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Posts posted by jean-marcus

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tritons05 View Post
    Hi Jean,
    I am getting married in Ensenada in June and I was wondering if you might have some quick tips for me! I am looking for dancers/maybe a mariachi band to perform during my cocktail hour...did you guys have one? What kind of entertainment did you have?? Any good tradition ideas?? So glad to see someoneelse who got married down there :)

    actually Jessica. i was just the photographer. I didn't get married there. I know that the couples saved OOOODLES of cash by stopping by the duty free and buying their liquor on their way on the border and then they bought tons of stuff at the costco down there and stocked up the house. They didn't have a mariachi band but I'm sure there would be plenty down there.

    I do know that there was this taco stand on the main strip into the city that had some amaaaaaaaazing food. it had a big red awning and there were about 30 local people in line. so you know it had to be good.

    Originally Posted by Jess View Post
    I've heard this house is amazing - very nice!
    ya. it was a great place. :)
  2. 25 isnt small for a DW... Im shooting one in the virgin islands in May that has like 8 people. I think its going to be just as fun :)


    and ya. you just have to weigh out all the pros and cons and what you value and what photographers there will offer and what flying in a photographer offers. Most photographers there are just with you for the day or part of the day. Where as bringing in a photograpehr they are usually with you for the days they are there.


    choosing a photographer is going to be one of your most important decisions so choose wisely young grasshopper wink.gif



    PLEASE.... please please please please... all you couples out there.. no matter what songs you pick for your first dances... MAKE SURE.. and i cant stress this enough... listen to and make sure you understand the lyrics and what the song is about.


    a few times i've shot weddings where they father/daughter or mother/son or the couple will dance to what seems like a nice song till you listen to the lyrics. It's a little awkward watching a father and daughter dance to a song about "getting it on".



  4. let me tell you this... you are going to LOVE PDC :) i'll be down there again in 12 days and every time i go there i love it more and more. there are just soo many fun places to go and see and restaruants to eat at and scuba diving and mayan ruins and AHHHH i cant wait to go. i have the best job in the world.. hahaha

  5. i thought you were gonna say it would be the first time you met EVER... woulnd't be the first with this internet dating


    My advice is don't do it on blind faith. websites and venues and vendors can be misleading


    a trip down can save you a lot of heartache, headaches, and money in the long run


    IFFF you cant swing it. make sure you do lots and lots and lots of research and reading of reviews from brides and grooms on here who have had expeirece with those places

  6. Everyone make sure and send your condolences to Stacey and Adam Bendzick (staceyandadam) Stacey just lost her mother yesterday to an on going battle with cancer. I am feel so bad for them all because she was a great lady and I am so glad that she was able to make it to the wedding and was in great health down there. I know you will all show your support and send love and condolences.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IslandLover View Post
    OH loved this review...you guys figured out what I knew from the begining..he is awesome!!

    I actually had another photographer booked with my WC...but seriously couldnt sleep b/c I just LOVED JM!!!...I was very hesitant at first to fly someone down, someone I didnt know, havent met....but seriously, I had to have HIM as my photographer....:)

    So...canceled my other Photog, and talked to JM....NOW he is coming to my wedding in May in St. Thomas.

    I felt really bad for the other Photog for like....a second....then realized that Photog is the most important part for us...and Im SO excited now..and I know he is perfect for us...I cannot WAIT!!!

    *HUGS* JM!
    I owe you a *HUG*....you really helped me see that it isnt the number of people there but who really wants to be there matters!! Thanks :)

    ahh another heart felt warm fuzzy moment... i'm glad to help out and i had no idea you had already hired another photographer and canceled them for me. oh man now i really better do a good job or you are gonna hate me wink.gif
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nic Dragomire View Post
    you sound like a politician!!! and Morgan, thats a pretty good list you got there.

    Thats really sad that some people, vendor or not choose to act that way.

    Im actually considering changing my studio name to ASP... Anti Stress Photography. what do yall think? would it fly?

    im sold.... ASP it is ..

    *kisses a baby on the forehead* nooo. i dont know if i am politician like
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    well, you know what I really want is super cool mega member of the year.

    Things were already falling apart for my planned cabo trip so it really worked out better to give it to Heather. Besides, there is nothing we love more here than pictures so she has to bring back amazing wedding pictures to feed us vultures.
    uhhh yaaa. nice try. you ain't getting my super cool mega member title. you can donate trips to everyone on this site wink.gif hahaha

    but seriously though that was so nice of you to do. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS BDW hehehe
  10. FIRST OFFFF...... i think morgan wins "PERSON OF THE YEAR" award.


    Secondly... sad.gif sad face that you had to deal with that. thats nothing but stress stress and more stress. hopefully you are able to work everything out and be happy with both photos and the mentality and personality of your photographer

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angel View Post
    Great review!!!
    JM you may need to hire a secretary for all the emails and calls your going to be getting if you don't have one already.
    I wish I did a little more research on my photographer before hiring. There was sooo many things I would have liked her to do after she was already gone.
    Hey JM, do you do maternity shoots?!?!?! *hint hint* I may have to get you to come to DC.
    hahaha. i doubt ill need to hire a secretary but i do love the great reveiw and i do hope it brings some more business . anyone can use that :)

    and yes i do do maternity shoots and i'm always willing to go to DC. (even though i hate the traffic)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
    there is a very good reason JM was locally voted number 2 in the whole running of the Best Photographers in Western Washington!
    Jean-Marcus Strole in Western Washington- Northwest Escapes - Western Washington

    i personally even voted for him over my very own photographer, who was also up for votes. ever since i booked with the first photographer who's work i liked, instead of waiting and doing more research (prior to discovering BDW, dammit!!) to find the best photog for my money sad.gif i have ALWAYS wished we went with JM instead.

    jenny you are so lucky to have discovered him before another photog :)

    .................plus, i have met him in person too and i can tell you, he would dance on tables if he had to, to make sure you were happy wink.gif seriously tho, i only hung out with him a couple hours and i could tell from that experience that jenny isnt exaggerating when she says he is a great guy who just knows how to run the show and make sure things happen the way you want!

    props to jenny for a great choice, and to JM for being not only a fantastic photog with an amazing eye, but for being a cool dude too :)
    Originally Posted by SunBride View Post
    Don't feel bad for gushing, I was just trying to be clear to other brides that JM is obviously special and you can't expect that type of treatment from any photographer. I speak from personal experience.

    Usually we put most of the importance on the photographer's portfolio, I think most brides highly underestimate the importance of good customer service (I know I did). This is especially important for a destination wedding since the photographer will be spending a lot more time with the whole group and also you will likely spend more time communicating with the photographer in advance because of the travel arrangements and all that stuff.
    oh i couldnt even imagine spending that much time with a photographer LET ALONE a single wedding day, if i didnt click with them and want to have them around me taking pics. luckily i already know who is shooting my wedding from my infinite pool of photographer friends hehehe. that is if i ever end up finding someone to marry haha

    but yes. look beyond the portfolio and give them a call. chat with them a bit. see if you can relate with them and talk to them cause you are stuck with them for a while wink.gif
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    I can't wait to see these pictures. He does win the BDW award for fastest posting of wedding pictures.

    I don't know how you do it J-M. Sounds like you have infinte energy to do 5 days of shooting, karaoke, keep the BDW picture vultures under control, and get amazing pics at the wedding. And you do it all alone, right?

    I think amazing photographers are going to increase the divorce rates or maybe just the vow renewal rates because so many brides want to get married again to work with a new photographer :)

    how do i do ithuh.gif 17 redbulls, 6 lines of cocaine, 9 shots of adreneline, 2 injections of hgh, hypnosis, and a 5 pound bag of pure sugar.

    oh wait. i dont do any of that. i guess i just have lots of energy and love what i do. how can i not :)

    Originally Posted by Jacqueline View Post
    what a gr8 review!

    jean, are you blushing? lol you are wonderful!

    i cant WAIT to see your photos jenny!
    definitely blushing. i can't tell you how wonderful it is to be so appreciated for what you do. its such an honor to be thanked by people you dont really know for doing your job, and not just the wedding party, family, or bride and groom. not many can say that and i feel very blessed
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Abbie View Post
    there is a very good reason JM was locally voted number 2 in the whole running of the Best Photographers in Western Washington!
    Jean-Marcus Strole in Western Washington- Northwest Escapes - Western Washington

    i personally even voted for him over my very own photographer, who was also up for votes. ever since i booked with the first photographer who's work i liked, instead of waiting and doing more research (prior to discovering BDW, dammit!!) to find the best photog for my money sad.gif i have ALWAYS wished we went with JM instead.

    jenny you are so lucky to have discovered him before another photog :)

    .................plus, i have met him in person too and i can tell you, he would dance on tables if he had to, to make sure you were happy wink.gif seriously tho, i only hung out with him a couple hours and i could tell from that experience that jenny isnt exaggerating when she says he is a great guy who just knows how to run the show and make sure things happen the way you want!

    props to jenny for a great choice, and to JM for being not only a fantastic photog with an amazing eye, but for being a cool dude too :)

    *TEAR TEAR* ahhh thank you so much. these reviews are so making my day... :)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JennyK View Post
    JM!! We missed you last night at the kareoke bar!!! I miss my bff hehe greg and I are geting ready to leave soon..just wanted to come online and see the pics you posted. BTW all my friends wanna be in touch with you, they all said you are a part of our crew now <3

    thanks everyone for the compliments!! Ill have reviews when I get back especially about JM hehe

    have them add me on myspace and facebook. or send me one of those friend suggestions to everyone there. im down with that motley crue wink.gif hahaha

    and i missed the karaoke bar last night too it wasnt the same. funny how i went from photographing the TTD on the beach at like 8 am to being on my couch at home in seattle 12 hours later
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