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Mrs. Martin

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Posts posted by Mrs. Martin

  1. Hi,


    Welcome to the forum! I got married at Riu las americas (next door to riu cancun) and I rented out the club at RIU cancun for the reception. That hotel is very pretty. I put a link below to the the RIU Cancun thread where you can find pics and info of the hotels. It has info on all three RIU's in Cancun (cancun, las americas, and caribe). There may not be as much info as you may need on Caribe, but it will be helpful because all three RIU's have the same rules/info and use the same WC.


    Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!



  2. Now a days, it seems like I eat everything in sight, but in particular I've really been into ice cream! I just had Cold Stone's "coconut cream pie" mix this weekend. It has french vanilla ice cream mixed with coconut shavings, crushed graham crackers, and whipped cream (YUMsmile78.gif). Yesterday, I bought Dreyer's Drumstick Ice cream. OMG-it's so good! It has chunch of Drumsticks inside of Vanilla ice cream!! Mmmmm, I want some right now....

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ValleyPTgirl View Post
    How long did it take you to hear back from the WC when you initially emailed her? I have sent her at least 5 emails requesting replys over the past month and she has responded to NONE of them! I know my wedding is 4 months away and she is busy but to not reply to any of them, I am getting a little nervous!!

    I think the longest it took was maybe a 1 or 1 1/2 weeks. I thought that was long- I would be furious if it took a month! Do you mind me asking who you are emailing and what email? I'll try to dig up an old email to make sure you have the same one I did.

    Try not to be nervous in the mean time!!!
  4. Ahhh, I can't stand couples like this!!!! Come on, is he seriously that insecure that he needs to know where his wife is going to be for a few hours?! I have never understood this....


    I'm sorry your BF's situation is ruining your plans, but I agree with the other girls and just ask someone else to go with you. Because even if her husband "allowed" her to go, she would probably tell him anyway. I hope it works out for you!

  5. Turns out my doc is on vacation, so a nurse called me right away. She suggested if I'm not feeling well right now (which I'm feeling fine) to go to Labor and Delivery to get checked. She did say that it's difficult to monitor this if I'm not actually having the episode of the irregular heart beat, so to go the hospital immediatly when I do get it again. She said that people who get irregular heart beats and are pregnant just feel the symptoms a lot greater than someone that isn't pregnant because the heart is working twice as hard. She said that it can either be nothing or something, so I should get checked to make sure I'm not causing the baby any stress with loss of blood flow. She also said not to stress and no working out. Well, now I'm stressed over this, so that's not going to help me any....

  6. Hi ladies,


    Yari- I can't wait to hear the gender results!! Good luck today!!


    Bisha- I love the colors you'll be using for the nursery! I can't wait to see pics!


    You ladies are fast with your baby organizing!!! I wish I was able to have my nursery set up, but we're still looking for another house and do not want to buy baby furniture or other large items until we move. If we don't find a house by June, then we'll start getting the nursery ready in the house we have now. I have my baby shower in June, so that will give me plenty of time to buy items that are still needed before the baby comes.


    I'm not sure if any of you have experienced this, but I began having irregular heart beats a few weeks ago and yesterday I had one that lasted a few hours. It scared the crap out of me!! My heart will begin to slow down and skip some beats, my chest gets heavy (not painful, only discomfort), and it takes more out of me to breathe normally. I read that it happens sometimes to pregnant women because your heart is working twice as much to pump blood and it usually doesn't harm you or the baby. It just scared me last night because it lasted so long and before this incident, the episodes had only lasted a few minutes. I emailed my doctor a few minutes ago, so I'll let you know what she says about it.

  7. Yes, I would tell your FI because since it's his side of the family, he may have more insight to what your FMIL and FSIL where thinking by not bringing anything. Are they upset over the wedding at all? Did you just invite them or his entire side of the family? My FMIL and FSIL were offended that all their side of the family (aunts, cousins, etc) were not invited to my bridal shower. My aunt hosted one for our side of the family and my friends and we kept it small, so adding all these extra people was just not an option. Although they did bring me a gift each, they made numerous remarks letting me know how they felt about it.


    Let us know what you find out if you speak to your FI about it!! Good luck!

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ValleyPTgirl View Post
    Can you give me some insight into how much you paid for this photography and how you booked them? I'm getting married at RPLA in July and am considering hiring an outside photographer.
    Thanks :)


    I used the associates, Diego and Vincent, from Del Sol (one for the wedding and the other for TTD). I recommend doing a search on this forum using "del sol" and you will get tons of info on them. They are also members of this forum. I'll PM you the price I paid because I don't want to quote you price and may be different now.

    If you do bring an outside photographer, you will have to pay a guest pass for each photographer. I was charged $75 for each pass.

    Here's a link to the RIU Cancun/Las Americas thread that may be helpful to you with your wedding planning there. There's tons of pics and info!

    Here's the link to the RIU thread:

    Here's the link to my RPLA review:
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by leo17 View Post
    Just looking for anyone whose been married there or who are.. Wanting to know how it is, any pointers, and paperwork needed. Thanks, SS

    I got married there in September. There's a thread about Riu Cancun/Las Americas with tons of info and pics in this same section of the forum. Check it out and it may help you with some of your questions. Feel free to ask me anything else you are wondering about!

    Here's the link to the RIU thread:

    Here's the link to my review:
  10. Thanks girls!


    Soon To Be Mrs. Gomez- Yeah, I'm trying not to stress out for the baby's sake, but it's so hard not to when I feel like we are running out of time! I'll let the hubby do most of the worrying for us both!


    sita- Yeah, we're glad we didn't get the house last year either because everything has dropped so much! The house we originally put an offer on a year ago was selling for 500k and now that it's being foreclosed, we're expecting to be listed at around 350k-380k, crazy huh?! Good luck with your house hunting too!


    I forgot to mention one other thing- I currently have a two-seater car and I need to purchase a larger vehicle before the baby comes. But, we can't finance anything until we get a house because banks want to see zero balances on your credit right now! It's wait until we get a house and hopefully have some time in between to look for a new car or pay the vehicle cash, but risk taking out too much from our savings where our lender may not approve our loan anymore. We were told to have as much as possible in our savings as we can since we are keeping our current property, the bank wants to see that we have enough to pay for 2 mortgages for at least 3 or 4 months worth incase anything happens to our income. Booo, one more thing to add to the plate!

  11. Sorry if this is long, but I'm beyond pissed off right now and I have to vent to you ladies!!


    DH and I started saving about 2 years ago for the day we were going to buy our first house together. About a year ago, DH started looking for a house and we decided to keep the one DH already had (the one we are now living in) and rent it out. So, we looked and put an offer on a shortsale (which was totally new to us, we had no clue what was involved) exactly one year ago. Apparently the house wasn't approved yet and it took almost 4 months for us to be told this, so we moved on. We looked for homes, but not too much because the wedding was getting closer. (Let me add that this same house never got approved and is now pending to get approved as a foreclosure, that's how crazy the market is out here)


    After the wedding we started looking again and found another house we liked. And at this time (end of November), home prices really started to fall so we were able to get much more for our $$ and we were so excited about this- not only are we going to pay less, but we have much more saved up than we did in the beginning of the year, so this makes everything perfect! Well, we put an offer on this house we liked, a shortsale again, but this time we hear back from the bank in two weeks and our offer was accepted. Everything was going great and after the house was appraised, we were going to start escrow and then we get some bad news. The owners of the home (on a shortsale the owners are still living there) filed for bankruptcy and now the house is frozen along with all their other assets. So, the bank goes to court to remove the house from owner's name and long story short, 2 1/2 months later it's done. But, now the house has to get reprocessed as a short sale (which is still not completed) and in the mean time, the previous owners decided to throw a party and trash the house, removed all the light fixtures, and removed all the shelves in the bedroom closets and pantry. So, now we still haven't heard anything, so we told the bank we are going to remove our offer by April 1st if we see nothing moving forward with this home. In the mean time, DH and I have been looking for houses, but 99% of the inventory out here seem to be short sales and most of them not approved which means it could take months again for our offer to get accepted! We tried looking at foreclosures, but the ones we liked already had multiple offers, so we just passed on them.


    So here's the issue- I'm 5 months pregnant and would like to move in to a house ASAP. We haven't started buying anything for the baby yet (furniture, bedding, etc) because we're hoping to get everything ready once we move. I don't want to move a few weeks before my due date, I'm going to be miserable if we have to move during this time. Plus, my DH's cousin is renting our house and his lease is up in July. We already agreed that he can move in during this time because DH and I thought we would be moved for sure by then. I'm just super annoyed at the fact that we have the $$ to buy a house, have well paying jobs, and we both have great credit and we can't buy a damn house. Yet, a few years ago almost anyone was given a home loan to buy a house even though they couldn't afford it and look at what that did to the housing situation!!! I'm just so stressed that we are not going to find anything in time! I just can't believe how crazy the housing market is out here in CA.


    Thanks for listening to me vent.....

  12. Andrea- congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Like Kelly said, try eating anything that sounds good because the important thing is to eat something. I was the same way in the beginning and now I can't stop eating everything in sight (except for steak, that's still gross to me). It will get better, just hang in there!!


    Kelly- no, I haven't had those pains yet. But, you are a month a head of me so maybe that's why. I have read that those pains are common though. Are you still getting them this week?


    How's everyone else doing?! My DH finally was able to feel the baby yesterday and was so excited. However, I think he's more paranoid about me now that he felt the baby because he wouldn't let me bend over yesterday or he was just watching my every move making sure I was ok! He's so funny!

  13. This is a great thread!!


    I had to vote NO! We didn't get to our room until 4 am and we were still pretty drunk so we just fell asleep. My DH didn't pass out as fast as I did and he unbuttoned my dress (which took forever because he was drunk)! Thank goodness he did that because I was so sweaty in that dress I would have been so uncomfortable sleeping in that darn thing! We actually didn't get to do it for a few days because the following day we had to wake up early for a family excursion (so no nookie time in the morning) and then at night my DH got really sick, so he went to bed early. The day after that, he felt better, but I got food poisoning and I was sick for 2 days and was not in the mood to do anything but be near a bathroom! Then, after all that we finally got to do it!!! Yay smile29.gif!

  14. Glad to hear everyone is doing well!


    Angel- good luck at the surgeon's appt!


    All is good on my side! I had an appt yesterday and it was pretty quick. Just the regular urine, weight, and blood pressure check up. Then, my doc did an ultrasound. Our baby reconfirmed to be a boy instantly when we saw the picture. He's so cute, he was just bouncing around in there. His kicks are starting to feel a bit stronger and I'm loving it, but my poor DH still hasn't been able to feel anything! I know he gets sad about it, but our doc said around 22 weeks we both should be able to feel his movement more frequently and stronger, so we'll see.


    I have a question for you all- Do any of you wear contacts? Have you had any problems with them since you have been pregnant? In to my 3rd month, my eyes began to get very itchy and dry, making my contacts very blurry and difficult to see with. The doc said it was a common side effect because of the extra blood flow in the body. I was just wondering if any of you were having to use eye drops or anything else to help during the day to help you see? I've been using Visine for Contacts, but it hasn't really helped me much.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. Everyone else has pretty much said what I want to say about the cold feet theory. Talk it out (only if you feel you want to) and see where it takes both of you next. Be strong for your daughter and I'm glad to hear you have a supportive family to help you through this. Good luck and we are all here to listen smile03.gif

  16. This is a great thread, I enjoy reading all these posts!


    Married life for us is completely different from before. We dated for over 2 1/2 years and then we were engaged for 9 months and I didn't move in with him until 1 week before the wedding. So, adjusting to the new living situation was hard. We got on each other's last nerve about a month after the wedding (and thank you to those of you who made me feel better when I posted a thread about it!). But, after we talked everything out and learned to live together, everything got a lot better! I really do love married life and I couldn't imagine my life any differently. I got pregnant about 1 1/2 months after the wedding, so we are both very excited about our little boy which will be arriving early August.


    Besides that, we are still looking for a house because so far everything we have put an offer on has been a short-sale and we decided NEVER to deal with those again!! They are a PAIN IN THE ASS!! So, it's crunch time because we want to be able to move in to a new house before the baby's arrival and with enough time to get the house ready. So, we are keeping our fingers crossed that we find something soon!

  17. Bisha- that is scary! I'm glad everything is ok. I don't feel my baby move as consistant yet, but I would imagine I would feel the same as you if it were me not feeling the usual kicks and turns in my belly. I'm glad you saw your doc because it's better to be safe than sorry!


    Kat-I'm glad you are feeling well! Those are all normal symptoms but I can't wait to hear about the others you get as you progress! I'm soooooo glad the nausea is finally over with!!!


    Yari and Jenn- Good luck with the BIG ultrasounds!! Any predictions on the gender?!


    As for me, last week when I had the big ultrasound, I also had my AFP test done. For those of you that read my last post about this, I mentioned I was really nervous because Kaiser kept calling my DH and I offering genetic counseling even before we took the test because DH's bro has Down Syndrome. We declined because we didn't want ourselves to get more stressed or nervous about something we didn't know the baby had/did not have. So, the nurse said we would be hearing from Kaiser in a week if the test came out positive. It's been over a week and we didn't hear from them and we are soooooo relieved! I'm glad that is over with and we could move on!

  18. I'm glad you started this thread, Bisha! I've been going back and forth whether or not to take these pics, too. I love looking at maternity pics, I just don't know if I would want to do them myself. It may just depend on what I look like closer to my due date blush2.gif!


    My thing is, I really want to have newborn pics done and so far from what i've seen, a newborn session can be a bit pricey. So, if I'm going to spend $ on pics, I would rather spend the $ on the newborn pics vs. maternity. If I find a photographer that won't charge me too much for both sessions, I will probably consider maternity pics a bit more.


    But, I say you should totally go for it!!!

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GeminiLibra View Post
    Congratulations Mrs. Martin on your baby boy, how exciting!
    Well, we had our appointment yesterday and we find out that we are having......... A GIRL!! My husband actually said girl all along and I kept flip flopping but we are so excited! Woohoo I am so happy I can't wait to but her shoes and little dresses, oh my goodness we are on cloud 9!
    Thanks! And congratulations to you!! How exciting!!! I'm jealous you get to buy all the cute clothes and accessories for a little girl! The funny thing is, even though I felt that I was having a boy, I was always checking out girl crib bedding or girly accessories. There are just so many items for little girls!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ddiinnyyeell View Post
    Did they play traditional bridal music mariachi style or did they just play whatever for walking down the aisle? Any chance you have video? :)
    I told them to play whatever the traditional song/s are for ceremonies because I didn't know of any. They did play a song (and for the life of me I can't remember the name right now) that referenced a girl walking down the aisle that is commonly used for the ceremony. I have the video at home, so I'll try to listen to it and see if I remember the name.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelly C View Post
    Awwww Congrats Mrs Martin....Any names yet?
    This has been a struggle because my DH and I can't really seem to agree on names. We both know we have to pick something that our families won't butcher because they all speak mostly Spanish and a lot of the names I like they can't say!

    So far, the names we have agreed to are Matthew or Isaac and our families are able to pronounce these perfectly.

    Originally Posted by Christine View Post
    congrats on the boy!!! that is so fantastic, my DH wasn't happy about finding out but it is nice to know ahead of time.
    Yeah, mine wasn't thrilled about it either, but now that he knows the gender, he's much more excited. He bought the cutest little blue onsie at his academy that said LAPD's FINEST yesterday and he's already talking about getting him in to baseball and buying him a quad; it's so funny!

    So, I think finding out was good for the both of us.
  22. I walked down the aisle to mariachi and I was so happy I did! I didn't use the hotel's mariachi because they were super expensive and I wanted to have the mariachi play for ceremony and cocktail hour. So, we went with Ajuawedding's mariachi and they were much more affordable and sounded great. Because we got married at an AI, we did have to pay guest passes for the mariachi members, but it was still cheaper than using the hotel's band.

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