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Posts posted by Jennypert

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LilPumpkin View Post

    Here is a picture of what the dessert portion of the BBQ buffet looked like. Of course I have do not have pictures of the actual buffet. Sorry.


    And a picture of our 3 tier cake. All our guests liked both. Some people had 2nds on the cake.





    I will tell you that both the cake and the desserts that come with the BBQ buffet were way too much for a party of 50ppl. I think a much smaller cake would have been better. It just all went to waste.


    These are beautiful pictures!!! I'm so glad we chose the BBQ Deluxe. I ordered the smaller 3 tier cake (for 30-40 people) so I hope we won't have a lot leftover. Knowing my family, they'll pack up any leftovers and take it back to their rooms. LOL
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by m8chow View Post


    Hi Jennypert, that sounds like a great idea about adding the salmon.  I always worry that there won't be enough food.


    We'll be getting a 3 Tier Cake.  I haven't heard back from our WC yet about the costs of cupcakes or cakepops but we were originally sent the cake costs and have a cake chosen.

    We're doing the 3 tier cake also.  I have not had very many wedding cakes that taste good but what's a wedding without cake!!!???

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by m8chow View Post

    Pick 'n Choose.... oh man, I better go back and review that again because that might be the way to go.  Thanks for the input KayaWasTaken!



    We're thinking about the BBQ as well, but just weren't sure because we have some guests that won't eat food off the grill if Pork or Beef have been cooked on it.  Which is all new to me because I eat everything.  I never even thought about what would happen to the centerpieces with a family style dinner.  Thanks for bringing that up!


    Time to revisit the menu choices again.  Thanks for all the ideas and input girls.


    Hmmm! Guess I better check to make sure no one will be upset if pork and beef are cooked on the same grill as the fish!!! Hadn't thought of that since, like you, I eat everything!!!
  4. We're having the BBQ Deluxe Buffet because there's something for everyone, and we added the beef medallions to it. I was looking into the Family Style dinner initially but I feel like the tables would be so crowded between centerpieces, plates, etc. and then the side dishes being on the tables...
    We're doing the BBQ Deluxe Buffet also and adding salmon fillet. We wanted a lot of variety since we have a very mixed crowd including Baptists, Catholics, Muslims, vegetarians and people who just like to party. It would be too hard to find a meal to suit everyone. Are you getting a wedding cake?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KTBeach2014 View Post

    Hi Ladies,


    I'm glad that I make it a point to read these updates once a week, and I'm now starting to panic for the first time.  Karla was my wedding coordinator also!  I e-mailed her weeks ago and have yet to get a response and I haven't been contacted for a replacement either.  Our wedding is not until May, but this definitely does not ease any tensions...





    DON'T PANIC!  I am in the same situation with my wedding in June.  I guess no one is monitoring Karla's mailbox.  I plan to call them next week.  When I actually talk to someone, I'll post the results.:smile67:

  6. I spent a lot of time looking at the Memorable Moments packages this weekend and have pretty much decided to stay with our plans for the Sky Terrace ceremony package. I've already bought the organza fabric for the gazebo, the sand ceremony kits and Memorial candles to represent our deceased parents. I will check with our new wedding coordinator (Karla's replacement) when she is named and find out if we can use some of the other elements from the Sophisticated Soirée package for the reception. But, the packages are very beautiful and very tempting!:shots:

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VanessaBB View Post

    I personally think the more people you invite the better and have told everyone to treat it like their own vacation as long as they participate on the wedding day.

    We sent out aprox 100 save the dates and invites, even to people we knew wouldnt come cuz guess what the people who can't come will buy you gifts if you have a registry or send you money! Vs the people who come to your wedding will probably not give you anything since they are already paying to attend!

    I allowed my family to bring friends if they wanted because after I hit 30 guests my fiancé and I only had to pay our taxes on our trip and the rest is all free :) we also qualified for the free wedding at the resort after 15 rooms book.

    As for your OOT bag my wedding is 40 days away and I have now finished ordering everything if anyone ( like my aunt who's been acting like she is coming) decides to come well sucks to he her for OOT and gifts the payment deadline was in September guests who book after that should hopefully understand they will not be getting all the same gifts as the other guests!

    Keep positive ladies !



    You are so very right!!!  Thanks for keeping it real!  :humble:

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrooDIVA View Post

    LOL...I feel your pain. Wow, the resort is booked already? Did you offer room options for another resort?

    Azul Sensatori in Riviera Maya, Mexico is very popular for weddings and not very large. I want them to stay at AS since we'll get extra discounts for more rooms.  There are only 3 people I really want to book who haven't yet. The Best Man (my FI's nephew) who says he's going to book 'soon' plus a very good friend and her husband.  My friend and her husband had some family troubles recently so I haven't bothered them about the wedding.  Oh well!  I need to remember - Que Sera Sera!!!

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrooDIVA View Post

    Hmmmm...a "c" list. We may need to add that. I would send an invitation to those who just want one, but I know a few family members who would invite others to come along. Uh no! This is our wedding not a bring your ratchet friends and make it all about you trip. LOL Did you give your guests a cutoff date? I don't want someone to decide at the last minute that they want to come.

    I had 30 days from the day we signed the contract to get commitments/deposits for 15 rooms.  Otherwise, we would have to pay $200/room to keep our contracted rates.  I called and emailed after sending the Save the Dates.  We had 13 rooms booked by the deadline and so far, we have 17 rooms with 43 people.  I had at least 3 people who asked to bring friends and I said OK.  It helped me get the rooms booked and I know most of them anyway.  We still have at least 2-3 couples who have said they want to come but have not made their reservations.  But, I got an email from my TA yesterday telling me the resort has sold out already for several days in April and May 2014.  She warns that if people don't book by Nov/Dec. they may not be able to get a room in June.  So I sent another email today.  We'll see!!


    I'm trying to be patient but it would help to have a final count so I can start buying stuff for the OOT bags.:girl_werewolf:

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrooDIVA View Post

    Reading this thread has me nervous. My wedding isn't until 2015, but I know how my family operates. LOL I'm on the fence about reserving a block of rooms b/c I don't want to get stuck with paying. It has been a struggle getting some of my family to apply for their passports. I'm praying this will not be a nightmare. We have two guests lists. One is for those that we are sure will be on the ball and the other is for those who just may get a wedding announcement instead of an invitation. Sounds horrible, but I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?

    Sounds like a good plan to me.  My wedding is in June 2014 and I sent Save The Dates in May 2013.  I only reserved rooms for those we were pretty sure would come.  I've split my guest list into 3 parts, A, B and C - the ones I know will come, the ones who may come and the ones I know won't come but will want an invitation anyway. Almost everyone on the A list booked within the 30 days per my contract.  A couple of the B list have also booked.  Of course, some of the people who have put down deposits don't have their passports yet.  I'll send them reminders with the formal invitations I plan to send in January.  Plus, I'll send another reminder in mid-March since payment in full and a final count is due April 4th.  I decided to only send out invitations and skip the announcements to save money.  My family operates like yours.  LOL!!

  11. I just found out Karisma has introduced a series of totally new wedding packages for the Azul and El Dorado properties.  If your wedding is soon, you may not want to change.  But, the new packages and website are definitely interesting and worth considering.  http://www.memorablemomentsweddings.com/


    The roll out of the new packages may be part of the reason for the slow responses recently.

  12. Question for everyone: I got an email from "Fabio" telling me my planner Karla, who I have been working with for almost a year, is no longer with the company. I expressed my concerns and asked him to set up a phone meeting with me over a week ago, and emailed him again yesterday with no response. My wedding is three weeks away and I'm freaking out about all the final details:-/ Is this happening to anyone else?
    OMG. :eek: My planner is (was?) Karla!! I sent her an email about 2-3 weeks ago and didn't get a response. I have not thought very much about it since she is often slow to respond and I still have over seven months before the wedding. It would be too much of a coincidence to have 2 Karla's working as wedding planners for Karisma!! I'll follow up with my TA. She's been great and I'm sure will find out what's happening.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mystique517 View Post

    Hey Ladies!


    I have some family members who weren't planning on attending the wedding but are now beginning to feel left out. They're looking to book their trips however the rates at Sensatori are just way too high so they are considering staying at the resort next door, Secrets Silversands.


    I know there is a day pass that guests usually have to purchase if they are not staying on the resort (for all the other days except the wedding day), but my logic is that they could just walk onto the resort from the beach since Silversands shares the beach with Sensatori. That way they don't have to come in through the front gates at the resort.


    Have any of you inquired about this or had guests that did the same thing? Did you run into any problems with security or hotel staff turning them away?


    We have stayed at Secrets Silversands for the past 3 years. It is a lovely resort and consistently gets higher review ratings than Azul Sensatori. One of the reasons we chose AS was because it is close to Silversands and we will be spending our honeymoon there. But, AS is 'child friendly' and Silversands is adults only. I have walked down the beach from Silversands past AS several times. I am not sure but I believe AS security checks to make sure people from other resorts do not actually come onto the property. Good luck.
  14. Hi Tracey! I didn't have any trouble getting the maracas, or all the other "stuff" I brought through customs. HOWEVER (haha), make sure you have receipts. In my experience, after you collect all your bags, they go through another security type scanner to check contents. Based on that, some bags are searched. All of our bags were searched. All five of them... We brought 50+ maracas, plus lots of decorations and everything that I put in the guests welcome bags (so a lot of "un-normal" stuff). All that stuff was checked. The maracas literally took up an entire duffle bag (a big one) just on their own. Which was kind of comical walking through the airports with a rattling bag. :-) The Mexican customs did go through everything, and then asked for receipts which I promptly handed over. There's a Mexican law (look it up because I can't remember the exact details...) about bringing in more than a certain monetary number of what they call "non-essential" items. I think if it exceeds $300 per person, it can be taxed, which is why they want receipts. Worst case scenario, I doubt they would confiscate anything, but I guess you could get taxed without a receipt or if you exceed their max allowance. If it were me, I wouldn't ship anything...when I was planning I heard nightmares about brides who went that route. Things not arriving on time, or getting lost, or going to the wrong location. Again, it may work out fine, but I'd just be more comfortable taking stuff myself. That's probably the control freak in me talking! Ha. :-) Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy to help! Kaela
    I totally agree. I was strongly advised to NOT ship anything to the resort. It is very likely that the items will not arrive. If you have friends pack and carry some items in their checked baggage, make sure they have receipts and that they pack the items. That way, they can answer any questions about who packed and what is included. I have heard that Mexico customs has started to be very strict about the $300 limit. The amount of the tax is probably not a lot but there is definitely an inconvenience and hassle factor if you get pulled out of line. Also, where did you buy your maracas? I really like that idea. Jenny
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  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lins1 View Post

    Hi ladies!! Can anyone tell me where they got their canvas welcome/oot bags from? I live in Canada so would prefer to go to a store and grab them but online suggestions are good too. Thanks!!


    I am ordering beach bags from www.discountmugs.com.  They have a nice selection that cost about $3 USD to $4 depending on how fancy you want to get.  They have some very simple non-woven bags for around a $1, if you order enough.  I ordered several samples since I wanted to see the quality before buying the 50 I need.  I decided to get a more expensive bag that people can re-use as a souvenir or tote bag and not buy a lot of stuff to try to fill it up.

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