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Posts posted by agm04

  1. FI and I are having an impossible time agreeing on a first dance song.  Let me explain.  I had to tell him why Adele's Someone Like You isn't an appropriate choice.  Haha.  Or Take a look at me now.  I just don't think he listens to the lyrics.  I mean clearly he doesn't.  Lol.


    I want someone old and classic, and he wants something new-sh (like doesn't have to be last 5 years but from our lifetimes or something?) THAT HE ALREADY KNOWS.  It's really important to me that whatever we choose is still relevant in a few years so it's hard.  I suggested 'you are the best thing' as a compromise but he doesn't like it.  Any suggestions?

  2. Originally Posted by kfarkas26 View Post


    ok. I think i am about to have an anxiety attack. Exactly a month to go and I feel like i have NOTHING done. Does anyone have a todo list that they are using. I feel like my head is spinning and I can not even figure out what still needs to be done

    don't downward spiral!  it's what i do but it isn't productive.  deep breaths!  do you have a weddingwire.com account?  they have a pretty great checklist!  i have a spreadsheet with a to do list but it wouldn't make sense to you...it says things like "basket" "snacks" "pretravel".  Ha.  shorthand.

  3. Originally Posted by JJ77 View Post



    I was first planning on doing our wedding at Tiki beach but I was double booked and had to find another location and it couldn't have worked out better!

    Tiki beach is very busy and very public. The cruiseship drop bus loads of people there all the time



    We went with The Wharf and it was perfect location. Perfect private white sand beach. We had our ceremony there and reception at a different location. But we had The Wharf cater our reception and it was amazing food.

    Yay!  our rehearsal dinner is at The Wharf.

  4. Originally Posted by shannonmarie View Post



    I got the 8x8 but just a regular hard cover. No pic on the front or anything. Just says "For My Husbands Eyes Only" on the cover

    Hahaha! Me too. The past month I had some small things in my 'to-do' list and have since said F-it to all of them! It actually feels really good! Nobody will even miss them ;-) I am completely done! If we were leaving this week, I'd be ready!

    Must be a fantastic feeling!!  Nice job.

  5. Originally Posted by kard613 View Post


    My plan for this weekend is to go thru everything I've accumulated, go over my long neglected lists and check things off that have been competed and rework a few things that I've decided to ditch, and ,are some reckons around actually bringing down all the small candles and votives that I had initially bought with the intention of using on the dinner tables.


    I've gotten a bad case of the F'its recently and don't want to bring down a ton of decor stuff...I think I'd rather chance it, spend a short visit to Walmart the first day we're there (we get to Mexico Saturday at noon and our weddings not till Thursday) and see if I can get some stuff there., and if not OH WELL!!


    I'm m getting super excited to do sme returning/exchanging of shower gifts and also doing so clothes shopping this weekend too!

    I love how the closer it gets, the more f it moments I have.  Seriously, I wish I had adopted that attitude a LONG TIME ago.  Haha.

  6. Originally Posted by shannonmarie View Post



    I made my own through shutterfly. I found some coupons online & paid like $20 for it, i think it's like 20 pages. My photographer tried to charge about $450. I was like HECK NO! I put love & marriage quotes on one side an my photo on the other. It came out great & shipped within a week. I can't wait to give it to him! Highly recommend shutterfly ;-)

    AWESOME, great to know - thank you!!  Which book did you get - like which cover and what size?  Thanks for the info!!  I'm thinking I'll go with the 8x8 and leather hard cover.  Not exactly the kind of thing that'll be going on the coffee table.  Lol.

  7. We did Williams-Sonoma and Crate and Barrel.  Had a good time both places!  We also started one at Macy's, but honestly our experience there was super annoying and we haven't advertised the registry (like it's not on our website or anything).  Granted we live in NYC, and the Herald Square store is a zoo.  But our consultant was annoying, we didn't find anything we liked, and it was just not fun.

  8. Has anyone done a boudoir shoot and made their own book?  I posted a separate thread but wanted to see if you guys have any opinions.  I need to make the book myself (photographer is way too expensive and would take too long if I ordered from her), but am not sure if I should use mixbook, shutterfly, snapfish, etc.  Any experience or recommendations?  I'll need to pay for rush shipping too, so need to know if any of these are really slow to process.  THANKS!

  9. Just wondering if I should use picaboo, snapfish, shutterfly, mixbook, etc.  Anyone have a great experience or a not-so-great one they're willing to share?  Important to note is that I'll need really fast processing and shipping (I'll pay for overnight), since my shoot is only a couple weeks before our wedding, so if you ordered one that took forever to process please say that, too!  Thanks!

  10. Originally Posted by Avborges View Post


    My Fiance is also taking Level 3 on June 1st - which is when I'm having bachelorette party!  Best of luck to you!  I don't know how you can't even think about the wedding with this huge exam on the horizon!   Matt asks me for little projects so I'm not doing everything by myself and I just tell him to focus and pass on the exam!

    You are a good fiancee for having that attitude!  Fortunately FI has already completed it so he totally understands what's involved, but I can imagine that it could be quite the strain on a relationship without an understanding partner!  I'm basically not thinking about the wedding!  And we're doing a little mini bachelorette that night too.  Test, gym, nap, party!  :)  Then I'll have one weekend to wrap things up, then I leave the following weekend for Grand Cayman!


    Good luck to your FI!  I'm tackling level 3 too and will be so glad to have this monster (hopefully) finished!

  11. Well I have CFA coming up June 1st, so no wedding planning going on for me until then!  But I'm pretty wrapped up anyway.  One fun thing is that I came home yesterday and found a new pair of Christian Louboutins on my shoe rack from FI!  Said "just because" and he thought I might want to wear them to the rehearsal dinner.  What a great man I have!  (And not just because he has good taste in shoes, lol)

  12. I understand where you're coming from.  The only time I really felt this way was when a few of my really close friends couldn't make it.  2 of them due to pregnancies, and one due to "financial constraints" (really it just wasn't/isn't a priority for her, which hurts).  My mom has reminded me along the way that the people who are there are the people who wanted to be there badly enough to spent the time, money, and effort to be there - and that means a lot.  Try to focus on that and you will feel better I think!  And truly, at the end of the day, all that matters is that the 2 of you will be married.

  13. Originally Posted by terrihugg View Post


    Hi Jess,


    I feel you on the OOT bag dilemma. For a while I was torn on getting them because our group was filled with veteran travelers so a lot of them would know what to bring already. I made a very very simple OOT bag maybe two weeks before we left. I did one bag per couple and all the singles received their own bag. I included a beach mat, an electronic fan, bottle of sunblock, welcome note, and our magnet favor. I was worried about not having enough in them, but found that simple was the way too go since most people didn't expect to get anything at all. EAch guest received one at check-in. I got rave reviews for them despite the small selection of items included. 


    We thought about giving them out before leaving but it wasn't really feasible considering I did them only two weeks before leaving. Plus, not everyone was local and we wanted everyone to enjoy the surprise of getting a treat when checking in. We fortunate though, because we didn't have too many to carry since we only had 25 guests. We were able to put all of them in suitcase. 









    where did you get these beach mats?!  cute idea.


    I would say that no, they aren't NECESSARY.  If your budget is tight I think it's fine to skip them - I doubt that anyone is going to complain about not getting one!  I just think they're fun and a nice little treat.  I am probably more excited about them than my guests will be.

  14. Originally Posted by Avborges View Post


    I found this vendor at Etsy who makes wedding bouquet memorial charms.  I will add my grandparent's and Maxi's pictures to the bouquet:




    I bought a charm from this seller for my bouquet (my grandparents - one side has their wedding day picture and the other has my favorite picture of the 2 of them as I remember them), and was VERY happy with the result.

  15. Originally Posted by CAKnight View Post


    Thanks for the info!

    As with the non-thorough part of it, I have noticed that most people won't answer most of your questions the first time. So, I constantly have to ask then it looks like I'm the one who is annoying the other person. mad.gif


    I love your "love is brewing" idea. 

    It's super annoying but so true, esp in the islands!  Argh.


    Thank you!

  16. Originally Posted by CAKnight View Post


    Thank you! I think my FH and I might buy the 4oz ones. I meant I figure I might, as well. It will be less cake boxes I have to lug around. But, then again, who knows? I will have to talk to my FH about it. 

    Who did you email? Tortuga? Are you talking about them delivering to you in the US or when you are in GC? 

    Originally I emailed a guy named Doug, [email protected].  He was on perma vacation or something so I called and most recently have communicated with Marlyn Ebanks, [email protected].  But I am warning you, they're not the most thorough people.  If you ask 5 questions you might get the answer to 2 of them.


    I am also buying 5 or 6 liters of rum (for our welcome happy hour) and 10 bags of coffee (to leave in our guests' kitchens with a cute "love is brewing" tag) from them.  I'm ordering on the phone a couple of weeks in advance, and then I'll pick them up in GC.  But I meant they will deliver them to you in GC.  Not sure if delivery is free or not.  I'm just picking it up because I want to make sure everything is there.

  17. Originally Posted by Jessicalynne View Post


    I just ordered our beach flag!!! Since we'll have 90 people, I wanted to have a "beacon" for people to know where to find the wedding group on the beach. So if they want to join, they can...and if they want to be alone, they know where not to go. lol.


    When my fiance proposed, it was a random Wednesday after work so I had no idea and just thought we were catching a sunset. We live in San Diego, so it wasn't abnormal. But there was a random guy walking buy on the beach who took a photo of the proposal from his iPhone! Afterwards he came up and was like..."I think I have a picture you may want". And holy crap, thank God he was there! Anyways, I'm getting it blown up on a flag as our "Wedding Crew Beach Beacon". 


    I also plan on dancing around the lobby with it while people arrive...I will likely scare some guests, but my wedding people will know what's going on. haha.






    OMG what a great picture!  Cute idea!

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