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Everything posted by kathryn83

  1. Thank to all the recent brides for the updates on your experiences! We're shopping right now for an iPod dock to take down with us. Has anyone brought their own recently? Any issues that we should be aware of? Thanks!
  2. Wedding twin! We're on the beach at 4 and then at Plaza Zavas at 6:30. Where is yours? We're arriving on the 2nd and leaving the 11th.
  3. The support from you ladies means a lot right now. I can't really talk to anyone about it...because the people I'd talk to are the ones who said no or haven't responded and I don't want to accidentally lay out a guilt trip.
  4. I ended up creating a closed FB list and posting a vague "we extended the deadline, hope to hear from you soon" message. That got a few people moving on saying no. Still waiting on 27 others. When I wrote that post I was having a bad week -- two of my "definites" called to say they couldn't come. Both had good reasons for the switch, but it still doesn't make it sting less. We're going to end up eating some money on the room contract, but I guess that's life.
  5. Can I vent for a minute? We sent out our STD/Invitation combo in early June and set Oct. 1 as the RSVP online date. Being a DW, I was prepared that not many people would be able to attend, but what I was not prepared for was the complete lack of response. We've heard nothing from almost 70 percent of the guest list. I'm just really hurt and frustrated by it. I kept holding out hope that maybe people were just waiting to the last minute to decide, but analytics shows that, no, that's not the case, since we had exactly one visitor this weekend and it was likely my mom. /end sadface
  6. Thanks Elaine. Yeah, that's our expectation, too. Still working on some alternatives with the wedding department, but it'd be nice to get a "current" status report since most of the cake reviews I've seen are older.
  7. Thanks for all of the information! I'm hoping some October brides can give a cake report. That is literally the only thing FI cares about.
  8. The slump is the worst part. We set our RSVP deadline as Oct. 1 and still have 47 people who haven't responded -- that's the bulk of the list! I am itching to start on the OOT bags, but can't justify ordering over/under, just like you! Refresh my memory on your location issue -- that doesn't sound non-stressful!
  9. Yes, that what we used, but it is $3.90 per invite. http://shop.serendipitybeyonddesign.com/tropical-boarding-pass-with-sleeve-save-the-date/ We put "An Invitation" on the sleeve instead of Save the Date. I think ours ended up being about $4.50 per invite because I had her print return addresses and address the envelopes for me. I got so many compliments on the suite, too.
  10. My guest list was only a fraction of yours but we opted to do boarding pass invitations in place of save the dates. Figured people would want the time to book and decide if they were coming and that sending multiple things was just going to get too expensive. We used http://www.serendipitybeyonddesign.com/
  11. Who is your WC Jana? Off-site WC's don't set the pricing for setup fees -- that's why you have to pay in cash, in person for it. Everything I've heard says the fees range for complexity of setup but usually average $5 per person for EVERYTHING. Not individual setups. Can anyone else confirm?
  12. If you're thinking about doing a TTD -- be careful! A Quebec woman drowned recently. http://metronews.ca/news/world/352422/brides-drowning-shines-light-on-trash-the-dress/
  13. I've heard the flat fee is based on per person, which is why ladies have all had different numbers. I think people have said to usually budget $125-$250 and that its based on the number of people and complexity of setup.
  14. Jenny -- what day are you arriving on the property? Not sure what decorations you're looking for, but maybe we can arrange to share some things.
  15. You all look lovely. I tried to share a photo of my dress the other day, but I guess it didn't make it past the moderator.
  16. I went in looking for flow-y chiffon and came out with this!
  17. Our ideal is to get gazebo sheers, the lanterns for poolside decoration and dessert. Depending on how many guests/tables we end up with, we were planning on doing Lomas for the table decorations but now I'm so mad at them I might bring this in separately, too.
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