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Posts posted by nikkianddean

  1. I think it is definitely the toughest time in our generation although it is nothing compared to what our granparents experienced in the great depression. In urban areas we do not feel it as much as people who live in say Detroit - people who have watched plant after plant close down and are left with no options to support their families. that makes me very sad. I am also disappointed/sad about all the people who lost their homes because they were approved for loans that were not appropriate for them. As far as IndyMac, the Fed coming in to bail them out was the best possible outcome for those customers. If not it would have all gone to zero sad.gif


    Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae are being helped out by the Fed now. Hedge funds are investments companies that can "short" a stock. Meaning, they speculate that the stock is going to fall in price so they borrow it from an investment bank and when the price falls (ideally to almost 0) they sell it back and profit from the difference in price. the Fed banned shorting Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to prtect them from short sellers. When the Fed steps in it is usually as a last resort to save a company, but some people would argue that is is unhealthy for the economy for the Fed to be so active. Ideally in a capatalist society the "weaklings" should be flushed out. Not sure I agree with that because of the impact on jobs etc....


    The economy is cyclical in nature and there are going to be valleys. it is tough, but you have to be optimistic about the future. The only question is the timing. For people who have disposable income now is a good time to buy stocks because they will inrease in value. just don't quote me on the date wink.gif


    hang in there yari!!! There's a light at th end of this tunnel!

  2. great thread amy! Thinking on the things we have done:


    *replaced paper towels with cloth napkins/cloth rags

    *recycle everything possible

    *limit the use of the furnace (but i do lov hot showers)

    *we both take public transportation to work

    *buy locally grown organic produce & meat (there is a farmer's market 3 blocks from us on saturdays)

    *turn off the power strip during the day

    *Use reusable coffee mugs, but I just gave up coffee this week, so i use it for water during my workouts

    *filed for paperless bills for all our utilities/credit cards



    I really like morgan's idea about the credit card offers. Thanks for the ideas ladies!!!

  3. congratulations!!! This is so exciting and your FI is going to be sooo excited! I would definitely wait until after the wedding to share with everyone, although if you normally drink that will be a hrad one to explain to the guests...maybe you can tell them you are taking medication that you can't mix with alcohol :P


    PS- i think everyone drinks during the first weeks of their pregnancy. every one of my friends was drinking during conception - that's how you got pregnant smile120.gif and we always count back the weeks like, wow you were pregnant that night you drank and fell down at your party....


    in any case congrats - this is such exciting news!!!

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