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Posts posted by Marnie&Peter

  1. I am getting married at ROR April 2009 and we are thinking about going to Sandals Montego Bay for our honeymoon. We didnt want to make a long trek to get to another resort and then make another long trek back to the airport when we fly home....


    Has anyone recently been there? Would you recommend it?! We are just looking for a place to relax in the sun, enjoy ourselves..not too much into the partying scene. I have heard many complaints about the noises from the airport though..


    Just curious to see what people have to say about this resort and area! Thanks

  2. I am getting married at ROR April 2009 and we are thinking about going to Sandals Montego Bay for our honeymoon. We didnt want to make a long trek to get to another resort and then make another long trek back to the airport when we fly home....


    Has anyone recently been there? Would you recommend it?! We are just looking for a place to relax in the sun, enjoy ourselves..not too much into the partying scene. I have heard many complaints about the noises from the airport though..


    Just curious to see what people have to say about this resort and area! Thanks

  3. I have seen that many ROR brides complain that it was super windy on their wedding day..


    If you had to do your wedding day over again, would you opt OUT of having your veil??


    Just curious, I have no love attachments to veils or anything, so I wouldnt be opposed to not having one..and if everyone says its super windy and they would rather not have one then I would reconsider and put that money towards something else!



  4. I am so sorry, I dont mean to stress anyone out. I was just really really upset and frustrated when I found out that our date and time was double booked. We just recently booked and the people who also booked for our date booked way back in September!


    I just dont want this to happen to anyone else!!!! I found I got no where writing them but as soon as my Travel Agent wrote and called them she got thru no problem..

  5. Does anyone know if you can request Christopher taking pictures over Michael!? Or does he just step in when Michael can't do it. Does anyone know about this?

    From the pictures that I have seen, I much prefer the photos taken by Christopher and if I could request him to take them for my day, then I would go that route for sure!

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