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Everything posted by jb1013

  1. Has any past JF brides used the DJ that Mayte sets-up instead of Mania? Mayte told me that the one she uses does not use an hourly rate, just 1 fee for the night. If anyone has used this option were they okay? We are also debating on photographer, I like Phil's work but I am not sure I want to spend $2600 and I also don't think I need 12 hours of coverage January 7th, 2012 at Jellyfish 21 Booked guests including Bride and Groom
  2. I love these! Can someone PM me the templates and instructions if you have them? Thanks so much!
  3. OMG - I love the cupcakes. These pictures are AMAZING! I was wondering if cupcakes could be done through Mayte. Do you remember how much the cupcakes cost? What DJ company did you use? We are having anywhere from 50-70 people for our Jan 2012 wedding and most of them are drinkers also and I am afraid what will happen if we only do open bar for 3 hours after dinner. We will probably have to do the local option for $10 per person per hour. Has anyone done that option? If so, how was it?
  4. Thanks ladies! I finally got her on the phone and she said my date was fine. We laughed because it is very far in advance. January 7th 2012 is our date I sent her 1 more email just to confirm and to make sure I have it in writing. She told me about her new baby and that she has had a wedding almost everyday the last couple weeks. I cannot wait for ours!! We are going to have the ceremony and reception all at the Jellyfish and having our guests stay at the Majestic Elegance
  5. Hey Ladies! I am trying to plan a Wedding and Reception at the Jellyfish and have received the menus from Mayte, that was over a week ago. I asked her a couple questions about the menus and then also asked what we needed to do to hold the date and I have not heard anything from her. I even tried to call her at the restaurant and they gave me her cell and I left her a message and still have not heard anything. It has been over a week and I am getting frustrated. Is anyone else trying to set-up a wedding there and having issues with communication?? I really just want a confirmation that we have the date so we can get the info in the STD's. Thanks!!!
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