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Posts posted by atjorgensen

  1. I don't know if you read my post yesterday but I have somewhat the same situation but with my family. His family is going but mine is not so I totally know what you are saying. We gave almost 2 years notice to come up with the money and they don't seem interested. Im sure that your FI is feeling hurt. Im sorry for what you are going through. Just like what everyone here said to me....Its about you two and your special day. If they don't want to be part of it you both will have to accept it. Don't let them get you down. Its hard not to but you will see that maybe its not worth it to have them there if they aren't happy for you and they don't want to share your day with you. Good luck to you and we are here for you!!! Vent your little heart out!!! smile03.gif

  2. Yes, it seems like people just don't like to be happy for you when you decide on a DW. Some act like you are stupid or spending too much money when in all actuality you spend the same if not more on a traditional wedding!! Ive had people make comments like " boy, you must have money"

    just be excited about your big day and let everyone else deal with it how they want. My family and friends aren't very supportive either. You have to do what makes you two happy. Good luck to you.

  3. sorry posted this on the other thread that was moved here......




    I have been to a couple of weddings were the bride and groom gave their parents gold dipped roses. I thought it was a really neat idea. My FI actually got me a pink gold dipped rose and it is one of my favorite gifts ever. Thought I would share the idea. We are thinking about getting them for ours as well with a picture of us framed with a poem.

  4. Just saw this thread and I thought I would post....

    I have been to a couple of weddings were the bride and groom gave their parents gold dipped roses. I thought it was a really neat idea. My FI actually got me a pink gold dipped rose and it is one of my favorite gifts ever. Thought I would share the idea. We are thinking about getting them for ours as well with a picture of us framed with a poem.

  5. welcome.gif


    Congrats on your upcoming wedding and welcome to the site. You will find a lot of great information and wonderful support here. We are planning our wedding at Dreams Cancun, but we originally planned for Montego Bay and also considered Cabo. You will be able to read lots of info on all the places to help you decide on a destination and we are all here for you if you have any questions!

    Good luck to you!!!

  6. Oh wow you guys are so awesome. I just got back on and read all of your posts and feel a lot better. To tell you the truth, my parents are sick so they can't come...I understand that. My sisters and I aren't really that close so I guess I shouldn't be too upset, plus I don't think they could afford it if they wanted to go. As for my friends, I am not going to let it get to me anymore. You are all right, a lot will change within a year and a half so I shouldn't stress. If they go, they go..if not oh well.

    I know for sure we will be there and that's all that matters. His parents are definately going and his sister and bro in law will be there as well. They are starting to be really supportive.

    I talked to his mom and she told me she would love to go dress shopping with me and also to pick out his ring. That made me feel better. I am starting to get a little excited now!!

    BTW....tests went well. They don't think that the breast mass is anything of concern.

    THank you to everyone!!! It makes me feel a lot better knowing that Im not alone in this. I am sorry to all of you that are having a hard time as well.

    Good luck!!!


  7. wow...thank you. I feel quite a bit better actually (no offense). Dws can be difficult for sure and I know I keep saying this but this site has helped so much. We have to keep telling ourselves the same...as long as we are there it doesn't matter who else comes!!!! it will be beautiful regardless. Thank you so much girls. I am in a much better mood, plus I finally emailed Tammy and she is helping me get everything started!!!! Its a good day although I have to go get another mammogram and ultrasound on my boob today : ) LOL

  8. Ok I have read so many posts on here about the # of guests you all are having at your DW and the support you all have and it makes me realize that my family and friends really suck!!! First of all, my parents aren't going which upsets me but I am more understanding about that b/c my dad has cancer but none of my sisters are going which is disappointing. Then my "friends" that I asked to be in my wedding have not tried to help with ANYTHING or been involved at all. I finally got my MOH and my BM together to go look at dresses. My MOH left with a migraine. I asked her when she would be able to go again and she doesn't seem interested. Most of the people that we are planning on having go/be in the wedding say they are but since we havent booked the trip we don't know that they will. Regardless no one seems to be interested in doing anything to help. I decided I am planning and me and my FI going, I know his parents and sister are going....besides that I don't care anymore. I don't care if I have a wedding party. They are stressing me out too much. So now I am going to look at dresses by myself and planning it all alone. It doesn't seem like anyone else has a problem with any of this and it just makes me feel awful. : ( sorry for rambling but just wanted to vent. Thank you so much for listening. I don't know what I would do without you girls!! Maybe you all should be in my wedding party!! LOL

  9. Hi Teresa!! Welcome to the site. I am not a PV bride but if I can help you with anything let me know!! You will find so much info on this site. Somedays I wonder what I would do without it!!! Good luck to you!!!

  10. Well, I can see where you are getting $5000. We aren't paying for any of our guests and we are paying for everything on our own. We have my ring paid off so I guess we don't really include that in our costs. We are having less than 10 people at an AI with a basic wedding package, inexpensive photographer and no reception either. We are trying to keep the costs minimal so no flowers, dj etc for ours. It won't be far from the $5000 range. things may change a bit, but we are planning on having a reception back home after we get back . I think not only are some of you paying for your guests, but the ones that aren't seem to have a lot of guests that will be adding extra costs for the wedding and especially for the reception.

  11. I have tried to contact someone about booking our wedding and never heard back from anyone at all. I don't really know where to go or what to do so I just sent an email and never heard back. It would worry me too about sending money with nothing in writing. I am winging all of this by the advice of you girls so Im anxious to find out what you hear. Keep in touch!! Good luck to you.

  12. I have decided to have a reception when we get back...probably a week after, because my FIs parents and sister will be going with us but none of my family will be. My dad has cancer so it makes it hard on me not to just have my wedding here anyways. We are renting a venue, caterer, etc and we are having the dj and the dances, announcements, etc. I thought about getting something like the digital photo frames to download pics of our dw on for the reception too. it is a lot more work but to me worth it to share our special day with the family and friends that aren't able to go with us.

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