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Posts posted by sunset78

  1. I didn't want my hubby to get a lap dance either, and he said he wasn't going to get them... but quite a few drinks later and some of his friends (not my fav ones in the first place) got him dances. I wasn't a happy camper about, but what's done is done. Then I said that's the last he'll ever get, and he doesn't have a choice in the matter for future reference. His regualr friends never got him dances, and they don't get them either because they know their wives/gf would have been po'ed.

  2. Zovirax is an excellent cream. It's the only thing that will clear my cold sores within a 1-3 days... before that they would last 2-3 weeks. Blistex use to make my cold sores worse. The last time I used Blsitex I end up with an infection on my entire top lip, and this is where I got prescribed Zovirax (plus antibotic to get rid of the infection).

  3. We loved most of the photos (might have been less than 5 we didn't like). She picked the photos to be printed and which one in which size. When I got my package it came with a photo album with smaller pics already in them, a package with the medium and large pics, and the CD was a pocket of the album in the back. She also picks which photos go on the CD as well (it includes the printed ones of course with others. You don't all the photos she takes, only the number in the package you get that she picks.)

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