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Everything posted by aug6

  1. Hi everyone. I am reading posts on what didn't work but was wondering everyone's thoughts on the perfect place in Jamaica for our wedding?
  2. Conrad and Faith Ann - Truly Meant to Be Conrad and I first met while I was 14 and dancing with a ballet company. I was the crazed dancer making quick changes on the side of the stage and he was the lighting tech, starting his own company and standing with the stage hands in the wings. We smiled and said hello but that was it. Conrad traveled with my ballet company to Washington the following year, where again, we just smiled and said hello in passing. That was it and we we went our separate ways, eventually each of us marrying and starting our own families. Fast forward 17 years, and once again, we are working together. His company was hired to handle the staging, lights, and sound for the Miss PA Scholarship Program while I was part of the production team. We hit it off immediately and had a great working relationship, both with the pageant and while working together at Musikfest, another project. We were so much alike and always on the same page with our thoughts and ideas. Some of the crew would laugh that we could finish each others sentences. This went on for years. He was a true friend and always watched over me. I often thought how lucky his wife was and knew that I could count on him no matter what. He respected me, never crossed any lines, and never made any advances. He was a true gentleman. It wasn't until September of 2006 while on our way to see the Miss America Pageant that we realized we knew each other from my days with the ballet company. All these years, we both felt like we knew each other from somewhere but never questioned it. We laughed about it the entire night! It was after this that we once again lost contact. The scholarship pageant was being run by a new group who had their own production team, and I had to stop working at Musikfest for the time being. Each of us was going through alot at home but never let on to each other our troubles. Conrad would email me now and then, however, my husband at the time would delete the emails before I could read them. He thought I didn't want to talk to him any longer and I thought he was no longer emailing me, so I didn't want to bother him with an email from me. We had a mutual friend who I spoke with all of the time, and he would let each of us know that the other was doing OK, but never let on to either of us that we each were in failing marriages. He often suggested to Conrad that he contact me, which he did, I just never knew it. Now, it is August 2009 and our friend talks me into stopping by to visit everyone I used to work with at Musikfest. Conrad was not supposed to be there that night but changed his schedule when he heard I was coming down. I was excited and honestly couldn't wait to see him. I had missed my friend and knew how much I always enjoyed our time together. What a surprise that night turned out to be. I found out that his wife had left him awhile ago and he found out that my children and I were living with my parents. The following week, we had made plans to play golf. He was an avid golfer and I needed to learn so I could take my daughter out on the course. All the way down to meet him, I kept telling myself it was just golf and not to get excited over this but I was a nervous wreck. What was nice was that he was just as nervous. Still, we were tentative and while we knew this was what we wanted, we didn't let on. A few weeks later, we spent the weekend in NYC. While I traveled to NYC quite often, this was different. We saw several shows, went to museums, had dinner, and walked through Central Park. Our hotel overlooked the park and I felt like a princess. I didn't want this weekend to end. This was when we both knew that we were meant to be together. When we got home, we were looking at a picture hanging on his wall. It was a picture of Central Park and our hotel in the background. It was almost as if we had taken the picture ourselves that weekend and that we were meant to be there. Our lives have intertwined for 31 years now. It has been a truly magical journey, one that I know will continue for the rest of our lives!
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