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Posts posted by *Heather*

  1. I think if you keep wearing them around, they will get more comfortable. What part hurts? Is it because they are too high, or is there a part that digs in? My one pair of lower heeled Loubs are the most comfortable pair of heels I've ever worn! My wedding shoes are another story though - those things hurt like a b$%# because I didn't wear them in and the strap kept digging into my big toe. I should have worn them in for sure - you still have time!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amandseth View Post
    Recognize that you have no control over how others act/feel, but you do have control over how you accept/react to their actions/feelings. Sometimes you just have to step aside and choose not to be a part of someone's drama.
    I like this a lot. I think we all experienced disappointment at one point or another while planning our weddings, and we should all take note of this. There will always be people who don't come that will surprise you, but you can't change or control that. You just have to roll with it, and focus on the people who ARE coming. That's the most important thing.
  3. Maybe your aunt just thinks she needs to stay home because she feels it will look bad, and she will FEEL bad, being off on vacation at your wedding when someone else in the family is going through serious issues related to addiction? I think she would probably much rather be with you guys but maybe her conscience just won't let her do it. And I'm not saying this as a happily-already-married person, I'm trying to look at the situation objectively and see what I would do if I were in your aunt's shoes...?

  4. Welcome to the Forum! I was originally planning my wedding at Fiesta Americana and ended up switching it to Dreams...but I was planning the wedding at FA for 11 months before we switched. Let me know if you have any questions - all of the vendors I used (which stayed the same when I moved from FA to Dreams) are reviewed in my review (see link in my siggy).

  5. I love it Erika! You did such a great job. Can you take pics of the actual books so we can see them? Hehe you know we love pics cheesy.gif


    What size books did you get? Can you insert text wherever you want? I'm going to use Blurb when I get our wedding pics and I want to put our ceremony script in it - do you think that's possible?


    I think I'll be emailing you a billion questions when it's time to do mine, hehe.


    Yours is awesome!

  6. AUTUMN! What the...?! You have so much stuff, and so many personalized details...I love it! You did an awesome job. Love your swimsuits, they are so cute. Your guests are going to love everything! Wooot!


    Also, I love your christmas ornament (bride and groom)! We've been looking for something like that. Where did you get it?!


    Have a BLAST! Can't wait to hear about everything when you get back!

  7. I 100% agree with Erika on this one - sorry guys. My love for M has nothing to do with how he looks. We have both changed since we first started dating but we are both still fairly active and try to eat moderately well, so I know our health is fine. How he looks doesn't matter one bit to me.


    I think Alyssa was right that you probably care too much what other people think if you are concentrating on how he will look during your wedding week. He's still the same man inside, right?

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