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Everything posted by jpickell

  1. Glad to help in any way I can so please don't be shy. No disrespect to the Cabo-fans but anyone who can appreciate the natural beauty of Todos Santos is a friend of mine. In case you do have more questions, I was the best man in one of the weddings in the links I sent you (the property listed for sale). The bride and groom live here in LA and could answer Qs for you, including on food and music. However, they did use Alvaro to plan and someone else to photograph, JFYI, Alvaro can be reached at [email protected]. Also, there's a woman named Barbara Perkins that does some planning and offers a venue (I wouldn't use her venue per se). Please tell Alvaro I referred you if you ever break down and use him. My personal opinion is that it's going to be very hard w/o a coordinator for a destination wedding unless you have a lot of time on your hands. We were married in Italy w/o one but my wife's whole family lives there so.... The other thing you might consider is organizing some type of event or tour, e.g., a bonfire and skywatching with meteorologist, horseback riding, hiking with local guides. Again, a great way for people to bond and get to know the area. We're updating the CYC site to make it "bestoftodossantos.com" and have more ltd content on CYC (just for rentals). The idea being having a top 10 list of everything since we have spent a lot of time on the site. BTW, am I supposed to get an email when this is updated? I thought so. Anyway, maybe that's later in the day....
  2. I have now attended several weddings in Todos Santos, BCS. I can provide lots of feedback. For starters, here's some photos from a few: Skim across the album with your mouse. Click to view photos. Enjoy! ..:: Pictage | Event Home ::.. Here's the BEST venue I have ever been to. Wasnt too expensive. If you're interested I think it's still available for rent. Encanto Real Estate - Beach Front Villa Punta Lobos There's a great wedding planner in Todos named Alvaro. I have his details.... We have rentals available for up to 15 but that may not be suitable for you. CalyCanto Vacation Rentals in Todos Santos and Information on Baja California Sur, Mexico.... Would be happy to give you lots of advice since Todos is one of my favorite places on earth (we were married in Cortina Italy). More pics at jpickell's photosets on Flickr Sorry for all the links but thought you would appreciate the photos to give a better sense of what to expect. Feb is the best month of the year in Todos. Whales will be migrating right by so get married on the beach!
  3. jpickell


    My wife and I recently had a destination wedding in Cortina, Italy and are now hosts to many in Todos Santos, Baja where we own a small destination boutique resort and offer ecotours. We live in L.A. Just thought I would sign-in to give some friendly advice (not trying to sell anything). Just trying to give some feedback we learned.
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