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Posts posted by MoonPalacePookie

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ashrose View Post
    Hey there - so here are 2 different things I've got in my mind. Essentially, I decided I want to dance with the beach as my backdrop.

    These aren't really to scale -- we are planning on renting some lounge furniture as well to give conversation areas around the different clusters of tables... so that's why I have one where everyone is spread out.

    You'll likely be able to get a rectangle space to dance in -- almost any way you set it up -- just tell her it is ok for her to let you travel a bit. Most wedding "dance floors" are smallish boxy floors that are hard to travel.

    This is the dance we really want (or something close to this level of difficulty/elegance): YouTube - It is You-Deb and Ryan 1st draft but I'm not sure if we are going to be able to do some of the tight spins and pivots on the terrace. Deb and Ryan are amazing instructors. We've got some work to do! :)
    Wow, I love that video, I can't believe people can move like that, so graceful and flowing. I have an enormous skirt on my dress, I probably can't do anything like that (even if I could dance like it).

    I love the second design you posted, I think we're going to go with something like that, i love the idea of having the beach in the background. Thank you so much for your help. I'm going to print that and show it to our instructor tonight. I'm so excited.
  2. So i was right, we did go out on the boat, among other things. I had such a great time, even though 2 of my BMs couldn't make it. We started off with dinner at Edgewood, a golfcourse in Tahoe (good memories, I had prom there years ago).

    Click the image to open in full size.


    We then went to Zephyr Cove beach and had drinks on the beach while we wanted guys in Speedos playing beach volleyball and waited for our sailboat. We went out on the Woodwind II, a large catamaran sailboat. The cruise was an all-you-can-drink champagne cruise (we had mojitos at dinner, rum runners on the beach and then champagne, great start to the night). The cruise was awesome, they had blankets for us, so no one got cold and we played Sex Trivia games.

    Click the image to open in full size.


    We then went back to the hotel room, drank some more and opened gifts and got ready to go out.

    Click the image to open in full size.


    We went to Vex, the nightclub in Tahoe and I don't remember much after that.Click the image to open in full size.


    The bachelorette had too much to drink (its the champagne I tell you) so we went back to the hotel room around 2 am. You know I'm drunk becuase I have my signature "deer in the headlights look."

    Click the image to open in full size.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
    jenny those are so cute! i saw them in the store, but we're not doing seating. cant wait to see yours in real pics!
    I already had placecards made up, so I'm just using these as favor boxes for Mexican candy. On the little cards where you print the person's name, we printed our names and wedding date, so now they're favors and not placecards. They're on sale for $12 a box and with 50% off coupons, we got them for $6 plus tax. So worth it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ashrose View Post
    Oh geez... thats a beautiful song!! Let me know what your instructor decides to do with it... I'd probably dance a fast waltz or V waltz to it but V waltz is really hard to do in a wedding dress. :)

    I'm planning on using the lake terrace as well... give me a few and I'll draw up the schematic I had in my head. :)
    Oh you're awesome, that would be really cool. I'll keep you updated with what she has us do.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ashrose View Post
    Oh that's a great question!! My FI and I are ballroom dancers and our instructor is trying to figure out how many of our moves we can actually do on the terrace.

    What type of dance are you planning on doing? Waltz? Tango? Foxtrot? Salsa? I can do a schematic for you. :)

    Which terrace at MP?
    The reception will be at the Lake Terrace, it has a great view and is large enough to spread out. We are not sure what style of dance we're doing, we just had our consultation on Friday and first class will be tomorrow. Last year my FI and I tool waltz classes and loved it, but I will let the instructor figure out what we're doing. Our song is "At Last" by Etta James.
  6. So my FI and I signed up to take dance lessons for our first dance. During our consultation, our instructor asked about the layout of our reception area. I haven't even thought about it, I figured whatever the hotel did would be fine with me, but since its important for our dance, I guess I need to figure out what we want. Our reception will be on a terrace outside, it fits about 120 people and we will have 54, 6 round tables, plus food, DJ, cake and guest book tables. Here is a pic of our terrace:


    Click the image to open in full size.


    I emailed the hotel asking for pictures of their setups, but knowing them they wont have anything and it will take a few days for her to respond anyways. Does anyone have any good actual pictures of layouts (like a picture from above the site) or little schematic drawings or just suggestions, I'm open to anything? I would like something that allows all guests acess to all tables and leaves a large dance floor. TIA

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lor View Post
    Where can u read the "what I would and wouldn't do again thread" huh.gif?
    This is the thread, it was totally helpful, especially the cake information:

    Originally Posted by foxfirejg View Post
    So I may have missed it in all the different posts on this thread- I'm considering Moon Palace, but one thing that is really important to me is having a nice beach to lay out on- not just pools. How is the beach at Moon Palace?
    We've been to the MP twice. The beach is fine if you want to lay out and relax. There is seaweed, both on the beach and in the water, its not everywhere in the water, just kinda in patches, so if you wanted to swim you could. Also, they have big tractors come by and sweep the beach every day, so its not terrible, but the water is more green thatn the beautiful blue you see in pics. There are a bunch of pictures of the beach in the TripAdvisor photos (also good pictures of other stuff at the hotel):
    Photos of Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort, Cancun - Resort (All-Inclusive) Images - TripAdvisor
  8. The Italian restaurant is great, its called La Trattoria, but its pretty small, so make sure you let them know ahead of time. They were having a wedding dinner there the night we went, had about 15 people, it was nice. If you want something more Mexican, the Hacienda is nice, they have a long skinny room in the back than can have long tables and they have mariachi players walking around serenading people, its really cute and the food is awesome.

  9. So I finally talked my FI into taking some dance lessons with me for our first dance. He did dancing when he was little, so he is relatively good, I, on the other hand, am not good at all. I have this terrible picture of us doing the high school side to side step for our first dance with me tripping over my dress. So tomorrow at lunch we are going in for our "wedding dance consultation" (sounds so formal) where we show our instructor my dress and our song and she figures out a dance for us. We only have 2.5 weeks before we leave, so we better be quick learners.


    Is anyone else doing dance lessons? What are you learning? We're dancing to At Last, so I'm thinking waltz, but really have no clue.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
    that is great that he thinks he screwed you and he has no idea you can get it without him anyway. i wish i could see his face when he finds out you got the passport, if you tell him in person can you please bring a camera so we can see his face too? lol
    I totally agree, its going to be awesome when he realizes he put up such a fight for nothing. Not to be a party pooper, but is there anything he can do to still prevent her from going? Like file something with the court after she gets her passport? Would he go that far?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KBMD12309 View Post
    I feel completely helpless. I feel like i cant plan anything because it is too far in advance but i know i have so much to do. I hate waiting on stuff this is the worst.
    What I did before I had a WC was create a Word document where I put all my questions and pictures of my ideas. The day I got my WC, I emailed her the entire document and had her go through it and answer questions. This way you feel like you're doing something and you're not going to forget things while you wait.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
    oh this should be fun, i wonder what they gotup their sleeve. now- did u give them ideas of what you wanted, or u left it up to them? my bm's asked me but i said i wasnt sure, i def wanted to go out though.
    I haven't given her any ideas, my MOH is very independent and likes doing things her way (I am making it sound bad, but its not), so I think she wants to do something totally opposite of what I would normally expect.
  13. So here's an email I got from my MOH this morning (background-I know my bachelorette party is this Saturday, but dont know what we're doing):


    "Hi Pookie,


    I just wanted to write to give you some instruction on Sat. so that you don’t feel too left out.


    Barbara is going to drive you where you need to go, she said that she will contact you to make arrangements as to time and pick up place. As for clothes: Outfit one (which you should be wearing when you get picked up by Barb) something cute, comfortable, and possibly with a light sweater if you tend to get cold (i.e. I am wearing capris and a cute top) with no heals! Please wear flat sandals or shoes if you prefer. Outfit two: “clubin” clothes—you can wear heals here. Outfit Three/four: something to sleep in and a change of clothes for Sunday.


    I think that is it…..If you have any questions just let me know."


    Ok so Outfit 2 makes sense, we're going out, but Outfit 1 has me puzzled. My MOH knows I barely ever wear flat shoes, so her pointing out I need flat shoes tells me I REALLY need to make sure I have comfortable and steady shoes. The sweater tells me we're gonig to be outside. Since the Bachelorette party is most likely going to be in Lake Tahoe (we live only an hour away and my FI is having his party on the same night in our hometown). I'm guessing we're doing something on a boat. Anyone else venture to guess? I love surprises, but kinda like guessing at things too.


    *UPDATED* See last page for pictures.

  14. Dez, sweetie, I'm so sorry, this has to be so hard on you. My FI and I went through the whole thing. One day, out of nowhere (for me), he decided that there was too much pressure for us to get married and he felt trapped, so he moved out and came back two months later, totally ready to get married. I think men have a harder time accepting the "till death do us part" thing than women. They freak out, all of our guy friends had a freak out over this. I hope this is what yoru FI is going through and he'll get over it. I do recommend counseling, we did it and it totally helps. Men and women think and communicate differently and for him feeling "trapped' might mean something totally different than it does for you. Maybe counseling can help you figure out what he means. Whatever you do, don't give up, just keep working on it. And keep venting and talking on here, we're always here.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ntanzob View Post
    I know Pookie just ran into a little issue with the cake and photo package - maybe she can give you more insight. You have enough time Cutie to figure that part out and if you need to get a different package, then do it - you have a lot of options.
    Actually Pookie is yet to get into the cake fight, after reading the "what I would and wouldn't do again thread" (which i totally recommend you guys read, its so helpful), I decided that cake is not a battle I want to wage, I'll just get a single tier one, I'm still hoping I can do the design I want, but dont really care as long as its cute. I did have a problem with flowers, I wanted calla lillies and green orchids and that's not included, but after looking at their pictures and talking to my mom (AKA Flower Nazi), I decided that i would not mind getting white lillies and roses, so like Nicole said, I changed my perspective. Too bad my green orchid centerpieces will not match, but oh well, doubt anyone will even care. I'm at the point where we'll have an open bar, great food, beautiful scenery and a bunch of close friends and family, so I'm not stressing the small things (never thought I'd say something like this, I'm such a control freak normally).

    The other option, is, as NIcole mentioned to me a while back, change your package to free package and add things, especially if you still have months to go, it might be worth it. Its just not something I want to deal with this late in the game. And I totall agree with Nicole, everything will be perfect regardless.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jennifer43 View Post
    And here is another question...

    What do you all know about the Grand Moon side? I have heard its more secluded and kind of out of the way, but that is really what I was looking for in the first place, before we decided on MP. Has anyone seen it in person? I saw some posts about it, but I would love some opinions.
    We haven't been yet, it was just getting built when we were there 2 years ago, and last year we went to Aventura, so I'm excited to see it all completed. I heard the Carribean restaurant at the GM is great. Here are some pics I found on TripAdvisor, hope this helps.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ntanzob View Post
    HI welcome4.gifJennifer!

    Has anyone received any pictures of the floral table top arrangements? I still have to get all those flowers taken care of.......uggggh!

    Happy planning everyone!

    Here are some my WC sent me, I know they have way more than this. They are a bit pricey, the one with 3 vases in yellow is $180, the little one with just candles and orchids is $60, that's all i asked about.

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    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jennifer43 View Post
    Hello everyone! I just posted on the Newbie board, but I have to admit...yesterday I read through all 41 pages of posts on the board! You all have so much great information to share and I feel like I have learned a lot already.

    I have started planning and thinking of all our details for MP, and I do have a bunch of pictures I have found on the internet and a bunch of documents from Maribel at MP so I will make sure to post them, A: when I learn how, and B: if people need them!

    I tend to be a chatty Kathy so you will probably see me post a lot on here! I can't wait to get to know you girls and help you plan while helping me! [/color]

    Welcome Jennifer, nice to have another MP bride. I worked with Maribel for a few months, she was great, very responsive. As for posting, feel free to post any information you come across that you think will help the girls. I would rather have too much stuff to dig through than none at all. Happy planning.
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