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Posts posted by hls140

  1. Yep, there is a lot of good info on there.....isn't as active as some of the other boards, but has a wealth of info from previous posts, etc!!


    It works like other yahoo groups, with a moderator who gives access, I believe...although all PV Brides are welcome!!!


    I'm not sure how to exactly give the link, but if you go to Yahoo! Groups - Join or create groups, clubs, forums & communities


    and where you can search for groups, type in PVBrides


    Hope that helps!!

  2. Hi girls,


    Let me apologize in advance b/c I'm going to post this on the knot, the best destination forum and the PV brides group---I just really want a lot of opinions!


    We've signed a DJ through our hotel and for five hours, it is going to cost $975 after service fees and taxes. I was okay with this (although I keep seeing on here that people have gotten better deals!!), but the thing is, the hotel coordinator says he/she probably won't be able to speak english, so we should have one of our friends/family do the announcements, etc.


    I started worrying about who to ask/impose this upon when it occurred to me that many of you girls have just done the whole ipod and sound system thing and really seemed to have liked it. I started thinking, if we had to MC the whole thing from within our group, why not just play the music ourselves toohuh.gif I must admit, this option seems a bit daunting/scary to consider : )


    So, my FI and I are wondering:


    Did you do this?


    How, exactly, did you handle it for the ceremony, bridal dances and announcement interruptionshuh.gif (I don't' mind explicit, step-by-step instructions, opinions, etc.!!!)


    Who "handled" it for you?


    If you had to do this all over again, would you?


    Anything else that we need to know?


    We'll be having about 40 guests (if that matters) and if you want to email me, I'm at heathers7 at gmail dot com.



    Thank you, thank you, thank you (again)!

  3. Thanks for all of the help and recommendations. We've decided to go with Elizabeth Lloyd/Beth Fladung for our weddding! She seems really nice, very responsive and I love her photography style and photos!


    I requested additional photos apart from what are on her website and she sent some great ones. If you are looking for a photographer and would like to see them, just provide your email address and I'll forward them to you.


    Thanks for letting me share!

  4. Amy, thanks for all of the helpful information. Paula's photogs are beautiful, but I think comparable to Elizabeth L.'s so I'd probably choose her. Its nice though to be able to find out all of this info beforehand.


    As for finding a photographer, I was in the same boat--not wanting to spend a lot, but seeing all of these beautiful photos being posted, its really encouraged me to reprioritize! Thanks for all the info sharing and help!!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amyh View Post
    I know exactly what you mean. The few that I thought were decent hardly gave you any pictures to take home. In the end we decided to pay to fly our photog- believe me I did not want to spend this much on a photographer but I thougt it was worth $3000 for engagement, second shooter, and full day of wedding shots, instead of paying $1000 for 4 hours and work I would not be happy with.

    Again, it was a VERY difficult decision. If my FI would not have agree, I think I would have gone with elfoto.org or Paulina Ulloa (you can see her work on thedazzlingdetails.com)
    All this info has been really helpful, thank you!!

    I've contacted Elizabeth Lloyd--is this the same person as Beth Fladung--b/c Elizabeth L. is who returned my email from the elfoto site.

    Anyway, is there any way of knowing which pictures are Paulina's on the dazzling details site? And any chance you have an email address for her? I didn't actually see her name mentioned on that site so I'm not sure how to get pricing info, samples from her.

    Thanks for your help : )
  6. Hi girls,


    So, I'm considering switching from the very reasonably priced photographer that the Sheraton (where I'm getting married) suggested to another photographer--perhaps Carlos Melnik.


    I've looked through his website, etc. but wanted to see some real photos and hear about your experiences.


    If you used him, and wouldn't' mind, could you please share your photos and the pricing package that you went with?


    The photographer that I have now gives you 60 (6 x cool.gif prints and a CD with 200 images for about a third of the price of most of the others, but I don't totally love his style/skills, so I'm wondering if I should find a way to budget in someone better, but I'm not sure what the lowest package is that I can get away with.


    If you've used Melnik or anyone else that you would recommend, can you please direct me to your photos and provide any pricing info?


    thank you ,thank you, thank you!!

  7. My sisters want to have a shower for me. I wasn't planning on having anything because of the cost for people to fly to Mexico, etc.


    We are getting married in Puerto Vallarta on Nov. 3, but weren't planning on having an at home reception until the late spring, early summer.


    My sisters are asking when to have the shower--before the Nov. 3 wedding or after, closer to the at home reception in the summer.


    What did you girls do? What do you think? Please help? I asked this on the knot and got helpful responses, but my sister's keep asking me to make sure that I'm sure about when I want it.... and I just dont' know what most people (our guests) would prefer. Thanks so much!!

  8. Great idea!

    date: November 3, 2007

    place of ceremony : The beach at the Sheraton Buganvilias

    place of reception : Carrettas Garden at the Sheraton

    package: Gala Dinner

    food : Surf and Turf

    dj: whatever one the sheraton recommended

    photographer: I'm not sure

    videographer: Can't recall the name (the DJ, Photographer and videographer are all vendors used and recommended by the WC at the Sheraton)

    Flowers: the WC is getting them from somewhere, my only request was colorful and tropical.


    I'd love to hear from anyone who has gotten married or will be married at the Sheraton (I'm doing this site unseen) : )

  9. Hi girls,

    I posted this on the knot as well, but am really hoping for some Puerto Vallarta bride/wedding specific info.


    I'm pretty sure this is too early for me to start freaking out about....but, i'm worrying still.


    We are getting married in Puerto Vallarta, 11/3 and I'm starting to worry about how the day will go with the DJ...I'll never have met him until my wedding day and I'm wondering how he'll know when to play which song for the processional, when to play what song for the first dance, when to give up the mic to the Best Man, etc. etc. etc.


    And, VERY IMPORTANTLY, if someone put together a loosely timed play by play (kind of kidding) itinerary for their coordinator, DJ, etc. would you please share? You can email me a draft at hls140 at yahoo dot com.


    Thank you soo much in advance. I just don't know where to start or what really goes on at a wedding!!!



    Can't say thank you enough : )

  10. MarlaB, sorry that it has taken me a while to respond--I just saw your question today. I've always liked staying there--but you are correct, the Playa Los Arcos is the nicest--from what I know, of the three. In my opinion, the rooms are the same size as a regular hotel room here in the states, kept clean, and have the beautiful look of a historic mexican hotel. The shower and tub that we have had in that hotel were completely fine and similar to what you'd find in any other hotel.

    I've seen bad hotel rooms and bad shower situations in Mexico--as a student in Guadalajara, I traveled all over and just wanted a hotel for under $30 bucks and I got what I paid for! This however, in my opinion, is not that type of hotel.


    If your guests, however, are used to luxury hotels, they may not like this one. I don't have any personal pics of the hotel, but the website has photos:Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Los Arcos World Class Beach Resorts Oriented Family Hotels

    I've also stayed in the other two: the Los Arcos Vallarta and Los Arcos Suites. The Suites are nicer than the Los Arcos Vallarta, which was okay, but I'd recommend you go with the Playa Los Arcos hotel. I'm recommending it to my guests as a more affordable and traditional option. IN fact, after we are finished at the Sheraton, we are going to move down to that hotel because we just like the area more.


    Well, best of luck to you. I hope that I was able to help. If you have any other questions about that place, send me an email: hls140 at yahoo dot com.


    Good luck!!

  11. Hello everyone!

    I thought I was set with there where and when of my wedding, but I'm having second thoughts....don't worry, I haven't made the deposit yet!


    I was thinking the Sheraton, and have a date that I like.


    BUT....I've been thinking more and more that I really want that old town historic mexican feel...you know? Growing up we would stay at the Playa Los Arcos hotel (beautiful and affordable (so important to my dad!)) and I kind of like that feel. AFter trying to contact them several times, without luck, I started looking at the Jolla de Mismaloya.


    I've seen the threads here with the helpful packages (thanks!) and requested any updated info from the hotel, but I was hoping to hear from someone who got married there or who is going to get married there....to get some input and see any photos, if available..... Anyone?


    Thanks so much,


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