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Everything posted by jandl2013

  1. Hi Bruna, I work in DC, but live fairly close to DC in Maryland. We definitely can do that
  2. These are great ideas. I'm still going to do a wedding cake, but a friend of mine makes custom shea butter so I was thinking about special ordering them from her with a new scent to represent the wedding that has our wedding date printed on them. The rum cakes are a great idea though. I may have to consider both as I think that would work well with my crowd. Everyone doesn't drink so I didn't want to do mini liquor but rum cake would work.
  3. MissJali - That's great advice! I was thinking about shipping also and was worried about that. I still haven't decided if i'm going to do the bags and carry them or not. I'm still a bit concerned about lost luggage, but at the end of the day I guess i'll just have to pray and cross my fingers.
  4. Yea, a real life example indeed. lol. I have great intentions, but my mind is thoroughly exhausted after a day of work so I think i'll be productive after a glass or two of wine. But, it turns into a glass or 2 while taking a bubble bath and watching tv. Then that's pretty much the end of the day for me because i'm going to bed after that! Thank you...it was a long, costely, slightly painful process that was supposed to be a small renovation and turned into a full renovation that caused us to push back the wedding date from September 27th, 2013 to next May! But it all worked out, and I appreciate the "new house"
  5. I know everyone isn't going to be there as long as we will be so that's why I definitely want to get these dates locked down. The day after is already gone and the day before may leave out a number of guests that might not be able to get away but in the end, i'll do whatever needs to be done. Yes, next year is the timeframe and I have reached out to the hotel, and also have a TA that's also checking into the rates so as soon as I have that information locked down I will feel much better. No save the dates have gone out yet because I'd like to have my dates set before I do. You're so right, there's definitely no need to panic because it could be worse. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you with La Barcaza. I had thought about that, but it doesn't meet all the needs I have so that's why I didn't do further research into it. I'm happy to hear though that that you were able to change your venue and plans and everything is still moving forward for you and your guests. That's great! I did email again yesterday , but when I saw that someone else was able to call and have success, that's why I thought it might be a good idea to just make a quick call and hope for the best. I am sure it will happened soon!
  6. The funny part is the character really demonstrate how I feel...lol. I'm going to be so happy when everything is finalized, paid for, and i'm at the destination ready to walk down the aisle! I'm going to check that thread out now. Thanks
  7. My job takes up way too much of my time so between that and school, I think it wiser for me to not try to do too much DIY or I will probably crash and burn...and I can't allow that to happen. But I do agree for things that you can do yourself and save money that would be great if time allows for that. And yes, I can imagine having a drink or two then end up watching TV because I have done this recently..HAHAHA! Yes, you're normal. But having time is a huge benefit so if you have it, definitely use it to your advantage. Technically, I have some time right now, but I just finished a home renovation project so i'm still cleaning/reorganizing my house and that has taken ALL of my energy so I need a while to finish this craziness up THEN get back to wedding projects. It's all too much
  8. I know she will eventually contact me AR....i'm just nervous about the date still being available. I have no other choice but to wait and be calm. I'll try calling again tomorrow morning. Thanks for the encouragement
  9. You are definitely off to a great start...I need to play catch up..lol. But you are right though...we have definitely at least taken the first step in having everything in one place. I'll dance to that too! and one day soon we'll be jumping for joy when it's all finalized and we're on the other side .
  10. Hi MissJali! Your save the dates are very pretty. Great job!
  11. Very very elusive, but my personality is driving me to seek it anyway..lol. I'm trying to avoid to many DIY projects because I know i'll be completely insane if I do. But having a few drinks while working is definitely a good plan to stay relaxed while working on those things! I like it!!! I think once everything is in progress then you have no choice but to relax but it's getting to that final destination point before you can actually do so.
  12. Ok, so I have called the restaurant 4 times today, and I'm unable to get through. The line rings then all I get is a busy signal . I just want to get this date set. I hope I am able to get through soon or she emails me soon. Good luck everyone!
  13. Hi Blue, How did you save your date with Mayte? Did she reply to your email or did you just call the restaurant? I emailed a while ago, but have not yet received a response. I see your date is the day after the one i'm trying to obtain. Please do let me know how your visit goes and if you receive a 2014 price listing. I think i'm going to plan a trip soon with a friend because my fiancé is on travel often, and he might not be able to go. If you receive add'l details or pricing that would be WONDERFUL if you could email that to me at [email protected]. I hope i'm able to get the date because I think the venue is perfect.
  14. @Mairelys Nice! That is actually the day before my Dad's bday and almost a week after my MIL's bday so I think it's a good day too
  15. CAKnight...that's a great idea. I have a binder but I haven't done too much to it so it's time to get moving on making my binder a bit more organized.
  16. LOL CAKnight. It's frustrating because you want everything perfect (even though perfection is impossible). Find yourself nit-picking over minute details. I had to just stop myself...before I make myself crazy. I'm just telling myself now to just relax and keep calm. No need to get myself crazy...lol
  17. I'm May 2014 too, but still unconfirmed for my hotel location and the reception. Hopefully, I get a response from Mayte soon just so I know the date is available. I know she's super busy. I reached out to Iberostar so hopefully I can get that set too. So much to do!
  18. True words right there...lol. I'm trying not to act like a lunatic.
  19. I'm sure I have some creative energy, but since i've been pouring over every single detail for this wedding, i'm kinda scared to try that because i'll drive myself insane trying to make them perfect. I had to take a step back from my own wedding planning because it was stressing me out...lol. I'm patient but wayyyyyy too detail-oriented
  20. Hi Edygiselle, These are beautiful. I am still trying to figure out if i want to try my creative hand (if i really have one) or if I'm going to let an expert work it out for me...lol. Decisions decisions!
  21. Hi JennyPert, Sounds like we have some of the same items of importance: good food, cost of package, kids welcome with adult access, and flight accessibility. My guests seem very antsy regarding Mexico so i don't feel like going back and forth about the safety concerns even though everything seems fine from reports i have read so that's why I'm choosing Punta Cana. Thanks so much for responding. I'm still waiting to get more info from Iberostar to determine which hotel to book. One day soon hopefully!
  22. Hello ladies, Can someone please forward this information to me also? My email is [email protected]. Thanks a bunch!
  23. Hello all, This isa great thread. I've been debating about the same thing. Thanks for all if the great ideas.
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