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Posts posted by JQLong

  1. Originally Posted by RollerBride View Post


     This is the email address yamina gave to me: [email protected]

    I emailed them to make an appointment for my hair & Make up and they (William) responded the next day. I've also had a few other emails back and forthw ith WIlliam regarding mani/pedi appointments for me and the moms. The responses have all been within 1 day for me. Hope this helped :)

    Thanks for this!  I need to book our make up as well!  Sheesh!

  2. Originally Posted by AM2012 View Post


    I leave in 8 days!! I am soo excited! I have 4 checked bags with just wedding stuff..thank goodness my family and my fiances are flying down with us to help carry all that. The thing that takes up the most space is definitely the OOT bags. I am also making a detailed set up list with photos to make sure that everything looks the way i want it to. I will post my review when we get back!!! YAY


    Congrats and Good Luck!!! 

  3. Originally Posted by LindseyM View Post


    So we leave for Mexico in 34 days and I am starting to figure out how to pack.  I am nervous.


    Besides our clothes we need to bring down...


    -My bouquet, 3 bridesmaid bouquets, and corsages/boutonnieres 

    -Sand and sand ceremony kit

    -Wine stopper favors

    -Beach towels for OOT bags

    -20 Embroidered OOT bags

    -Sunglasses for OOT bags

    -All of the other contents of the OOT bags

    -Welcome letter, itinerary, guest book mad libs cards, and programs

    -Cake Topper * "I Do" letters

    -Starfish place cards


    -Gown, jewelry, shoes, etc.

    -Kevin's wedding day attire


    I think that's it but it's very overwhelming!  We are also flying US Air direct but we will have to pay for our bags, I believe, so that sucks.  I am hoping I can do it by Kevin, myself, my mom, and my dad all taking an extra bag.  I will check the boxes that the favors and beach towels are in.  They will count as bags...then I will try to get the rest of the things in two bigger suitcases.


    My main concern are my flowers.  Does any one have any suggestions on how to bring down silk/real touch bouquets?  I don't want to check them in a suitcase for fear they will get tossed around and ruined, but I will if I have to.  I thought about putting them all in a carry on bag.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I can't believe how soon my wedding is!


    Hi LindseyM!

    We leave in 18 days and I am beginning to pack as well.  I am putting my flowers in a small carry on bag.  I am nervous to have the flowers checked in too.  Try a smaller roller suitcase.  all of my flowers fit with bubble wrap perfectly.  Good luck!  We are almost there!  i can't believe it!

  4. Originally Posted by JennyBenz View Post


    This looks great! And you definitely can't buy something like this for less than $6 online!


    And congrats on upcoming big day cheers.gif

    Thanks JennyBenz!!!  My fiance loves it too.  I had recently had a less than pleasant experience with spray paint in our back yard so he was pleased he did not have to clean up!

  5. 2012-06-11 21.01.57.jpg

    We are exactly 20 days until our departure to Mexico!woot.gif

    I am in the final stages of planning and gathering stuff for our Big Day!  We decided that we want to do a sand ceremony.  Unfortunately, I waited until the last minute (kind of forgot...) to purchase one.  And when I went online to search.....I was quickly astounded by the prices for glass jars (even if they were personalized...)




    I decided to DIM (Do It Myself)!!!

    I stalk my local GoodWill on a regualr basis so I know that I would be able to find glasses at a cheap price...

    $1.00 for Big Glass (GoodWill - I was so happy to find a glass with a cork!!)

    $1.00 (Goodwill 2 smaller glasses - I wanted them to be different for an authentic look :))

    Shells - Dollar Tree - $1.00

    Starfish - @$1.33 (Pack of 6 cost @ $8.00 Big Lots...Starfish stink!!!sick.gif)

    Raffia - $1.00 (Bag at Walmart)


    Total = $5.33 for my set!!!

    I will get turquoise & yellow sand for the ceremony.


    I hope you like!

  6. Hello Everyone…


    I am a recovering Vista Print addict…..love.gif


    Anywho…I purchased the $17 for $70 VistaPrint Groupon special about a month ago and I have been struggling to use it.

    I was going to do brochures but I decided not to as many of my guest are not staying the entire week.


    I purchased for $17 but the groupon deal can be yours for just $15!


    Send me a PM if you are interested.


    PS – It expires on July 25, 2012.




  7. Awww. Thanks so much!  I actually used jasminesbirdal.com.  I went with the premium grade (because the dress is "simple" I opted to not upgrade to designer).

    I think with the shipping it came to about $285 total.  My alterations will run me about $180.  The process did not take long at all.  I began my research last February, put my deposit down in March and I had the dress before the end of April.  The communication with them was wonderful. 


    I go for my second fitting this Saturday!  So excited!!!!


    I'll post pictures!


    Let me know if you have any other questions...



  8. Originally Posted by WPGBride View Post



    Thanks so much

    I had the resort do my hair and makeup. She did my hair well based on the picture that I had, she spoke little english so it was hard to get across the changes that I wanted, but overall the hair was good. The makeup however I did not have a picture and told her just a light smokey eye and she made me look like a barbie doll, so I just said thank you tipped her and fixed my makeup myself in my own room the way I like it. I did bring some of my own makeup because I felt she might not have my skin tone and colours I liked. They also are not the most sanitary when it comes to makeup, the brushes might have been cleaned but she just dipped them back in the makeup after putting them on my face. So if your one of those people who cares about hygiene I would bring your own makeup.


    I used Anel from the resort photo centre as recommended on here. She was great to work with lots of good shots. I got shots for the whole ceremony and of our guests and us. I think in total an hour. I'm not sure if it was cut short or not by me passing out from the heat in my dress or not. It was really hot like 38C


    Haha ya I wanted to cry so much while walking but I held it in because I knew once I let it go I wouldn't be able to stop and maybe my makeup would run. A few people cried, I know my mom definatly did and a friend. You will probably while walking down the aisle, I think thats a for sure!


    You were a gorgeous bride!!!  Your wedding looked lovely.

  9. Originally Posted by Corio342 View Post


    Just got back yesterday from mexico! Everything was better than I could have imagined. Yamina was wonderful to work with.

    Here is the link to my shutterfly site where I uploaded all of my pictures. Santiago from adventure photos was our photographer.



    You were a beautiful bride!!!  Lovely pictures.  It looks like you have a wonderful time.

  10. My floral designer has sent me pictures of the hair fascinators...

    I hope you like them!!!  I should receive all the flowers shortly....


    The yellow is for my MOH & bridesmaid.  The turquoise one is for my mom and the white is of course for the bride...

    me of course!

    hair flowers.jpg



    Originally Posted by JQLong View Post

    I got a cool Motherâ€s Day gift…..My wonderful “real touch/silk) flower designer Kim (of Sabella Designs) sent me a picture of my bouquet!!!  She also sent pictures of the corsages!

    It is amazing to see your vision start to come together.  In a few weeks, I will begin my planning thread!!!  Yippee!!!cheer2.gif


    Hope you like!


    JQ flowers.jpg


    JQ flowers_2.jpg



    Jq flowers detail.jpg






  11. As we are 45 days away from our departure and 48 days from the wedding, I wanted to send my guests important travel info (most of which they may know) but just as a reminder of what to expect.

    I “borrowed†many ideas from other brides and I am pleased with the result. 


    I used a template from Word…(searched online).


    Let me know what you think!





    Jaquanda and Jabahri Newsletter.pdf

  12. Hi there..

    I am actually wearing an ivory dress too.  I think I will get a french manicure and I think it will look fine with the dress.  Trust me....No one will comment as you walk down the aisle "shhh...look at her white tip nails with her ivory dress!"  LOL!

    I think the french manicure is a clean look....but I am looking for a fruit punchy pink for my toes! 

    Good luck!!!!  You are down to the wire!

    Originally Posted by cnd29 View Post

    Wasn't sure where to post my question but hopefully this will get me some help, or at least a place for anyone else with similar issues due to wearing an ivory dress can post questions and discussion.


    First of all, I'm having a bear of a time trying to find shoes for my dress.  I would love ivory, but I'm leaning toward silver because there are just many more options out there.  I think I'm being too picky though!


    My real question I could use input on:


    How should I get my nails done?  Normally I go for the french manicure gel, but the tips of this are white!  Can you get them in ivory?  Should I do something different?  I'm 6 weeks out now, leaving for Punta Cana in 5 weeks.  Working on the small details and this is my latest puzzle!


    Thanks all!

  13. Originally Posted by katman View Post


    Those photos are gorgeous!! I'm amazed by how real they turned out! The embellishments are lovely as well....the starfish add a real beachy feel!!  For those of you using the silk flowers, what will you do with the flowers included in your resorts wedding package? Are you still using them as decoration or will you use the cost of flowers towards something else? I'm just trying to weight the pros and cons of using the silk flowers. Insight? 


    I asked my resort and was advised I can exchange the flowers for cake flowers or flowers on the alter. 

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