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Posts posted by nscaper

  1. For those who are taking/who took a photographer with them away and paid their way, what were your expectations when it came to travel insurance?

    Did you get it for them? Did you pay? Did you split it? Did they pay?

    Were you worried about not having it?


    I'm sending my photographer a list of qn's and this was one of them. We're getting married April 2009 and I am worried about something happening in between when we sign the contract and when we go away in 10 months!

  2. I too didn't get the time I wanted. Even the days the week I wanted were limited. We get there on a Saturday and the ONLY days available were the following Tuesday (at noon) or Friday (noon). Since Friday was out of the question because we'll have some guests departing that day and we didn't want to do it the day before we left, we settled on Tuesday at noon.


    While I am not a big fan of a noon wedding (it's gonna be a hot and squinty one), I kinda made peace with having the afternoon to relax and do pictures and give our guests some time to relax. And the earlier time will mean less time that day that will be filled with anticipation, might as well do it early and enjoy the rest of the day!


    We did make a request that if a later afternoon time came up on Tuesday (or Wednesday or even Thursday) we'd be interested. But for now, I'm content with Tuesday at noon!

  3. I have a TA who I used to book my guests with. She also has already planned 1 or 2 Riu Ocho Rois weddings already. One being very recently.


    Other than travel stuff, she is also taking care of booking all my wedding related stuff through Chandlyn for me, she has her email and her phone number so we were able to reserve some reception things early because they were in direct contact.


    My TA never charged me anything extra (although of course she's making money off of our group), however, for the nominal difference in price (at least I hope) of not going with a TA, I'm happy that I get to reserve before my 1-2 months prior (getting married April 09), and having someone else deal with any headaches before they get to me!


    I'd definitely look at a TA if it's not too late. Just for a comparison at the very least.


    I can give you my girl's name if you are interested.

  4. I used Wedding Window Free Wedding Website Trial | Personal Wedding Websites


    It was not free, about $80-$100, but it depends on how long you want it for. You get a "X&Y.weddingwindow.com" address however, if you want your own domain it's a few dollars more. There is also an option at the end to extend the hosting AND get a copy of your site on a DVD to have forever. You can upload photos, add music (up to 3 songs), quizzes, polls, etc.


    We went with our own domain so we can be found at:



  5. I was planning on doing the DIY boarding pass invites and was either going to have it done at Staples/Kinko's or buy my own printer. I was under the impression that if I wanted to do it at home, a laser printer would be better.


    However, after talking to a sales guy at Staples, he said the colors would be better with inkjet.


    We might buy a printer and do some test pages and do some test pages at Staples, but what is everyone doing at home for printing?



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