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Posts posted by starryeyedbride2b

  1. Interesting thread! I currently make $50K, without a degree. I am currently working on getting my B.S. I do regret not getting a degree earlier in life because I know the earning potential for my current industry (Govt contracting company; I work on proposals) with a degree is another $30-40K, especially with my years of experience. Oh well! Just another few years. I also work as a consultant on the side doing the same type of work as my regular job, but that's not consistent work.


    I could switch career tracks to become an Exec. Assistant and make another $10-15K or so immediately, but not sure if that's the route I want to take. Sure could use the money with gas being $3.90/gallon!

  2. Good points, Lilpaisley. I just finished my brochure I'm going to send to my guests before the trip and I mentioned that Jamaica is relatively safe for tourists...use the same cautions you would at home in the U.S.


    I too have been to Jamaica and off the resort and have had no problems. Hopefully we'll have time to venture out this time! I love seeing the local areas.

  3. I wish you the best!!! I know your wedding will be wonderful and all of your hard work will pay off! You know we can't wait for your review and your pics!!! I'm dying to see the pond gazebo pics...that's where we're doing our ceremony too.


    Have fun and stay relaxed!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by memz View Post
    Can I ask who you had as a photographer??
    And where you're review so we can see your pics!!
    I was going to ask the same question...is this person interested in doing anymore work? I can't afford to fly in my own photographer and videographer for the wedding, and while Photoshop at the resort does a decent job, I would prefer a more "artistic" approach, I think! Right now, it looks like Michael/Photoshop is my only option, but if I can find someone already there for about than $800, that would be great!
  5. welcome.gif There are lots of ROR brides here! Make sure you look through the Jamaica threads. There's info on the types of flowers they offer, information about the restaurants, picture packages, and all sorts of other stuff. I don't have a lot of time right now so I can't direct you to the exact threads. Also check out the reviews from the brides that are just returning. They give good reviews and you get to see pictures.


    I'm finding that myself and a lot of the other brides or soon to be's are going with the free package and then doing any desired upgrades...a little less expensive than the "upgraded" packages they offer at the resort...Just a thought.

  6. I second that! Neither of us are Jamaican either, but I love the Caribbean/West Indian culture. FI and I actually hooked up while on a trip in Jamaica. The food and music are the best!


    I would like to have a few songs to play while our guests are being seated before the wedding. I'm going to check out some of the songs you all have already listed.

  7. Everything is soooo gorgeous!!! Your hair turned out really nice and I love your dress!


    You'll have to tell us where to get the orchids and how to string them...unless you have some left for sale (PM me if so)!


    Congratulations and welcome back! Pretty, pretty, pretty! :o)

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chicklet View Post
    Has anyone just done a dinner where you can order off the menu?? I have kind of a mixed group and some people may want steak and others may not. I would like for my guests to be able to choose what they would like to eat. Anyone know if this is possible??
    Mammee Bay has a menu with about 6 or so entree choices, including chicken, beef and seafood/fish. There's are a few menus for the restaurant posted in the Jamaica forum.
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