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Posts posted by gkashmira

  1. Well first let me say that it is totally normal that you are freaking BUT that the dress can be fixed and everything is going to be great! I like the corset-back idea - is that a possibility? Is there room in the dress to let out the bust?


    Don't worry too much about the dress - no matter what it can be made to work. As for the pregnant thing don't freak until you hear back one way or another.


    Just sending you a BIG HUG!

  2. I am glad everything went well! My one tiny bit of advice is to make sure you follow all your "after" instructions from your doctor. I know one girl who did not listen (started exercising too soon I think) and ended up with an infection. I guess in that regard it's like any other surgery right? Congrats - they look great! :)

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    She was talking about the shower invites to technically it's fine, but I think if you are on the fence about if it's OK, the website is the safest place.

    I think nicely worded & with your non-traditional group you can pull it off.

    I wish things didn't have to be so tricky, but you'd hate to offend.
    Ooops! Sorry I missed the "Shower" part... smile105.gif
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    Jenny - you need to switch - that is totaly bullshit!

    why don't you PM TammyHost or one of the TA's on here?
    My thoughts exactly! I mean what TA "doesn't want people bothering her" when "bothering" actually means "conducting my business?"

    She sounds like a weirdo who wants you to do all the work and for her to collect all the commission!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
    I might do it, but leave the info on your website & not do the inserts.
    I agree with Morgan here. I think etiquette says that the bride/groom should not put their registry info in with the invite.

    Maybe you could do this AND another place and put both on your website. that way people who would rather get you your pics can do that and people who would rather get you something else can have that option as well.

    I couldn't vote 'cause I'm sort of in the middle. Plus I refuse to call you a hog!
  6. A few motivational sayings coined by my WW leader (thank you, Michelle if you ever read this!)

    "Think before you eat, not before you exercise."

    (I totally remembered this one last night when I was talking myself out of going to yoga class).

    "Remember what you want most, not what you want most at the moment." (one of my favs...)


    "You have it in you to get the weight off you."

  7. I gained this week here but somehow when I weighed in at WW I was down. So I figure in my head the two even out and I probably stayed teh same. PLus I had sushi a few nights ago and I think the combo of the soy sauce and PMS might not be working!


    Is that crazy?


    Plus I basically stopped exercising for two weeks (yes, I realize that THAT is actually the reason). But I was good with food so I feel like I should have lost anyway! Oh well, cest la vie (is that how you spell it?)

  8. Ok, this post just made me feel very nervous! I have been out of school for about 7 years and this fall I'm going back! Yikes! I don't even know if I remember how to write a paper anymore. I will just add this to what I already know if true - I am in for a big shock!

  9. I am all for NOT posting pictures. I was just in yoga pants and a camisol - doesn't sound too terrible does it? Well it is. There is no way I am posting it for the world to see unless I magically look AMAZING in two weeks. But considering my total weight loss so far has been 6 pounds I doubt there will be any difference... so um just look at my signature! That's what I looked like at my wedding this past June and I'm close to that now...

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leia78 View Post
    I know I'm not part of this, but I was just talking to my trainer about diet this morning, and he said that if I eat a donut, it'll set me back a few days. Do you guys think that's true? If that's the case, to lose some serious weight I have to be super, super strict about diet. That sucks!
    I think that is totally untrue. Here's why:

    1. Weight Watchers, the most successful diet around, is so successful because it allows people the ability to splurge a little each week. A donut is like 10 WW points (or something like that) and every person is given 35 extra flex points a week to eat these types of things (or other things or course).

    2. Not that you should ever eat this way but if all you ate was one donut for breakfast, one donut for lunch and a donut for dinner you would probably still lose weight. That doesn't mean you'd be very healthy but the bottom line is if your daily calories don't go up (ie you eat the donut but then watch your total calories for the day and keep them the same) then weight loss wise there is no difference.

    That being said, donuts aren't very healthy for you. They have a lot of fat and sugar and it's hard to eat just half a donut. I feel like a box of krisp kremes would definitely set you back about a week but one won't kill you.
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