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From: Little By Little, No One Is Coming ... I Give Up!



I'm new here..was searching for so.e friendly advice. My wedding is in 3 weeks. No one is coming. No friends, no family, just my fiance and I. I've been going back and forth with my feelings and I try not to let him see how hurt I am over this. He doesn't care, he's marrying me and that's all that matters. I can't help but feel like everyone let me down. I show up for all graduations, ceremonies, parties, bon fire's, holidays. .you name it I'm there. No one has called, I went dress shopping with a co-worker. Lol...who I invited because she's been a good friend through this. I'm bummed during a time I should exude joy. I'm marrying the man of my dreams. Sorry just needed someplace to vent.

Source: little by little, no one is coming ... i give up!


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So sorry to hear!  do you have an idea why people are not coming?  Could it be the distance and the associated expenses?  Or, does your family support the fact that you're getting married?  Having an open and honest discussion with the folks you really want to be there might be in order.  At this point, it may be too late for people to show up, but you may feel better simply because you had a chance to express yourself.

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It's the distance and finances. Everyone appeared to be in support of the marriage. I have been with some rotten apples, and I found my golden apple. He's amazing. I'm sure close relatives know this. I just think everyone is so caught up in themselves. It's ok. After talking with him and some of the ladies on here I'm more at peace than I was last week with it. We will see them when we get back for the reception. Hopefully no one wants to give us the guilt trip. Because everyone had invites and plenty of time to plan. They made a conscious decision not to share that day with us. The crazy thing is really his family. The offered to help with expenses if we got married locally, but didn't book. Crazy!

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I feel you I am a person that brings a gift to every event! I got engaged in October 2013 and had my save the dates out since Feb of this year with my travel agent info on it. Not one person has put a down payment on there room! Its frustrating! My wedding is May 2, 2015! The crazy part is me and my fiancee is paying for everything on our own no help from family I feel the least the can do is show up. Punta Cana is not expensive

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I understand where you are coming from! Although our wedding is still over a year and a half out, almost all of our previously supportive family has changed their minds in the last 6 months! My mom decided to buy a lake house and now can't afford to come, my FI's dad has decided that it is too expensive and has been trying to convince us to have a wedding locally instead and offered to pay a portion of it. I can't for the life of me figure out why he can't just take the money he wants to put toward the "local wedding' and put it towards the trip since that is where we want to get married...


I hope you had a beautiful wedding and enjoyed yourselves even if no one made it! 

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