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Posts posted by saraece

  1. I guess it you can go either way. I am boxing my OOT stuff and sending with a BM. Excursions are a lot of fun but not everyone will want to go on it. That being said when I was in Peurto Plata we went into town and walked into a excursion office (sorry don't remember the name) and got the outback excursion for $25/person because we filled the truck. Way better then the $75 quote we got at the resort.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Excited_Ottawa View Post
    Hi Saraece!!

    We actually went to St. Laurent too, but the guy we talked to wasn't helpful at all, and didn't really seem to know how to go about starting to plan for all of this! So, we found an agent out of Toronto who is looking into a few resorts for pricing.
    As far as the Riu's...if your guests are at different resorts, does it cost money for them to come to the one where the wedding is going to take place? I read somewhere on here that it was $75US to have someone come onto the resort if they're not actually staying there......
    No, the Riu's have a "stay at one, play at all" policy. So it works out for me to have my seperated parents stay at different resorts with a whole resort between them and I can go see who I want and when I want.
  3. "then another one of FI's GM's wives is pregnant - she is due 2 weeks before the wedding. he is planning on coming without her (live in CA) but honestly if i just had a baby, i couldn't imagine FI leaving 2 weeks later so we are not counting on him right now."


    After I had my first baby I wouldn't have minded FI taking off for a few days!All I did was sleep and feed the baby anyways.

  4. Does anyone else have an uneven Bridal party? Once I was proposed to I imediately knew who I wanted next to me (my sister and two BFF's) but FI has asked only one and is not sure if he wants to ask anyone else. I understand it gets into, if you ask him you should ask so and so... and then we have too many on his side. I don't care but wondered if anyone else did something similar?

    If we do keep the sides uneven I think I will have the entire Bridal party stand to one side, at the ceremony, instead of splitting them up and be very obvious.

  5. So it's offical, the weekend snow storm dumped 56cm (or 22 inches) on Ottawa! we are going for a city record now. So far we have gotten 411cm or 161.8 inches or 22 feet or as the newspaper says 1.9 Shaquille O'Neils! I am not a fan of shoveling (lets be honest FI does it all), but now I am rooting to bet our all time record of 444cm.

  6. Here in Ottawa we are getting 50 cm. The big problem is there is no where to put the snow. The banks are taller then us. Today I thought I would run to the video store so we can watch the lat few dvd's of 24. I went out took 10 minutes digging out the van, another 10 minutes backing up out of the driveway and getting stuck and after my Fi and a neighbor took another 25 minutes to get me out I pulled right back in and decided to not go out again till spring! lolhissyfit.gif

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post

    If anyone is looking for a TA, there are 3 well-respected and trusted TA's that are part of this forum, Tammy Host, TA Dina & TA Dina.

    As for advance rates, it is impossible for ANY TA to get rates for airline prices more than 10 months in advance - they simply are not released by the airlines. A TA can however, quote you estimates based on 2008 prices. Just be careful -we have heard so many unfortunate horror stories of shady TA's. Try to go with someone you trust, are recommended and specializes in DW's.

    Good Luck!
    Could it be different in Canada? I watched the TA call their Riu contact who said rates are out and was able to give us their AI rate (including air fare) the only exception was that they were not able to say exactly the flight info (time of departure) yet.
  8. Hi,

    I just thought that I would mention to the girls here in Ottawa getting married early 2009 (I think there are a few of us) that a TA out of an Algonquin Travel Agency is getting us prices for a bunch of resorts in Mexico and the DR. So don't believe them when they say that prices aren't out yet. They may not be able to tell you exactly when your plane is taking, but they can get you prices. And FYI there are some great resorts in Mexico that can be as affordable as DR.

  9. I think I mentioned to you in another post that I recieved a quote for the Riu Bachata in Puerto Plata Jan 09 and the rate I got was $1400 after taxes.

    One agent told me you can possibly save up to $500/couple by flying out of TO.

    I am still looking for a TA in Ottawa and would never give a deposit to anyone until I was ready to book!

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
    If your quotes are too high ... consider fewer days. We gave our guests the minimum 3-night prices for PPC ... and then how much it would be to add on per night should they want to stay longer.

    Your price quotes are all within reason.

    For PPC, our double occupancy rate for 3-nights was $559/pp ... plus $179/pp for each additional night. This does NOT include airfare -- which would make it $1275/pp for 7-nights, plus airafre, which has ranged from $200-$700 depending on when our guests booked it.
    Canadians all inclusive rate includes flight, transfers, room and meals/drinks and taxes for seven days. We rarely pay them seperately and then there is the option to add a couple of days or another week.
  11. Hi excited Ottawa!! I jsut went to St.Laurent and hit the three travel agents there and started asking questions. I have been on this site for a while, and have gotten a ton of info. All three directed me towards the Riu's. Mainly because they are located together and priced slitghtly different so if your guests can choose which one they can afford and you can stay at one and play at them all.

    Also one agent phoned whomever and is getting us a quote for jan 2009, even though the other agents said prices won't be out until april or June.

    This isn't where I was origanlly looking and got my heart set on a place that none of my guests wil be able to afford. But, really I don't care as long as it is a nice vacation for my guests.

  12. My cousin told me the that the only advice he could pass on to me (he was married in the Mayan Rivieria) was that I need to rope off an area where the wedding was. It didn't have to be big but something to define the wedding area in some way. At his wedding the guests all stood and resort guests joined the group. People in bathing suits actually stood in with, and in some instances in front of, the invited guest. Most of the non proffessional pics have a 5 year old kid eating ice cream in a bathing suit right beside my cousin and his bride!

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