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Posts posted by MoonPalacePookie

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angel View Post
    Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.

    I'm still deciding on which ones to buy. Being the shoe freak that I am, I'll end up buying all of them just in case I change my mind.
    That way I'll have options. I've always had a thing with wearing red shoes with my wedding dress. I don't know why.
    I love the first ones, I saw them online and wanted to try them on, but didn't find them in the store. Those are so sexy.
  2. OMG I'm such a list freak, I have lists for everything. This is awesome, and it even changes colors. So cool! As an aside: Its sad how the little things get me excited as I'm planning this wedding. I found some silk flowers I liked and I just about threw myself a party. My FI said its the happiest I've looked since the engagement (see my avatar picture). Sad...

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cheeks75 View Post

    I am getting married at Moon Palace on August 2, 2008 at 5:00 pm. at Bugambilia (spelling may not be correct) gazebo and a private reception on the terrace as well. I am so excited and very nervous as well.

    Are you having a welcome dinner, if so, where? I wanted to have one, but I am still undecided.
    I really want to do a welcome dinner, but we have some logistics issues. We're going to get there on Friday, that includes some friends and most of the family, so we could do a welcome dinner then. The rest of the people are coming Saturday and Sunday, so we're still deciding what night to do it. Also, we dont want it to be a private function (financially) and I know the hotel does not like making reservations for large parties (we're expecting about 56 guests) at their restaurants, so I dont even know if we can do that. We are having a rehearsal cocktail party the night before the wedding, on a terrace next to the Sunrise pool, so that might have to be our welcome party as well, though its four or five days into everyone's trip.
  4. We just had three earthquakes (4.1, 2.6 and 3.cool.gif in the past 20 minutes. I pulled up the local paper and it says we have had about 3 earthquakes a day since April 15. They're all in the 2 to 3 range, but its still distracting. Last week we were in a meeting with a visiting client from Chicago when one happened, he thought a car hit the building and was amazed to find out he was just in his first earthquake. The news is saying its no big deal and the pressure will work itself out, but its still pretty scary. Just thought I'd share. thewave.gif


    I guess we had 16 total today, most of them about 1.6, so we didn't feel them.

  5. These are the pictures I'm using as inspiration for my centerpieces:

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    I found some beautiful fake green orchids at Michael's and they're 50% off. We'll bring those, rocks and candles. I still need to talk to my WC about renting vases, I really dont want to bring them with me. I'll do a bunch of tealights around the vases on each table.


    And YAY for me for figuring out how to do this whole picture posting thing. :)

  6. I'm doing a combination of your centerpieces, mine will have rocks on the bottom, a green orchid floating in the middle and a floating candle on top. We did a trial run and it looked great. Everyone we showed it to loved it, plus its pretty simple to arrange onsite. We have a square vase though. Its a bit bigger than yours, so we might do 2 orchids, kinds of symbolic, I guess.

  7. So my fiance and I have been trying to figure out a way to do something creative with our place cards and my mom came up with the idea of embroidering (sp) everyone's name of their napkin and having those serve as place cards. I love the idea. We're having a white and blue theme and the napkins are this really deep blue color. We bought the fabric, i cut out 54-18x18 squares and my mom will have to edge them and embroider everyone's name in white. She has one of those sewing machines that you have to type in the name and it does everything itself. I can't wait to see how that turns out, plus since its fabric, its not going to take too much space in our baggage. We're debating adding our logo, but i think that might be too much. Just wanted to share the idea, i'll post pictures when the first batch of napkins is done.


    *UPDATE:* My mom finished the majority of the napkins and I finally have pictures. We wanted to use white thread at first, but thought it would be too bright, so we found a similar shade of blue. I think it turned out great, so excited for the guests to see them.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.

  8. I'm not sure what the wind situation will be like, but just in case, I'm getting little votive LED candles, they look relatively real and they flicker, but they can't blow out and have over 50 hours of battery life. I'm not sure yet what color I'm getting, but here is what they look like (not necessarily green)

    12 Green LED Flicker Tea Lights Wedding Garden Candles: 002520-013 VirtualVillage.com

    It might not be as cute as real candles, but at least they will last, plus i have this nightmare about them getting blown over and lighting the tables on fire. They also have LED floating candles, which I'll use for my centerpieces.

  9. Hello all,

    I thought it might be nice to have a common thread for those getting married this summer at the Moon Palace. I'm sorry if there is already a thread, I couldn't find one. I thought this might be more efficient than searching all over the forum.


    I am getting married July 23, 2008. I am having a ceremony at 4pm at the Tucan gazebo and a private dinner at 6 on the Lake Terrace. I'm still debating on the DJ vs. Ipod issue. I would love to hear from other brides, see what everyone else is doing for their ceremonies/receptions and compare to-do lists. Three months to go...cheer2.gif

  10. Welcome to the forum. I grew up in Tahoe and now live in Reno. Until we decided on Mexico, we wanted to get married in Tahoe at the Heavenly ski lodge. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.cheer2.gif

  11. My fiance and I got engaged at the Aventura Palace last summer. We always wanted to get married in Lake Tahoe like his parents. But as we started discussing wedding plans we realized that nothing we could do at home would compare to getting married on a beach in Mexico. Plus we've been trying to get our friends and family to Mexico for a group vacation, so what better way to do that. We are the second out of our group of friends and family to get married, so I guess we also wanted to set the bar high.pinkie.gif

  12. We are getting married at the Moon Palace in July. As far as guests are concerned, I think we're getting a great deal. Its $1,450 per person for 10 nights, AI plus a bunch of free tours. The wedding itself is a bit more difficult. I bought the ceremony package that includes bridal flowers and a cake. There are extra costs depending on the flowers you choose, extra costs for a non-basic cake. There are costs for the food, DJ, decorations and just about everything else. Its going to be a bit more expensive than we first imagined, but nothing compared to what we would have paid in the States. Plus we have been to the hotel before and just love it. To us its worth the extra costs and our guests have not complained too much about the prices.

  13. We went about four years ago through our hotel. We bus ride took forever and it was miserably hot in July, but so worth it. It's not as spread out as Coba and not as small as Tulum (also doesn't have an ocean breeze like Tulum), its like a whole town of ruins. They have the pyramid, smaller buildings and even a sacrificial pit. If you're into ruins and the whole cultural aspect of it, its totally worth the ride and the heat. We did get to climb the pyramid, I heard you can't do it anymore because someone got hurt. Like everyone else said, get a guide. We are definitely doing it during our trip in July and everyone is so excited.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BarbK View Post
    I didn't think of that. Have you found alot of people on ebay? I will definatly have to look into that. Thanks for the tip!
    I just typed "moon palace" into Ebay search and found over 30 different offers. What we did was find a guy who was willing to let us use his member weeks for a small fee. We email him names and dates of our guests, he calls the hotel, arranges everything and emails us with a confirmation number. We then email it to the guests and they call the hotel to pay. This way you dont have to make such a large payment to the Ebay person, you deal stricly with the hotel. The only catch is that you have to stay 7 nights to qualify for a member rate, but its totally worth it because its the same price as staying 5 nights without the member rate. Plus each person in the room gets a free manicure/pedicure and a 50 minute massage.monkey.gif
  15. I'm not sure if everyone knows this and I'm just being obvious, but Moon Palace offers memberships and members save something like $40 per person per night. My FI's parents are members, but they didn't use all of their member weeks, so we found another member on Ebay willing to allow us to use his weeks for a fixed fee. Not sure if this helps anyone, but it is making it much easier to our guests to attend.

  16. Everyone's dresses are so beautiful. I'm so relieved to see some bigger princess style dresses on here. I bought this ginormous dress with enough tulle and fabric to cover a small country. But my mom and I absolutely loved it. I'm not even going to bother with the picture, as I'm computer challenged and new to this site, so here is a link at DB, hope it works:


    David's Bridal - Bridal Gowns CU099 Beaded bodice features full Tulle skirt.

  17. Hi, my name is Eugenia. I am getting married at the Moon Palace, July 23, 2008. I have been reading posts on this site for months and finally decided to join. Is anyone else having a hard time with guests taking their wedding seriously? It seems that since this is a destination wedding, everyone thinks of it as vacation, without the need to RSVP, brining random guests, and changing their mind about everything. Not a huge deal, but I was wondering if this is just my friends and family or a DW phenomenon. I'm so excited to finally be able to post. Yay!elefant.gif

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