I did have to buy a bigger bra. Congrats on your BFP! That's very exciting!!

    Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
    And Kayte, I missed the news before but TWINS!! Congratulations! I have a friend who had twins and was absolutely terrified about it, but now that they're here she's so happy that it worked out this way. She said she felt like it would be more difficult to have two kids at two different ages because they're at such different stages in their lives and to her that would be more stressful. Plus, her kids (and your two!) are going to be the best of friends and have a connection like no other sibling has. Do you know (or could they even tell?) if they are identical twins?
    Thanks Courtney! I didn't even think to ask until I got off the phone with my GP. Guess I'll have to wait for the next u/s! DH is hoping for fraternal twins so he can have a boy and a girl. He calls that the "million dollar family".

    Originally Posted by jmb0902 View Post
    Kayte- congrats! When is your EDD now, does it change with twins? I think we're only like a week apart :)
    So far my EDD is October 22, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to make it that far! I'm thinking late September, early October but stranger things have happened. Just hope I'm able to walk by then end of it!

    Yael and Stacey -- good luck to you both!
  8. Awww thanks ladies for the encouraging words... we're still in shock obviously. I woke up today thinking "wow, what a crazy dream... oh wait that wasn't a dream". The funny thing is my husband is walking, or more like strutting around like "look what I did" kinda thing. He's pretty damn proud of himself -- it's hilarious. I guess it's still pretty early on in the pregnancy so anything could happen. Hopefully the 3 of us (that sounds just crazy) make it through the next 7 months or less... probably less. No rest for me this summer! I gotta work all I can while I still can!

  9. So here's an update for ya! Played my last hockey game on Sunday, had a bit of spotting afterwards. No big deal, just old stuff and no cramps. Called my GP on Monday - she saw me right away. Sent me for serial beta HCG's and an urgent ultrasound to check viability of the baby. She felt there was likely nothing wrong because my cervix was still closed (TMI) and my spotting was really next to nothing. So fast forward to this morning. I go for my ultrasound. The tech said she couldn't divulge any information regarding the scan just because of the nature of it (urgent scan) and that the radiologist would read the ultrasound and call my GP with the results later. So I get a phone call at 140 (am supposed to be at work for my ER shift at 200)




    TWINS. I'm having TWINS. Both of them are apparently fine and both have good strong heartbeats according to the radiologist. OMFG. I bawled my face off. I kept saying, but I only wanted one! My GP just laughed at me. My poor DH almost had a stroke when I told him. I guess there are 4 sets of twins on his Dad's side of the family that we didn't know about. None on my side and I haven't taken any fertility drugs. Must be something in the water -- I know 3 different people that have had twins in the last 3 years. OMG. I'm in complete shock. Excited, but scared.. holy crap. How am I going to manage TWINS!??

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CourtneyV View Post
    Kayte, honestly I could have cared less about the results from our 11 week prenatal screening ultrasound, it was just fun to see the baby before 18 weeks!! That's the ONLY reason we did that ultrasound! :)
    LOL. We thought about doing it just for the u/s too! Just to have a quick peek at the little one! 18 weeks is going to feel like forever for that first u/s!
  11. Ugh. They shouldn't say anything until there's hard and fast proof. Really, it just makes for stress that's not called for! Good thing your DH is an ER doc - he can reassure you! I work in ER and ICU so I bounce things off our physicians all the time. cool.gif


    Our appt. went fine. I'm doing a shared model oc care between my OBGYN and my GP. My OB will see me somewhere around 8-10 weeks and then not again (unless complications) until 28 weeks. My GP will see me for all the inbetween. My u/s is at 18 weeks. Standard for Canada. DH and I decided against prenatal screening too - doesn't give a definitive diagnosis of anything and we figure we will just play the hand we're dealt. If baby is fine than GREAT! If baby isn't fine than we'll figure if out. My cousin has Down's and my sister has developmental delay -- seriously neither are the worst thing in the world. I'm more concerned with other birth problems/defects! We figured why stress ourselves out for the remaining 7 months? Whats done is done. Anywho, next appt. is the end of March so now all I have to do is enjoy myself while I don't have any morning sickness!

  12. Why thank you for the congrats, pretty ladies! The whole idea is a bit weird still. Hah. We told our parents on Sunday -- my Mom was blown away -- she apparently had decided that we weren't going to have kids ever. DH's Mom cried and his Dad kept saying "Wow! This is just awesome! I can't wait!" over and over and over again. It was kinda cute :) Don't think we'll tell anyone else for a few weeks yet. The parents will just have to keep it quiet. DH already has already got me to pick out paint and new window treatments for the baby's room -- I told him maybe it was a bit soon, but he's so bloody excited, you can't tell him any different. He actually suggested going to look at baby stuff this weekend, just to get an idea. LOL. He kills me. Anyway, I see my GP for my first appt on Wed. -- we'll see how that goes!

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jmb0902 View Post
    Congrats!! I know exactly how you feel-- you're about a week or so behind me!! We are waiting to tell people (except for my sister and my best friend - I am a bad secret keeper), so it's crazy! Is everything going pretty normally for you at this point? I don't really have much going on but my boobs are getting bigger (and hurting!)... it's nice to have someone in the same boat =)
    Yay! Congrats to you too! Everything seems normal. If we hadn't been TTC I would have had no clue (except for the obvious lack of period) I don't feel sick, maybe a bit more tired at the end of the day and my boobs are a bit tender but not horrible. When are you guys sharing the big news with people? We keep saying later on, but it may not happen! DH will be the one to let it out before I do. hahah
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