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Posts posted by orionandmari072510


    Just wanted to share some of our professional photos done by Erick Rodriguez from Claudia Photo. Absolutely gorgeous! We are so happy with them! And I havent even posted the BEST of them!


    Great Memories!


    Mayan Wedding Ceremony (we are now on their promotion video commercial for the Mayan Wedding)





    The complimentary cake



    Complimentary Dinner at Arricifes




    Couple pic took at Moon Palace Beach



    There are so many more AWESOME shots!

    Receiving photos is a wonderful way to close up a wedding!

    So happy!


    Mari and Orion


  2. We got all the supplies between paper souce and AC Moore. We tried to give it a mayan, classic look to it since we were doing the mayan ceremony. The small card with ribbon is actually a booklet in which we put lots of information in for the wedding and stay at the resort. the RSVP was on a separate card to fill out both RSVPs and times of arrival and departure for flights.



    Below are the programs we created. Also the supplies were from Paper Source.

    I will photograph the insides and add this to this thread when I get home.



  3. It does suck how people are non supportive when their turn arrives to be BMs, etc. And not only that...for weddings in general. I have always been supportive of friend's weddings and a lot of the persons in which i sent gifts and attended did not do a thing for me. I just learned after that to just give my congrats to people when these things happen and be there for those who are there for me.

    Originally Posted by flbluiiis View Post

    I can only hope that my ladies put as much effort into my day as I did theirs....but alas I too am one of the last to be married! When I was a bridesmaid in the 1st wedding, it was my cousin's and my mom told me that it was my job to make sure the bride had everything she needed. I was there for her 1st and then for me 2nd....I guess I really took that to heart because she still teases me about being her mini shadow for the day, she said I was the best bridesmaid because I was always just a glace away if she needed anything :) I tried to make sure I was like that for every wedding I was in after that, even when the flower girl broke my big toe nail 1/2 off right before walking down the aisle in wedding #2 lol

  4. DW are cheaper than your average home wedding. It also cuts out unwanted guests. I mean in a home wedding you invite a whole lot of ppl whom you may clench your teeth when sending the invite. Some of those old friends are just ridiculous...and then of course exes tend to weasle their way into it and you end up paying extra catering costs you didnt plan for with those crasher type guests, not to mention their stupid drama. I totally think a DW is much more personal and intimate and definitely much more fun! It is an experience and something the guests who do come to will remember forever. I never heard of a BAD DW, but ive heard of raunchy home weddings going rotten. Too much receptiveness to drama at home! Better to be happy at a beach with a pina colada!

  5. I feel your pain. We had guests not book until 1 week before the wedding and its the least thing you want to worry about when you got so many stressful things happening at the same time. And there are some guests who will flake. The best is to not worry about it. I know it sux when people do these things but definitely the persons who WANT to be there and enjoy the time with you will be. And the ones who are not meant to be there wont. It is probably for the BEST in the end too! The persons who showed to our wedding were awesome and we all had a fun and relaxing time. (and some of them also gave us a hard time in the beginning) In the end it will work out great!

  6. We had a lot of that crap going on when we were planning our DW to mexico. One friend who I am a BM for in her wedding gave me so many sob stories from saying her mom wouldnt allow her to come, to her fiancee giving her a hard time for it. Well in the end she came, but all the drama excuses were totally unneccessary. I also think ppl make stuff up just to find a way out of not going to something. I had another friend say she didnt have the money to go, but about a week before the wedding wrote me a catty text saying the only reason she didnt have the money was because she was saving it for a trip to Aruba with her fiancee in the same year. Well funny thing is her fiancee came to our wedding and left her home in the USA. I guess catty-ness just leaves you at home ALONE while everyone else is having fun! And they still havent gone to Aruba!

    Overall everyone we invited pretty much showed up and had a great time. No regrets in that at all! And the resort area we stayed in were 100% safe. If anything tell the families that the druglord crap is definitely not in major tourist cities in Mexico just for the mere fact that the natives make more money of us tourists visiting than the stupid druggies.

  7. I booked through the miami coordinators with Carilis. She checked to see if the ceremony was available. They are now beginning to promote the ceremony since we have left. We are actually on their promo as an example of the Mayan Ceremony. I am not sure who they used for shamans. We don't know many of the shamans or Mayan wedding vendors. The horse carriage ride was not included in the package. But all the decoration on the table was. You also get a Mayan wedding certificate and props.

    Originally Posted by skadow View Post

    Everything looks really special and unque. I am very interested in the Mayan Ceromony but my WC has not gotten back to me yet. I am guessing you have to contact them about ceromony. Did they pick out the Shamon for you or were you able to use who you wanted? I know they don't allow outside vendors ,but I am guessing this isnt really a normal serice they offer.


    I would love to know more about the booking process you had with this because it is so unnormal for Palace Resorts =) So if you could post on here, otherwise my email is [email protected]


    Thanks so much and congrats!!!!!!


  8. I am not sure what you mean about stations? But if you get a cocktail hour you get a full bar with. Not sure if they also have cigars. We were tempted to buy all the men cigars for the cocktail reception and just hand them out, lol.

    Originally Posted by asbarret View Post

    Evaleen posted this in another thread but I am also curious....anyone have info about cigar rolling/tequila stations??

  9. There are 3 different gazebos. I do not remember all the names, but one is a catholic church gazebo and the other two are parallel with buildings in between (one in moon grand/nzuic side. Another between Sunrise and Nzuic). Moon grand is gorgeous in the fact the building looks very old spanish style, however the BEST beach is closer to the sunrise side because of the many shades of turquoise and dark blue. We got married on the beach which is direct in front of the Catholic Gazebo

    Originally Posted by bobella View Post

    Could you email me the Wedding collection too please??  Im getting married in 3 weeks in time at the Moon Palace Golf and Spa!!Thomas Cook are useless so Im having to do it all myself!!.... whats the different gazebos too do you have to book these in advance.  Wish id decided to stay in the UK after all now.


    Also can anyone tell me if I need a Certificate of No Impediment??  The hotel say we just need


    *birth certs

    *Tourist Id

     and the rest will be done for us??


    My email address is [email protected]


    If you are going vegetarion Id suggest not going to Arricifes, its totally a place to savour different meats and game. Definitely not a vegetarian location. It does have a huge salad bar. Id be concerned at the quality of the salad dinner though! We hosted our rehearsal dinner at Los Corporales which is mexican food. Its a nice choice because maybe you can find more vegetarian dishes and they also serenade guests with mariachi. Very romantic!

  11. I had wanted to post this before. We had brought leftover ribbon from the invitations and programs to be put on the white chairs. Here is a pic of that. It was a great cheap alternative that matched our original theme. I bought 3 rolls of ribbon from PAPER Source at $6 each. This was able to cover 6 chairs. Their sashes didnt match and were about $3 a piece not including floral, etc.



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