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Posts posted by michelle08

  1. You should first check with the company who has your home/renter's insurance and auto insurance. The price all depends on the value of the ring and then of course the deductible you are willing to assume (the larger the deductible the lower the premium...usually $100, $250, $500 are common).


    I work for State Farm and we usually recommend people insure their engagement rings on a seperate policy (personal articles policy) and with other companies it's called a rider/floater onto their home insurance. The reason is as someone else stated that this policy will cover many more things than just having it insured under the jewelry coverage on the home insurance. The home insurance will just cover usually up to 1,000 or 2,500 and for only fire, vandalism, theft whereas the pesonal articles policy will cover if it's lost or the stone chips or you run over it or pretty much anything which is better because this isn't a piece of jewelry you store in a jewelry box, it's something you where everyday and anything can happen to it!


    I don't know about jewelers mutual but I'm sure they are fine and obviously specialty...but it doesn't hurt to check with your home and auto insurer because of the discounts that may be available.

  2. I have an emerald cut which stands alone and no other dimonds on the side so what's that solitare? I know nothing about jewelry! wink.gif


    Anyway, I think because of how mine is set in a basket setting is why I couldn't find a ring that went with it as far as sitting right next to it on my finger w/out a huge space in between...so I didn't get a band.


    I figure down the road if I find something I like I can buy it for the other hand or switch them like Alyssa...

  3. I'm happy to hear everyone is okay! 5.8 is a good size!


    I haven't felt an eq in a while now that I live up in Sacramento but when I was younger I lived in the bay area and we felt them all the time...including the big one in 89 that broke the bridge! That was SCARY!


    It is so funny to hear midwest and east coast people talk about how they are so scared of quakes because I'm not so much scared of them since I have been in them but yet hurricanes and tornados scare me to death!!! :) It's funny!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Becksy View Post
    This weekend was a tough one!!! It started Thursday, my ball team got together after the game and drank beer and ordered pizza. I was starving, but all I had was tomato juice. Then Friday was couples night at the golf course and everyone was drinking. After golf we met up at the restaurant where everyone was eating pasta... I stuck to my water and grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side. Saturday was more golf with more beer and poutine (fries with gravy and cheese) for lunch, I had water and egg salad sandwich (with whole wheat bread)... and I was the only one walking, everyone else took carts.

    Even though it was a tough weekend I suck with it. I'm proud of myself and would like to thank you girls for the motivation. I don't care if I win the money, I just want to lose the weight and everyone on this site is helping...thanks!
    Way to stick with it! I'm proud of you...I on the other hnd was doing great by Friday...I got myself back down and now I'm back up again...we were away all weekend at my husband's grandfather's b-day party and we just ate and drank and I feel gross and miserable...just veggies today! :) Let's see if I can stick with it! I have a training appointment today though at the gym so that will help!
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