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Posts posted by Banksnelson

  1. Great pics you were a beautiful bride! Thanks for sharing!

    Originally Posted by nicdeb928 View Post

    Hi Ladies! Im back! I have so much to tell everyone, and its all good...Im at work and still sick (i got really sick the day we left and im still trying to get better) I think it was all the stress and running around from the last few weeks...but I will write up a planning thread and a review of ASP for all of you within the next few days...here is the link to my pictures to give you a little something for now (i know all of you are dying to see recent pics of weddings at ASP) my photographer, Juan Navarra was absolutley amazing...ill ttys...Nicole


  2. Omg you have me freaking out now bc my date is April 8 and I have pretty much nothing done! Im still waiting for everyone to book so I know how many people I will have. Aahhh!



    Originally Posted by lilbuddha View Post

    Lately, I have been feeling like a bad bride.  In the last 2 months+ I really haven't done anything for the wedding.  Sadly, Jess, I probably need to come to your class and repeat elementary math since up until Natalie' s post I thought I had 8 months til my wedding.  I am getting married on May5th, 2011. Now I realize I have just over 6 months!!



    I guess I have just been working so much that I missed some months??!!  How did this happen?! 


    My guests are there for 5 nights and 6 days and now I am feeling a little overwhelmed by all that needs to be done for all the events.  My TA came to my house Monday to lay the smackdown on the bad bride.  Guest list is at 70 now....welcome bags totally not done.  Nor is any real planning for the other events.


    I booked the Amythest Package, we are having our welcome dinner on Maramcas Terrace and wedding reception on Solarium Mundaca.


    Can I ask about how much the welcome bags are costing everyone? I am trying to come up with a reasonable budget. 




  3. I have one aunt that bought her plane ticket, other then that i have no one booked yet either!! I dont know what everyone is waiting for, they were all bugging me to give them the info before I had it all set up. And on top of that, two of my cousins and one of my friends got pregnant and now cant come! Im really stressing.

  4. I am so stressing about the number of people coming too. And that will determine if we have a private reception or not. I would love to have one but I just dont want to spend the extra money to do it since we are having an AHR too. I was thinking we would have around 30ppl based on everyone who said they were coming...BUT...get ready for this...one of my bridesmaids to-be found out she is pregnant, due date 7 days before my wedding! AND two of my cousins who were also definite guests are also pregnant now and wont be able to come! So my guest list is now down by 6 people. And they are 6 people who I really wanted there. We also have many people complaining about the cost so I really have no idea how it is going to turn out


    Originally Posted by Ellabaja1983 View Post

    I feel kind of behind because we don't have anyone else booked yet...  We have a bunch that have said they were going, but none booked...

    We dont have anyone else booked yet either. I sent out save the dates about a month ago with all the info made a website too. I wish they would all hurry up and do it haha

  6. You are so right thanks! I wish mine was 8 weeks! So exciting!


    Originally Posted by nicdeb928 View Post

    Hi ladies...so in 8 weeks, i leave for Mexico! woo hoo!



    @banknelson-- relax and try not to stress! remember that is the whole reason why people have destination weddings....so they can stay away from the stress and drama! everything will work out and be beautiful...once you get off that plane and walk onto the beautiful resort, youre not going to care about the lil things, bc its just going to be so beautiful....when youre staring at palm trees and crystal blue water, who cares what color linens the tables have :)



    Originally Posted by skadow View Post


    Lil ...


    Tad of a rant but what annoys me is that all the brides on this site say there are a ton of options to choose from once you are down there. Centerpieces that are not in the PDFâ€s they sent. Décor options. Ect.


    Why, oh why, cant them PDF the darn document and send it to us! This way I would be able to figure out what I can plan on handling down their and what I should bring. I have been making a lot of assumptions and I do not like working that way. In todayâ€s technological world, PDFâ€s and computer files shouldnâ€t not be that outrages to expect.


    Also…I to thought the wedding planner would be a tad more pro-active. If I did not know about this site, I would have never thought to ask her about Djâ€s and such. I would have assumed they would take care of contacting me with what optional services I need…then created a quote/budget.




    I am not impressed with their organizational skills so far.



    I totally agree!! It is stressful! I am afraid I am going to miss out on something bc I didnt know about it ahead of time. Or end up spending more money then I am planning on because I dont have all my options to figure out. But Im sure it will all work out ok. I was hoping that they might be more helpful once it got closer to my date but you seem way more organized and planned then I am so I guess I should just start figuring it out on my own too!

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