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Posts posted by H&F

  1. Yes, I can't believe it is tomorrow and all of my best laid plans to plan out outfits, get in great shape, etc have fallen by the wayside!


    Luckily, I did buy one outfit and have some other stuff that I think I could use but I seriously cannot believe how quickly this date has snuck up on me.


    Just needed to let out some nervous energy and share with you all!


    Quick question- I've tried to read everyone's posts about BD and what they did to prepare but I was wondering what suggestions are out there for relaxing and getting into the right mindset on the day of the shoot?


    Any ideas is much appreciated!


    Thanks ladies! smile72.gif

  2. At the salon I go to the owner cuts my hair ($160) and for my highlights I have to see a colorist who charges ($130). I normally do the appointments on different days-- not that it should matter. I always struggle with how much I'm supposed to tip.


    Normally I give the owner $30 which would be just under 20% and the colorist $25. Then I tip the person who washes and blows-out my hair $5-10 depending on how I'm feeling (my stylist cuts hair dry so the hair washer also has to blow out my hair before cutting but then my stylist puts the finishing touches on it after the cut.


    I've always heard that you don't tip the owner and I'd love to know if that is truly the case. He's never mentioned to me that I don't need to tip him... not that he would anyways.


    I tell you, I think I'm in the wrong industry! They seem to make great money!

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