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About S2BMrsJerace

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  1. Loooooove this!!!!! I think this is the one we're going to use at our ceremony!!!! Thank you!!
  2. Hi MsLiss, I'm also going to be at the MC in October this year!!! Are you part of the Facebook group?? There's so many wonderful ladies on there that have helped save me with a LOT of the planning!!! There's some other great forums on here as well that you should check out!! Just put in "Majestic Colonial" in the search bar, and the results seem endless!! Best of luck on your planning, and CONGRATS!!! Sam
  3. I'm having the same problem!! If you get a response, I would love to know!!!
  4. Hey Kaz! I'm definitely going to check out magnetstreet.com. And will also check with the co-op travel here in the NW (Arbour Lake). Didn't even think of using them!! I forgot to ask you, with your original post, you mentioned your bridemaid dresses. Do you mind if I ask where you got yours, and what the style is? My girls are hoping I'm not going to ask them to spend a butt-load on their dresses, and so far we've seen a lot of beautiful, flowy dresses from places like Le Chateau that I think would be amazing on the beach. And did you end up getting the travel mugs yet? Just wondering how they turned out, as I saw on the Facebook group, someone's logo came off. (Didn't really read too much to see if they put the logo on themselves, but I've heard of it happening to people that ordered it off a website). Thanks
  5. Hi!! We're looking at booking this resort for October 2013, but haven't yet. The travel group we're going through gave us a really high quote a few weeks ago, so we're going to try again in September for hopefully something not so high. Do you mind if I ask who you went through to book it? I'm worried I'm behind on sending out my save the dates, but seeing that you sent yours a little over a year in advance makes me feel a bit better about not doing it yet. What style are your STDs and Invites? Thanks so much!
  6. Those are AMAZING!!! I too would like to know if you used a template, and how much it cost you.
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