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Everything posted by monicabrandon2008

  1. Well I have lost 4lbs in 3 days! Pretty impressive for me because I have the hardest time losing weight!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Krystalranee With just a week before your big day, what are you feeling? Are there a lot of things to do? HAVE FUN!! and ENJOY!! I'm feeling excited and anxious!!! Yes, I still have a list of things to take care of and do but I plan on using this weekend to get everything done with my FI's help. I'm just anxious for this weekend to get here so I can get everything done then leave on Tuesday!! We are so excited and ready!
  3. No, I'm using Cecilia Dumas for the ceremony and TTD session the next day. I can hardly wait!! I plan on giving tons of info and details in my review- I will try my best :0)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by melody Oh My!!!! it was so hard the first day, I don't remember being so difficult the first I did it. Yesterday was my second day and the baked potato really saved me, otherwise, I think I would have broken down :-( Today it's fruit and vegetable day, I can't wait for the beef and tomato day. I feel the same way as you- 1st day was the hardest- 2nd day the potato saved me and I can't wait till this meat eater can have some beef!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 I'm thinking that since I went back to eating healthy 3 weeks ago (I was out of work for 6 months and ate crap) this isn't going to be beneficial. I say that because I usually eat spinach, broccoli, grilled chicken or turkey and sugar free peaches and sugar-free jello. Also, the only thing I drink is water (however, I do have oj and skim milk for my son in the fridge). I feel very tired and bloated (not that time of the month either). Not sure if it's because I'm working out everyday or not. Is anyone else working out everyday? I'm definitely still going to do it because I can't fit into any of my slacks for work and most of my skirts. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. That is so strange that you feel bloated. Someone else reported that too. I feel completely empty BTW, this is Day Two for me! So I added spinach to my soup for today and brought spinach leaves. I don't know how I will eat the spinach leaves since we can't have dressing though!! I don't eat baked potatoes (haven't for years) and plan on eating grilled turkey breast (4oz) with my soup for dinner tonight. So hopefully, that doesn't really make a difference. That is so strange that you feel bloated. Someone else reported that too. I feel completely empty which I like. It seems you already eat healthy so if you had to get off this diet to feel better I would. I work out every other day- moderate work out- light weights and cardio. I feel so good and have alot of energy this morning. I can't wait to get to the gym and I'm never like that!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Congrats! You can do it!!! The un-bloated feeling is well worth it!! LOL, I have been known to be a bit of a nut Actually, I'm in NY, so it was 5:15 here FI get up for work between 4:30 & 5 (which means I hit snooze between 4:30 & 5 and then force him out of bed). Usually I go back to sleep, but I had a hard time this morning What you did in your early 20's sounds close to what I did in my early 20's. I lost 70lbs and felt great and looked great...then I met FI....gained 100 lbs from my lowest (LITERALLY!). With a few modifications and knowing that I can eat out and not destroy it probably means I can do this for longer than 1 week. I just weighed myself again and I'm down a total of 7lbs...even waited 15 min for the scale to reset like the manual says and weighed myself again...same thing 7lbs!!!!! Woohoo You go girl! I'm so happy for you! I'm going to the gym in an hour and will weigh myself there. Can't wait to see how much I've lost!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK now I'll really be asking you questions lol he gave me a book to read over with overviews of whats to come. I start June 30th You can ask me anything! I'm more than happy to help. I made plenty of mistakes my first year but as long as you aren't scared to ask ?'s and yes sometimes feel dumb then you will make it!
  8. I got an email from Landy 3 days ago. It took her a week to get back to me. I leave next Tuesday!!! Let me know if y'all have any specific questions that you need answered. I plan on writing a detailed review when we return as well so hopefully that will help.
  9. I can't wait for tomorrow!!! I'm dying for some grapes- ha never thought I'd say that in my life I think yall did good out to eat. Like you said WAY better then you'd normally do. I give you props on passing up the bread and olive oil- that stuff is so yummy! Now I'm hungry and I can't wait to have some beef as well!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Doesn't it How are you doing today? I've had one bowl of soup with one can of spinach in it and have been full all day...except for this damn sweet tooth...I've been craving sweets (I also have PMS, which doesn't help). I'm doing good today. I had soup this morning BLAH I had to force it down. I saw where you added red pepper so I did that for lunch and I love it. I also had a baby spinach salad with lemon juice- it was pretty good. I love baby spinach. Thats it and tons of water. I don't feel like running to the store, if I did I would have to try the spinach in the soup. Maybe I'll go, FI loves spinach and I'm sure he'd be happy if I did that for him. Oh yah, he said he'd eat the soup with me at night for dinner but he had toast and dr. pepper too! lil stinker! Sorry about your sweet tooth! I don't really have one- THANK GOD or I'd be dying too! Hang in there, tomorrow you can have fruit.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Day one...DONE! I added some red pepper to my soup tonight...yummy I added red pepper to mine for lunch and dang that makes a difference!! I love it!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems I can't eat tomatoes b/c they make my face break out, and i don't really like them anyway. For those of you already doing it, would the soup still be good without the tomatoes? Yes, the tomatoes doesn't make that big of a difference. It only calls for two cans and this makes alot of soup so I think it would taste fine.
  13. YAY!!!!! So happy for you! You will do great!
  14. Yesterday just about killed me because I worked out. Today I haven't and probably won't. I'm loving that we get to have veggies today cause that fruit wasn't cutting it!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Hi Jenny! Here's my two cents, and do with it what you will. Yes, the mortgage industry is very tight right now. People's commission-based income has plummeted in the last several years - not so much because the bosses aren't paying, but that there are so few new loans out there. That being said, I would be surprised if coming in young and without a book of business/existing clients they would put you on a straight commission. You will more than likely have a base salary that will just barely keep you in PB&J and cover your rent. Everything else will be commission based. So, if you sell mortgages, you make money. If you don't... I hope you really like PB&J. If they offered me a straight commission job, no, I wouldn't take it. They have to be willing to make the investment in you to train you properly and see that you can feed yourself and keep a roof over your head while you develop a client base. After all - you're taking the risk that their brand is going to be good enough to allow you to make the contacts that will let you develop clients. Hope that helps! and GOOD LUCK!!! Great advice! When I got into the industry 5 years ago it was hoppin' so I took the straight commission job and it paid off. Now,even with 5 yrs. experience and a client base I have taken a major pay cut because there aren't a whole lot of loans. I wouldn't reccomend taking the job if they aren't willing to give you some sort of a salary either.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK They're saying its very cut-throat and everyone in the mortgage industry has left these firms bc there's no money to be made right now but they did say if they offer me a salary while they train me and I get a 50/50 split, to go for it. What they say is true and I'm glad you have people to talk to that are in the industry. 50/50 split is good and they definitely need to give you a salary when they train you. GOOD LUCK!
  17. YAY! Go us! Day one is done and on to day 2! I'm with y'all I can't wait for tonight's baked potato with butter! yummy I had soup this morning. Already sick of it but I can already see my stomach flattening so I definitely plan on sticking this out! Yari, to answer your question...I would say that overall it's easy but at times it is difficult because naturally you want something with more substance. Since I've already seen results that definitely keeps me motivated. Lost 1 pound yesterday but haven't gone to the gym to weigh myself today and may not be able to so I will come back with my weight loss tomorrow. I find it easier just knowing that girls on the forum are doing it too and it keeps me going. Also, my FI eating the soup at dinner with me helps a ton!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Thanks everyone! I'm so nervous!! I've been talking to some friends in the industry and they're freaking me out! LOL WHat are they saying? Don't let them scare you! I have no doubt you will get the job. Your personality is so bubbly and great! I say if you get into the industry and hate it just give it a year and it will pay off. Good luck!
  19. That is so awesome!!!! I can't wait till they call you in 2 weeks.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 I asked a co-worker if she wanted to do it also and she said yes. So we both will start tomorrow (she said today was her grocery day anway). So I will not only have you guys for inspiration, but her as well. Can't wait to make it tonight! Awesome!!! That will definitely help you to have her as inspiration as well. My FI isn't doing it but he said he would eat the soup for dinner LOL thank god cause there is no way I could cook a yummy meal for him and me not be able to eat it.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 I've felt hungry too...but I work from home, so I just went upstairs and heated up more soup I don't even heat it up hot (too hot out) I nuke it for 1 min just to get the chill out (sensitive teeth) and it's perfect for me Okay, just heated up some soup to take care of this hunger. I work from home (makes it a little easier for us) but I was running around this morning. I really do like the soup though, it's pretty tasty.
  22. I was just on the Sonic thread too!!!! pure torture No, it's really not that bad. I have felt hungry today but I've been busy and haven't been able to stop and eat alot.
  23. Today I had grapes and cranberry juice for breakfast. Went to the gym and weighed myself. Then I weighed myself after I worked out and lost 1 pound I knew I wanted to weigh myself this morning so I could keep track. I had a bowl of the soup for lunch and it was actually good. I'm getting hungry so I'm about to eat some fruits and then I guess it's soup for dinner tonight haha BTW I'm so glad we are doing this together. As soon as I started getting hungry my mind was telling me to eat whatever you want but then I logged on and saw all of you girls that are doing it too!
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