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Posts posted by Jamaica0619

  1. I thought about not having a program...especially when it was taking forever to design it. But, we don't have many guests and they come from every walk of our lives. So, many do not know the others. So, I wanted to at least let them know who our bridal party is. And it looked blank without some description of the ceremony order...so I guessed and then put in the note.

  2. This is not an exact answer. But, I was working on my program. I used the following order:





    Reading (we are having one)

    Marriage Vows

    Exchange of Rings

    Signing of the Marriage Certificate

    Sand Ceremony

    Pronouncement of Marriage



    I put at the bottom...


    In the spirit of "No Problem" the ceremony may change


    I figured this is the best way to handle it...

  3. I agree with some of the comments already posted. I am much more into the idea of a TTD session than my FI. And, he really doesn't want to ruin his wedding pants/shirt. And, a colleague of mine said there is a risk given they are 100% linen that the material and the ocean may not be the best combination. So, I just went out last night and bought him another pants/shirt at Kohls. This way he has an alternative if he wants.

  4. We didn't consider this when we first selected the Riu, but we did select them becuase of the photography samples we saw they seemed to have the best photographer. But, this is when we did not know that we could take our own photogrpaher.


    When we found this out and decided we really wanted (and preferred) to do this. We were really glad we could take our own photographer. I can honestly say that if I had been told I couldn't bring my own photographer I think I would have given up my $200 deposit to switch resorts to one that would allow it. There are plenty of resorts to choose from on Jamaica that are beautiful options.

  5. I'm nearly there in terms of planning, which is a good thing given I leave in just about three weeks. My biggest to do is to figure out the music and get any playlists organized on my iPod. I also need to look at ceremony wording (e.g., readings, sand ceremony, vows), prepare wedding programs and do the welcom letter for the OOT bags. June will be focused on the odds and ends (hair appointments, teeth polishing, picking-up wedding dress) and, of course, packing.


    Unfortunately (or fortunately) this is only the first step done. When I get back, I'll have to finalize the details of the AHR and plan the honeymoon (Egypt in October).

  6. We mentioned the AHR in a single line on the STD. But, I understand your concern about people using it as an "easy out" to skip the wedding. The same thing has occurred to us - whether or not it is true. But, I also agree with the others that if the people can really be counted on to be there - they will be there. Those who use it as an easy out of attending the DW probably cannot be counted on to attend the DW.

  7. My photographer did not include the disk of all the pictures in the cost of the shoot. She would have charged me $200 for all of the edited pictures, if I had wanted it. I opted not to spend the money since an album came with it. I may live to regret that decision, but it is made. I also purchased a few extra pictures, but no where near $200 worth. But, I think the price of $200 seems fair. That is also what I paid for a disc of all of my engagement pictures.

  8. I really love thier Halo poweder. I had my wedding make-up planned out for me at the Smashbox counter at Nordstrom, and they used this. It goes on like a powder but then blends with your foundation - my best explanation. I never have been a big fan of how powders look but I really like this one.


    Also, I agree the brushes are expensive. But if you take care of them, they last forever, which is a small consolation.

  9. I agree up to the finale I liked Melissa and Gilles. But, I really thought Shawn's freestyle was the best. And, she really put a lot of effort (or so it appeared) into the dances on the final weeks. I did not think Melissa had her best performances in the finales.


    So You Think You Can Dance started last night with the city auditions. I enjoy that show as much as DWTS

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