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Posts posted by Kristo

  1. Well I'm glad you've gotten a reply.. I sent my original reply last week and still have not heard a dang thing back! 

    Originally Posted by lenyblair View Post

    You all had me worried with the 800$ fee so I email the resort yesterday. I just got a response from the resort today. They stated that I will need a 75.00 day pass for my photographer...I am printing all my emails and bringing them with me so I have some backup when I get there!!! Just in case!!!

    If all I need is a day pass then anyone staying there should NOT have a charge to photograph your day! I just wouldn't tell them about it if that was the case.




  2. So I need to vent a little bit here.... I've been dealing with Donnalee for a little under a year now and have had no problems with her.. up until this past week.  We booked our photographer and knew there would be a charge to bring our "vendor" onto the resort for the afternoon.  My understanding was this fee was around $40.00.   I emailed Donnalee to confirm the charge just so we could factor that into our budget.   This is the email I got back from her:


    "The vendors fee is USD 800.00. You can also email our photo shop for photo packages and their email address is: [email protected]"


    Say what?!


    On top of what I'm already paying my photographer, I now have to pay an additional $800.00 for her to come to the resort for a few hours??  She won't even be there for our reception or overnight.  We've literally hired her for 3 hours! 


    I emailed Donnalee back, thinking it was just a typo.  I asked for a little bit of an explanation, or a breakdown of exactly what that $800 is for.  Her well thought out and detailed response to me was:


    "This information was sent to us by Manager of the resort."


    Ya, thanks for clarifying that!


    Can anyone shed some light for me here?  What have past brides had to pay?  What are current brides being quoted?


    Ok, end rant.  sad.gif


  3. So I need to vent a little bit here.... I've been dealing with Donnalee for a little under a year now and have had no problems with her.. up until this past week.  We booked our photographer and knew there would be a charge to bring our "vendor" onto the resort for the afternoon.  My understanding was this fee was around $40.00.   I emailed Donnalee to confirm the charge just so we could factor that into our budget.   This is the email I got back from her:


    "The vendors fee is USD 800.00. You can also email our photo shop for photo packages and their email address is: [email protected]"


    Say what?!


    On top of what I'm already paying my photographer, I now have to pay an additional $800.00 for her to come to the resort for a few hours??  She won't even be there for our reception or overnight.  We've literally hired her for 3 hours! 


    I emailed Donnalee back, thinking it was just a typo.  I asked for a little bit of an explanation, or a breakdown of exactly what that $800 is for.  Her well thought out and detailed response to me was:


    "This information was sent to us by Manager of the resort."


    Ya, thanks for clarifying that!


    Can anyone shed some light for me here?  What have past brides had to pay?  What are current brides being quoted?


    Ok, end rant.  sad.gif


  4. Once again I'm having issues with photographers, so if any of you ladies can help me out here, it would be much appreciated.  Tried to book Merrick last year and he was booked.  Tried to book Stacey Clarke and she can't do it, unfortunately.  Anyone else have any other suggestions?  I'm looking for a TTD session as well, and have a VERY tight budget.  I'm looking for a couple of hours on my actual wedding day (our good friend will be shooting all the candids after the wedding) and really just want someone there to cover the ceremony and pictures directly afterwards.  And then of course the TTD the next day.  s


    Soooo... with time running out, I'm getting VERY anxious and I'm starting to stress... so throw some ideas my way, pretty please!!!

  5. Thanks, I did end up sending an email back, so we'll wait to see what she says!


    Originally Posted by greatbritain View Post

    I would e-mail Donnalee back and CC Chandlyn inquiring about the price and saying that other brides had been told $250. I have been in touch with Donnalee before and she has misquoted and I CC'ed Chandlyn and she replied with corrections so it might have just been a typo or a mistake. It doesn't hurt to ask!



  6. Hey guys, totally new here and i've been trying to read through this thread to get some information on the wedding package pricing offered by the resort.  Looks like we're booking for May 2012 (yah!) and i'm still waiting to hear back from the resort on the pricing packages.  Any help/tips would be appreciated!!!

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