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Posts posted by kr3611

  1. I'm in the same boat with our wedding, but a lot of the older family we invited don't even travel to Arizona and wouldn't consider going to Mexico regardless of the price. From the start, my FI and I agreed on who HAD to be there and just continue to focus on them. It's great if others can come but we understand - we'll have pictures and video to share afterwards.

  2. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post, but has anyone had a coed shower? What was your theme? Did you just invite everyone? My FI and I are from Illinois and not having attendants, but his sis offered to throw us a shower back in IL. I've only ever been to female showers - how are the coed? Anyone done one?

  3. I find it's hard to be motivated until you start seeing results, but to see the results you have to be motivated so.....I lost about 25 pounds last year and have put half back on, with my dress fitting looming in August. What worked for me last time was to go to the meetings and do the online for the first month, until I got back on track. What gets me is eating out - I highly recommend Dotti's Weight Loss Zone - I check this website for points before I go out to eat and it really helps.

  4. 1. USA

    2. Mexico

    3. Canada

    4. Bermuda

    5. Aruba

    6. China

    7. Sweden

    8. England

    9. Scotland

    10. Wales

    11. France

    12. Spain

    13. Belgium

    14. Netherlands

    15. Germany

    16. Monaco

    17. Austria

    18. Switzerland

    19. Italy

    20. Greece

    21. Turkey

    22. Poland

    23. Hungary

    24. Czech Republic

    25. Slovakia

    26. Ireland

  5. Very fun! I love to travel and i've been to:

    1. USA

    2. Canada

    3. Mexico

    4. Aruba

    5. Bermuda

    6. England

    7. Scotland

    8. Wales

    9. Ireland

    10. Sweden

    11. Spain

    12. France

    13. Belgium

    14. Netherlands

    15. Germany

    16. Austria

    17. Switzerland

    18. Italy

    19. Greece

    20. Hungary

    21. Czech Republic

    22. Poland

    23. Turkey

  6. I would say if there aren't that many guests it's fine, but I recently went to a mid size wedding with no seating chart. I didn't like it, because we picked a table with a few people that we knew but then were asked to move when a family of 8 wanted to sit together - we ended up sitting w/ a bunch of people we didn't know. Not quite as fun. At least with assigned seating you can keep those that know each other or would get along together. And those that don't get along as far away from each other as possible.

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