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Posts posted by RedDiamond

  1. TylersGirl has the right idea, and I've said this to many brides before... ask your regular photographer. Most will do them but won't necessarily advertise it. We have a separate website for our b-pic work, and on occasion I'll activate an additional gallery on our wedding website of b-pic work. You never know though until you ask.


    Edit: Some content removed

  2. Many places can still put you into the smaller sizes. Either over your head, and just leaving the back open, or they can pin it to you to get an idea of what it will look like.


    My suggestion to you though would be to get your dress made by a local designer. I went through the problem of not finding "the dress" and finally gave up. I'm soooo much happier knowing I'll be getting exactly what I want... and I don't need the designer label to love my dress.

  3. I don't think the photographer getting wet should really make a difference in the price. Some might argue that it's dangerous (might drop the camera), but that's what insurance and a back-up camera is for. Plus, if they are a member of Nikon Professional Services or Canon Professional Services Etc, I don't think they can really argue that they are worried about equipment since NPS & CPS can overnight just about any replacement equipment.


    We just spent 8 hours in a river in the mountains a few weeks ago. The water was probably high 40˚ to early 50˚F and we had no problems. Your body sort of numbs to it, but you won't freeze.


    Why not just ask for a break down of the price quote? Then you could see what the majority of the cost is and figure out if there is a way to bring that cost down.

  4. Welcome to BDW Erika! I'm from Colorado, so if you have questions just let me know. My fiance has been to Hawaii and there's a few girl here getting married there - so they could answer questions too.

  5. Whatever you want/expect, get it in writing. There are a few major advantages to U.S. brides using a U.S. photographer, especially for cost:


    1.) You have the option for legal recourse in your own country if anything happens to go wrong.


    2.) You can save yourself a considerable amount of money. Many destination photographers charge for travel and the photo package. You literally could save yourself thousands of dollars.


    3.) Don't EVER feel bad asking for certain shots or ideas. If they are shooting this to improve or expand on their portfolio they probably want the best ideas possible. So if you come up with something that they don't, they'll probably be thrilled to photograph it. The only time a photographer might turn an idea down is if the lighting is bad or the idea seems dangerous, and in all honesty some photographers will still take the chance... just for the opportunity.


    4.) For many photographers offering this sort of deal it's also about the referrals, and in order to get those you need to love your photos. Many photographers will go out of their way to make sure you get the best service possible in order to gain referrals. That's whether you are paying for it or not. No photographer wants bad images out there.


    5.) Another question some people wonder is if your photographer needs to be at the same hotel as you/your guests. I can't speak for all photographers, but for us the answer is no. We've photographed plenty of weddings where we were put at a less expensive hotel so the couple can save money, and we have no problem with that. As long as it's clean, that's all that matters.


    6.) Ask about the staff and equipment that will be used for your wedding. Having a photographer with an assistant (not shooting) is a lot different from having two photographers who are producing images for you. Also, if you have a photographer show up to your wedding with nothing but their camera, you probably shouldn't expect the same images as a photographer showing up fully prepared with various equipment. It's just a good idea to check.

  6. I would really agree with Matt that a lot of photographers are scared of mid-day sun and some shouldn't be. I see local photographers who shoot mid-day and the photos don't look great... but it's from lack of knowledge, appropriate equipment, and assistants. Photography students get it drilled into their heads not to shoot mid-day because they aren't prepared for it.


    Having assistants around can make a huge difference in what you are able to achieve - such as using scrims, light reflectors, and flashes. Couples need to look at the photographers work and decide if the quality is up to par with what they want. If you love someone's work, and it's all well done, you can trust your photographers opinion on the best way to achieve your photos.


    Even as a photographer I still ask my friends questions about what time they shot certain photos, because it makes a huge difference. The golden hours don't always hold true either. For example there is no point in getting up for the early morning "golden hour' locally, because the mountains shadow the sunrise, so it always runs an hour to an hour and a half late. Sometimes working with a photographer who has experience at your location, or connections to those with experience, can make a big difference.


    So really it comes down to is the photographer consistently producing great work? If so, they probably know what they are doing.

  7. Is the Water's Edge Pavilion the open round space by the pools with the blue-is seashell top on their weddings page? If so, it had already been converted to a restaurant when we were there in May.


    Now, they do have a very cool new indoor reception site on the opposite side of the Great Hall of Waters. It's dedicated specifically to group events, and all you really see in the background is a long stretch of the aquarium. It's VERY cool.


    For an actual wedding spot, I found a very pretty palm tree on the beach right by the pools of the Cove. The Atlantis photographers use it to take family photos. There are pictures of it in my bio.

  8. We have Netflix - I LOVE them! I can't rave enough. We get like 3 a week, which honestly is too many for us now. Once we discovered their online viewing section that is the majority of what we watch these days. They have some new movies and lots of old classics in instant view. So now we make deli trays and sit in bed to watch old black and white classics on the laptop. Love it!

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