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Blog Entries posted by alexisinjamaica

  1. alexisinjamaica
    Confession: I am already sick of kale. For breakfast I had a kale and tofu scramble with tomatoes, onions and mushrooms and some toast. It was good and filling, but then for lunch I had some leftover kale salad from Sage and that was when I had a vision of the next 85 days being filled with kale.
    Shortly after breakfast Joe stated “I don’t know how much longer I can last.” We decided that the reason for boredom and thoughts of wanting to quit were just due to the fact that we had not been shopping in a while and had thrown out all of our non-vegan food (read: everything delicious) so we had a house without any food. We went to a nearby health food store, then Trader Joe’s, and stocked up on granola, almond milk, chia seeds (for smoothies), tons of quinoa, spinach, tomatoes, apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, more kale (ugh, Joe added this to the cart), tofu, broccoli, brussel sprouts, hummus, pita crackers, carrots, brown rice, black beans, sweet potatoes, mixed greens and a bunch of other things I’m forgetting. Please note we aren’t savages and normally keep most of these items on hand. Because of the craziness of the holidays, having out of town guests, etc., it had just been awhile since we’d had a full fridge and so the first few days we ate out, partly due to laziness. But we fixed that now! Hooray!
    When we came back, we got sucked into an episode of Chopped on the Food Network. One of the chefs was a vegan raw food chef, and that’s when I realized it could be worse. We could have chosen a 90 day raw food diet. Just kidding, that would never happen. I’d rather gouge out my eye with a kale chip. (No offense to anyone reading this who follows a raw food diet. You are a wonderful and mystical creature. Like a unicorn, but better.)
    That’s it for today. Time to catch up with some Real Housewives, visit Downton Abbey* and hit the hay.
    *Unrelated side story: I once had a legitimate argument with my sister over whether or not it was DowntoWn Abbey. She was convinced there was another “w” in there.
  2. alexisinjamaica
    Still plugging along!
    On Monday, 1/6 (day 6 of this experiment) I forced myself to wake up at 5am and go to the gym with all of the other people who realized it's a new year and we should get off our asses. Good times. After, I had a smoothie with: spinach, almond milk, frozen mixed berries, a banana and chia seeds for breakfast. Lunch was a salad full of veggies, and for dinner Joe made a stir fry with veggies, tofu and brown rice. I fell asleep at 8:30pm (see above re: waking up at 5am).
    But that brings me to a point. For as long as I can remember, I have had weird sleep issues. Namely that I can (and often do) fall asleep anywhere. I've seriously wondered if I have a rare form of narcolepsy. I fall asleep in loud movies, in cars when I'm mid-conversation with people (though thankfully not driving), at friend's houses I will fall asleep for a disco nap, then wake up and be completely alert for another 10 minutes, re-join the conversation, and then I'm out again. I also have heard that I sleep walk and talk. Some of the things I've been told I've said recently include: "did you put pajamas on the baby?" (note: I do not have a baby) "WHERE DID YOU PUT MY GRAPES?!" (asked angrily while walking around the room with crazy eyes) "Who is going to pick the strawberries?" etc. At least my sleep talking is also vegan. Hey-o! Joe also claims that the other night I got up, took my pillow, and went into the living room for a few minutes and he has no idea what i was doing. In the mornings I never have any recollection that anything has happened. All of that was to say, maybe this vegan experiment will give me more energy and improve my borderline narcolepsy and sleep walking! I'll keep you posted, as I'm sure you're dying to know!
    Tuesday, 1/7 was pretty uneventful. Another smoothie for breakfast then lentil soup and a garden salad for lunch. I went to my favorite spin teacher's class after work and I'm convinced he made the routines harder to punish us for the holidays. Had some gluten free brown rice pasta with an avocado pesto and side salad for dinner. Pretty tasty. Oh! I also discovered this, and will be experimenting with some of these recipes in the coming weeks: http://www.seriouseats.com/2013/03/vegan-recipes-mains-soups-salads-breakfasts-sandwiches-appetizers.html
    Joe informed me tonight that when this is over, he may want to try a Paleo diet. God help us.
  3. alexisinjamaica
    It’s the start of a new year and the husband and I have decided to try an experiment: go vegan for 90 days. My husband Joe LOVES meat, so this should be tough for him. I’m OK skipping meat, but I do enjoy my sweets, and no dairy means no delicious desserts. Obviously there are vegan treats, but it’s not the same. Luckily we live in LA and there are plenty of vegan restaurants and health food stores. Plus, with all the weird food issues in LA we’re not the most difficult couple when we go out to eat in a group. (I’m looking at you: vegan, raw and gluten-free Anna who is also allergic to peanuts.)
    Tammy suggested I start a blog to chronicle my journey. So if you hate this, blame her! But it could be a fun way to share what’s happening and also keep me honest. I’m starting this a few days in so this first post is just a quick catch-up of the beginning. Here goes!
    We got started on January 1st, and had we planned ahead we would have gotten lots of vegan friendly foods for the house. Instead, for the first few days we ate out at a handful of different vegan restaurants near our place. Native Foods and Sage are two favorites that I’m sure we’ll revisit a lot throughout this experiment. Sage serves KindKreme, which is vegan friendly ice cream and desserts. I discovered a vegan version of Rocky Road ice-cream that isn’t terrible. Yay?
    On Friday the 3rd we had a friend’s birthday party to go to, which served as our first test. It was a PIZZA PARTY at a BAR. (Did I mention we’re also giving up alcohol?) It sounded like it would be torture, but it wasn’t too bad. We made sure to get a vegan dinner beforehand so we wouldn’t be tempted, and then we rocked cucumber water all night. Success! We just may be able to do this!
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