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Posts posted by seaprincess

  1. Hi ladies! Just wanted to check in and let you know how things have been going. I have been able to slowly modify my choices to better represent the clean eating lifestyle since I initially read the book.

    Since September, I have switched from flavoured packaged oatmeal to plain oatmeal/steel-cut oats, switched from nonfat vanilla yogurt to plain 0% Greek yogurt, swtiched from white rice to brown, and I have minimized my process food consumption to almost nothing.


    I have completly eliminated soda, even though I still only drank it rarely. I only drink water, green tea, milk and 100% OJ in the morning with my breaky.


    I still have almost no headaches, and when I do get one it is usually because I haven't eaten on schedule (I eat every 3hrs) or I haven't gotten enough water.


    This change did not happen overnight, and the last 4 months or so have been a process of replacing one thing for another. The slow change has made it a lifestyle and not a diet, and is something that I am doing for my health not my weight - even though it has been a pleasant side effect to lose a few lbs along the way.


    In addition to my food choices, I have re-dedicated to a more consistent exercise routine and I got to the gym 5-6 days a week. I have always loved exercise, but its easy to let it slip when things get busy. Instead I plan my rest days around the evening I may be home later than usual or have something going on. I find it easy to make time on Sat & Sun so I rarely miss a workout there.


    I am by no means perfect, and I occasionally eat "non-clean" foods but instead of being a daily treat, its more like a monthly one. I have so much more energy, less bloat, and no headaches when I eat this way, and I notice an immediate negative difference when I don't. I also recently bought the Eat-Clean cookbook to help come up with new recipes and ideas.


    I hope my experience helps someone who has been considering it to give it a try, and if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask. I am so happy I picked up this book and gave it a try because it really has made a world of difference.

  2. I don't know if other people have the same experience with cycling shoes, but for me I noticed a difference immediately. I find I can push myself harder without worrying about my foot slipping out of the cage. And when the instructor tells you to push or to pull, it is more focused b/c your foot is one with the pedal. I sound corny but its true. I just find it more efficient mechanically, so it is easier to think about your breathing and power.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by poohshek View Post
    Thanks Seaprincess! If I hit my goal I may consider doing a boudoir photo shoot. rolleyes.gif

    That's a great goal to work towards! I did one before my wedding, and although it is a gift for the DH, it is more a gift to yourself. When we've had a few kids, I'm going to have that book to look back on and remember what I looked like right before my wedding. I highly recommend it! Very empowering! Although with all the training you are doing, I'm sure you are in fine form for a photoshoot now without even meeting your goal!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by poohshek View Post
    Glad you made it home safe! You can make it up tomorrow. hug2.gif
    Thanks! I did make up for it today - did an hour of Bodypump and a bit of cardio this morning!

    Poohshek - Great job still working with your trainer post-wedding! Most girls fall right off the wagon, but your doing great!
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