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Posts posted by destination

  1. sorry I haven't been on in a long time ladies; busy w/ school, AHR, and now thank you notes! Lots of them.

    I do have a question for past brides that had the legal ceremony: how long did you have to wait for the english translation of your marriage license? In MN, they won't let me change my name until I have the English version. Since I am pretty sure I have already paid for this through the wedding package, I don't want to pay again here and then receive it in the mail. Please advise. Thanks ladies

  2. Depending on your number of guests, consider cutting out all the "bridesmaids duties" We had only 22 people at our wedding and decided to forgo bridesmaids and groomsmen. My girls wore coordinated dresses, that they all loved but didn't go all matchy matchy. It worked perfectly for us especially with a small group. I actually witnessed a wedding at our resort while we were there with more people standing in the gazebo than sitting outside watching; seems silly to me. Good luck with this one. Also, I say shop around for a travel agent that will work in the budget you are comfortable with.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Debs View Post
    LOL, Abbs. I think they had recommended once a week, and wash in hot water, but I always wash in cold?
    I think the hot water is more of an allergy precaution. It kills dust-mites. I'm super allergic so my allergist gave me that tid bit.
    I wash sheets at least once a week, but we usually shower at night anyway.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mc5363 View Post
    Here are the prices for all the photographers that I contacted. I decided to go with Michael Marrus of Cancun Photography.
    Um, not to freak you out or anything but you may want to read this review before you sign a contract with him. I hope the link works. I actually emailed back and forth with him when I was searching, got a wierd vibe and didn't contact him again. Right before I left for my wedding I saw this review, and was thankful I went with my gut. Could be a fluke, but he sounds like a diva.
  5. I think being a cry baby in the weeks and months before worked to my advantage. I was SO worried I would be a complete mess the day of and shake so bad I wouldn't be able to stand. I had a good cry by myself the day before the wedding, one minor freakout moment after getting dressed and my mom put on my necklace. One I saw my man, it was smooth sailing. No tears at all during the ceremony, but I think it helped that I could barely understand the officiant! LOL. Hang in there!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amberlynne87 View Post
    I keep doing the same thing to my mother and my bridesmaids. I send them links all the time now of dresses that I love. They think I'm insane because they think my dress is perfect as do I.

    I picked out my dress on my first day dress shopping. I tried on like 12 dresses or so. I really liked 3 of them and this one just felt like the one and thought it was perfect.

    But these dresses are so gorgeous! I want them all! =)

    Here's my dress:
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    The color looks white but it is actually ivory.
    On the model:
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.

    Another thing that makes me second guess myself, is I really like dresses with low backs and my dress doesn't really have a low back. I also like corset backs as well.

    Here are the dresses I like from Maggie Sottero:
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Click the image to open in full size.
    Sorry there's so many!
    Keep your dress; it is gorgeous and looks great on you
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cubsfan View Post

    Do you have pictures of how your table was set up? I thought of doing placecards in a miniframe.... that way they have another favor as well., but IM not sure yet! :)

    Thank you again!
    Cubsfan, I got the pic of the floral arrangement and cocktail setup from my SIL. If you get unbanned (does that happen?) let me know and I will figure out how to post the pics.

    Originally Posted by mc5363 View Post
    I have a question for all you ladies who have recently gotten married or will be in the near future. Where did your FI's and groomsmen purchase their clothing? We are having a terrible time choosing clothing for the guys.
    DH got his suit at Macy's it was Calvin Klein and looked quite nice. A kinda beigy color. My bro who walked me down the aisle just wore beige linen pants and a white short sleeve linen shirt. I think my SIL got them at Kohl's. I have actually seen a few shirts there that would be totally acceptable. If you wanna make people spend a little more go for Tommy Bahama shirts at Macy's
  8. get everyone in the house on tamiflu. Ironic tid-bit: the day before I left for Mexico the dad of the family I nanny for got the flu, when he went to the doc they gave the whole fam a prescription so nobody else caught it. I thought it was kinda ironic that everyone was SO worried about our wedding in Mexico with the whole H1N1 thing and here it was, the day before we left, in the home of the family that I nanny for. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

  9. I used a TA and saved myself and everyone a lot of time and hassle. So glad I did; one less thing to worry about. In fact I have not planned a vacation without a TA in 5 years and probably never will!

  10. I gave mine to him the night after our wedding before we left for our private dinner. This was not the original plan, but I didn't want to send it to his parents' room the day of the wedding where he was getting ready! Awkward! I'm glad I waited cuz I got to see the reaction first-hand and it was very special, a moment neither of us will soon forget. My only regret? Not having the camera ready, but the look on his face is forever etched in my memory

  11. My favorite moment: My bro walked me down the aisle because my dad died when I was 13, so I told him he better have some good one-liners for the long walk cuz it was a little emotional without my dad. Just as we were about to walk, a bunch of our guests began pointing at the sky above the gazebo and my song began playing: somewhere over the rainbow and there was a rainbow directly above the gazebo where my honey was waiting for me!! A message from my Dad? I like to think so!

  12. It was really important to DH's parents to have an AHR, less so for my mom but she wanted one. We got what we wanted (DW) and they have agreed to pay for the AHR so we agreed to show up. Everyone is happy. We just felt like this is very important to them, so we'll do it, afterall they have been looking forward to this our whole lives too and chose to be very supportive when we went for a wedding that was far less traditional than what they would have chosen for us.

  13. She sounds a lot like my DH's sister, who did not come to our wedding last weekend. If she had come, I really don't know what we would have doen with her whiny ass anyway. I don't understand the dynamice between DH and his sis cuz I am superclose with both of my sibs, but she is nuts and we both decded it was better that she wasn'

    t there. Everyone had a great time

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