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Posts posted by Kyliewylie

  1. Can anyone offer any input on the dj from the hotel? We are not sure what to do about our music and whether we should:

    a) use the dj from the resort

    b ) hire an outside dj (and if so, does anyone have any recommendations of soemone they have used?)

    c) just plug an ipod into the sound system we are renting from the Now Amber


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated from brides or guests who have been to the Now Amber!

  2. So my finace and I were looking at the wedding contract sent to us by Fatima, and noticed on page 2, Event: Cocktail and Reception they put in a time from 5-8......what? That doesn't make sense ot me, because we were planning to have our reception go until 11pm. Then my fiance sugegsted that maybe the hotel was going to require us to pay extra for every hour after 8pm.


    Can anyone shed any light on this - are you only able to book a 3 hour cocktail/reception, and then you would have to pay extra? That seems ridiculous to me, but at the same time I'm starting to get used to all the hidden costs, and I'm wondering if this is in fact an extra cost that wasn't brought up previously.

  3. I hope my resort has enough experience doing this - it is only a few years old, and I'm not sure how many wedding they've done - they don't have a ton of pics of weddings on their website. Oh well, I will hope for the best and will do a write-up afterwards to help out other brides- this site has helped me immensely - I would be so lost without everyone's helpful advise and articles!

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